Four tragicomic interconnected stories about how devoted Muslim men and women are trying to manage their love life and desires without breaking any religious rules.
A bride-to-be is forced to reevaluate her life when she reunites with her family in Jordan and finds herself confronted with the aftermath of her parents’ divorce.
A few weeks before the 2003 invasion of Iraq, an underground blogger risks his life by travelling from Baghdad to London to campaign for the lifting of UN Sanctions on Iraq. As political intrigue thwarts his heartfelt attempts to highlight the suffering of his people under the sanctions, he takes refuge at Mesocafé, a little Baghdad in West London. With their Arab, Assyrian, Jewish and Kurdish heritage, members of the Iraqi community allow him into their lives, sharing with him their stories and dreams. It is here that he meets the beautiful Bisan.
Во Франции террористические группы и разведка ведут битву в ежедневной безжалостной войне во имя радикально противоположных идеологий. Тем не менее, террористические и тайные агенты ведут почти одинаковый образ жизни. Алекс и Аль-Барад — два из них. Первый глава из DGSE, французский эквивалент ЦРУ или MI6 по борьбе с терроризмом, а второй руководит террористической сетью.