Jean L'Italien

Jean L'Italien


Jean L'Italien


Two Days Before Christmas
The choral film tells the intertwined destinies of several characters that we will follow in the frenzy of the day before Christmas.
Maxime is a miner with a troubled past. After an explosion at his mine, Maxime attempts to find redemption by saving his fellow miners.
Heritage Minutes: Sir George-Étienne Cartier
Sir George-Étienne Cartier
Québec's Father of Confederation negotiates entry into Union of his home province, as well as Manitoba and British Columbia.
Heritage Minutes: Sir John A. Macdonald
Sir George-Etienne Cartier
Canada's first Prime Minister outlines his vision for Confederation en route to the Charlottetown Conference.
Пригласи меня домой
Литературный критик Феликс Лежандр, известный язвительностью и острым языком, в пух и прах разгромил первую книгу молодой писательницы Селин Буржуа, лишив ее веры в себя. Теперь она ненавидит злобного критика и винит его во всех своих неудачах. Однажды полиция задерживает Феликса за пьяное вождение, и в наказание он должен пройти общественные работы, примкнув к группе волонтеров, которые помогают подвыпившим горожанам добраться до дома. Среди волонтеров он встречает молодую писательницу и влюбляется в нее с первого взгляда, не подозревая, кто она. Селин же, напротив, прекрасно помнит автора убийственной рецензии. Уж теперь-то самовлюбленный критик побывает в самых смешных ситуациях и узнает, что такое изощренная женская месть! Но Лежандр так очарователен и так беззаветно влюблен, что Селин уже сама готова уступить нахлынувшим чувствам и позабыть о прошлых обидах. Но вскоре у нее появляется повод думать, что в действительности Феликс ведет свою коварную игру.
Evil Words
Charles Monette
One day, for no apparent reason, a cop kills 11 children. The same day, horror novelist Thomas Roy tries to commit suicide after cutting his fingers. At first glance, nothing seems to link the two events – until Dr. Paul Lacasse, a disillusioned psychiatrist, takes over the case. Prompted by his colleague Jeanne, a fan of Thomas Roy, Dr. Lacasse investigates the writer’s past. Hounded by a gossip columnist, Dr. Lacasse uncovers a series of troubling facts that bolster his convictions about the case. As he tries to reassemble the pieces of the puzzle in order to better treat the famous writer, Dr. Lacasse is dragged further and further into a series of events, with terrifying consequences.
Heritage Minutes: Orphans
Adoptive Father
French Canadian families adopt Irish orphans in the 1850s while allowing them to maintain part of their Irish heritage.
Le party
Helper (follow spot)
At a maximum security prison, there is preparation for the annual party where entertainers and strippers are scheduled to perform. But not everyone is having fun. A man is sent to solitary, his wife has a nervous breakdown, and a convict prepares to make a daring escape.
Blanche est la nuit
While jogging on the Jacques-Cartier Bridge, Michel sees a young woman trying to commit suicide. He takes her into his home and a love affair begins that both saves and destroys each of them.
A Paper Wedding
Garçon italien
A woman agrees to a marriage of convenience with a refugee.
Sortie 234
Sortie 234 portrays Renaud's passion for Frank. A passion that reaches its bursting point. But between these two poles of attraction, there is Lucille, Frank's love. Lucille, whom Renaud tries to approach. Lucille who becomes the link between the two men. 'Sortie 234' constitutes a trajectory, beings both similar and different will try if not to join, at least to join and understand each other. You never know what can change your life.