Silma López

Silma López

Рождение : 1991-07-03, Madrid, Spain


Silma López
Silma López


13 изгнаний дьявола
Один спиритический сеанс изменил жизнь молодой девушки навсегда. Вызвав нечто потустороннее, юная Лаура становится проводником тёмных сил в наш мир. Чтобы вернуть любимую дочь, семья девушки обращается к опытному священнику. Теперь им предстоит пережить тринадцать обрядов экзорцизма, каждый из которых страшнее и непредсказуемее предыдущего...
A heartless boyfriend, a deaf neighbor and a tiny dog are Carla's only hope the day she gets locked in the bathroom of her apartment.
Deseo follows Selene, a Spanish woman living in New York, on an evening in Williamsburg. Unsatisfied with her own life and intrigued by a woman she meets that night, Selene seizes an opportunity to "help" this woman in need, immersing herself in her reality. The line between helping without asking and taking advantage of her then becomes blurry.
Cuento de verano
After four years of living together, Léa dumps Mario. He is going to have to spend the loneliest summer of his life locked up in his Madrid apartment, with multiple broken bones. But this summer promises to be a journey in search of happiness, without leaving the downtown district. This trip will change the life of Mario, Chica, a mysterious young woman who appears on his doorstep, and Olmo the young and sassy neighbor, in love with Mario.
Good Night, Said Miss Bird
Our Last Weekend
Diana will be promoted at the office and wants to celebrate it. She invites her workmates Lisi, Leo and Roque to her grandmother's house. The village looks deserted and, event hough the guys don't know it yet, it hides a big secret. Enjoying the sun, the beach, drinking and parting during three days became a perfect environment to let out every kind of feelings, resentments, attractions and tensions .. They are not as lonely as they believe, and even more, this could be the last weekend for more than one of them...
8 свиданий
«8 cвиданий» — это 8 коротких сюжетов, объединенных одной темой. Это комедия обо всех стадиях отношений.