Oscar Fogelström


Gone Ghosting is a popular ghost hunting team that earned millions from live broadcasts and selling merch. One day, their cameraman leaves and leaks evidence that Alex faked the investigations. Lise, Catta, Sandro, and Polly join the group to live-stream a ghost hunt to prove that everything is real. They break into a place where legend says everyone has died and do the craziest broadcast ever live.
Original Music Composer
A group of social media experts are hired to help an old family business to strive. But they soon find themselves stuck on a tiny island in a lake in which an ancient Swedish witch is said to live.
A group of friends experiences terror because of a prank that went wrong.
Death of a Girlfriend
Music Director
When Christine was found brutally killed in the woods, her boyfriend, a forest ranger and a farmer are summoned for inquest. Each has a version to tell. But as the case deepens, they discover the shocking truth.
Sincerely Yours
When school starts again after the holidays, a teenager with mental illness who's endured bullying far too long, decides not to show up in class. Instead, he is planning a revenge on his tormentors...
The passenger ship Aurora mysteriously collides into the rocky sea threatening an entire island. A young woman and her sister must both survive by finding the missing dead for a bounty.
A young woman is found unconscious in a city street - claims to be another person who was brutally murdered two months earlier - escapes from a psychiatric hospital in order to prove her identity and find the truth about her life, her death, and her murderer.
A young woman is found unconscious in a city street - claims to be another person who was brutally murdered two months earlier - escapes from a psychiatric hospital in order to prove her identity and find the truth about her life, her death, and her murderer.
Original Music Composer
В пригороде Стокгольма в раздевалке спортивного клуба найден зверски убитый мужчина. Позже в его доме обнаруживают зарубленных с чудовищной жестокостью жену и маленькую дочь. Похоже, убийца задался целью вырезать всю семью, однако тяжело раненный сын выжил. Комиссар уголовной полиции Йона Линна узнает, что в живых остался еще один член семьи — старшая сестра мальчика. Он понимает: необходимо найти девушку до того, как это сделает убийца. Чтобы поскорее допросить единственного свидетеля, Иона Линна связывается с врачом Эриком Марией Барком и убеждает его загипнотизировать мальчика. Только так можно получить описание преступника. Эрик нарушает свое давнее обещание отказаться от занятий гипнозом. И цепочка невероятных событий начинает неумолимо разматываться…
Sean Banana Inside Seanfrica
Original Music Composer
Sean & Kikki fly to Africa to record the coolest video ever.