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Фильм повествует о трех друзьях детства, которые спустя много лет пересекаются, чтобы сравнить свой жизненный опыт, пролить свет на страшные воспоминания далекого прошлого и переосмыслить свое настоящее.
Fantine (11) goes with her father to the lab where he analyses the remains of Agnès Sorel. A skull, a few bones, it is all that is left from the famous mistress of Charles VII. Fantine soon discovers that Agnes' ghost came to live at her place. She needs her help.
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Okay, Marie is a little tired of the insouciance of her husband Sam, framework sup unemployed for 2 years. Agree, it is very tempted to be seduced by this beautiful stranger who made him the Court. Okay, there is also the daughter piano competition... If this balance light and crazy about standing, an unexpected event throws the family on an even crazier way.
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Политический триллер о том, к чему может привести журналистское расследование, с Жилем Леллушем в главной роли. Разоблачение журналистом Дэни Робером темных делишек банковской фирмы Clearstream, вызывает настоящую бурю в европейском финансовом мире. Продолжая разбираться в хитросплетениях сомнительных международных банковских операций, Робер знакомится с судьей Рено ван Раимбеке, возглавляющим масштабное расследование коррупционных схем. Вскоре совместные поиски позволяют им сделать выводы, обнародование которых может иметь весьма серьезные последствия для Франции и всей Европы.
Juliette was simply not sure about coming to live in this residential suburb of the greater Paris metropolitan area. All the women here are in their forties, have children to raise, houses to keep and husbands who return home late at night.Today she has an appointment in Paris that is important for her career, but she also has to run errands and pick up the kids from school. During the course of her day, monopolized by petty, everyday tasks, Juliette can feel the noose of domestic obligations and household chores slowly tightening around her neck.
Paris 2011. Alex is 27. He's lives off dealing and pays the debts of his brother, Isaac, who after being his support has now become dead weight. When his cousin announces he's going to open a restaurant in Tel Aviv, Alex imagines he can join him and change his life. Set on emigrating, Alex has to find money, leave his beloved Paris, end his complicated love life, drop his destructive brother and find his way.
Il y a des jours où le destin entrecroise les vies, où les solitudes s'animent sous l'effet du hasard, où un événement bouleverse le cours de plusieurs vies. Six personnages vont se croiser, se réunir, s'abandonner, se retrouver alors que rien ne les prédisposait à se rencontrer. Un lien existe pourtant entre eux. Et le destin va se charger de le leur rappeler.