Marc Cinquanta


In the Dark
Armed with a camcorder, a circle of friends parties at an abandoned insane asylum where, five years earlier, they caused a young patient's death. But their fun turns to fright when the consequences of their heinous crime catch up with them. Will they get out alive, or are they doomed? And what will the tapes reveal?
In the Dark
Armed with a camcorder, a circle of friends parties at an abandoned insane asylum where, five years earlier, they caused a young patient's death. But their fun turns to fright when the consequences of their heinous crime catch up with them. Will they get out alive, or are they doomed? And what will the tapes reveal?
In the Dark
Armed with a camcorder, a circle of friends parties at an abandoned insane asylum where, five years earlier, they caused a young patient's death. But their fun turns to fright when the consequences of their heinous crime catch up with them. Will they get out alive, or are they doomed? And what will the tapes reveal?
In the Dark
Armed with a camcorder, a circle of friends parties at an abandoned insane asylum where, five years earlier, they caused a young patient's death. But their fun turns to fright when the consequences of their heinous crime catch up with them. Will they get out alive, or are they doomed? And what will the tapes reveal?
In the Dark
Armed with a camcorder, a circle of friends parties at an abandoned insane asylum where, five years earlier, they caused a young patient's death. But their fun turns to fright when the consequences of their heinous crime catch up with them. Will they get out alive, or are they doomed? And what will the tapes reveal?
In the Dark
Armed with a camcorder, a circle of friends parties at an abandoned insane asylum where, five years earlier, they caused a young patient's death. But their fun turns to fright when the consequences of their heinous crime catch up with them. Will they get out alive, or are they doomed? And what will the tapes reveal?
Бойцовский клуб
Space Monkey (uncredited)
Терзаемый хронической бессонницей и отчаянно пытающийся вырваться из мучительно скучной жизни клерк встречает некоего Тайлера Дардена, харизматического торговца мылом с извращённой философией. Тайлер уверен, что самосовершенствование — удел слабых, а саморазрушение — единственное, ради чего стоит жить.