Документальный фильм об истории принцессы Дианы, рассказанный исключительно на основе ранее неопубликованных архивных материалах, создающий захватывающее повествование о ее жизни и смерти. Кроме того, исследуется глубокое влияние, которое эти события оказали на отношение общества к монархии.
Ranvir Singh unravels the story of how an entitled daughter of a billionaire sank into shame and disgrace through her friendship with paedophile Jeffrey Epstein.
For young people in Iran, it can seem that everything is forbidden. Even wearing ties or owning a dog risks the wrath of the "Gasht e Ershad" - the virtue police. But after 40 years of theocracy, Iranians have learned to create their own safe havens. Specialists in resourcefulness, they skirt, arrange, transgress. Ready to risk anything for those special moment of fun and relaxation...
An inside look into the lives of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry straight from experts, socialites and friends intimately connected with the House of Windsor.
Отец Виктории, герцог Кентский, умер, когда дочери не было и года. В 11 лет она осознала, что ей предначертано стать королевой Британской империи. Еще совсем юная, она сумела добиться уважения и любви своего народа.Виктория пробыла на троне более 63 лет — больше, чем любой другой британский монарх. Викторианская эпоха совпала с периодом наибольшего расцвета Британской империи. Но для нее самые счастливые годы — те, что она любила и была любима.
This short film is a combination of live-action and animation. It is done in the style of the chalk drawings seen in the original "Mary Poppins" film and was produced exclusively for the 40th Anniversary Special Edition DVD released in December of 2004. Julie Andrews and two children magically enter the animated world of the chalk drawings to experience this whimsical tale based on one of the chapters from the original series of "Mary Poppins" books.
The Grand Knockout Tournament (colloquially also known as It's a Royal Knockout) was a one-off charity event which was shown on British television on 19 June 1987. It followed the format of It's a Knockout (the British version of Jeux Sans Frontieres), a slapstick TV gameshow which was broadcast in the UK until 1982. The event was staged on the lakeside lawn of the Alton Towers stately home-cum-theme park. However, the event used its own specially created immersing set, meaning that the location was not very recognisable in the TV broadcast.