John Cardiel


Antihero: Fantastic Voyage
Friendships and traveling... down the block or to foreign lands, the streets of the world are calling to you and your skateboard to come take a rip. Life is a trip.. but with a board under your feet its a trip of a lifetime.
Бренд №1 в производстве обуви и одежды для скейтбординга представляет свое долгожданное, первое в истории компании полнометражное видео о скейтбординге как глобальном понятии – PROPELLER. В фильме, режиссером которого выступил известный Грег Хант, представлены одни из наиболее знаменитых личностей в современном скейтбординге, а также настоящие легенды и первопроходцы в этом деле. PROPELLER представляет собой всеохватывающий снимок современного скейтбординга, создать который было под силу только Vans.
Anti Hero - Destination Unknown
Isn't life strange, and rad, and fucked up... Thank fucking skateboarding for the grounding and perspective in this shit stew of consumer capitalism and naked hypocrisy. Keep it raw. Keep it lurkie. - The management
Anti Hero - Tent City
Tent City was filmed during a month on the road in Australia and features John Cardiel, Tony Trujillo, Peter Hewitt, Max Schaaf, Steve Bailey, Matt Rodriguez, Julien Stranger, Frank Gerwer and Tony Miorana.
Transworld - Sight Unseen
Sight Unseen remains a veritable how-to when it comes to crafting a proper skate video: from John Cardiel setting the template for all-terrain skating to Tosh Townend’s break-out part, the frenzy of Dustin Dollin to Heath Kirchart’s timeless skating paired with “Nights In White Satin.” Top it all off with Henry Sanchez crawling out from retirement to give his final one-two punch to skateboarding.
Anti Hero - Cow
Andy Roy, Bob Burnquist, Eric J, John Cardiel, Julien Stranger, Sean Young, Tony Trujillo
Anti-Hero's Fucktards
Anti-Hero's Fucktards video featured John Cardiel, Bob Burnquist, Julien Stranger, Eric J, Sean Young and friends.
Anti Hero - Cash Money Vagrant
The Anti-Hero Cash Money Vagrant video featured John Cardiel, Tony Trujillo, Frank Gerwer, Julien Stranger, Peter Hewitt, Brian Seber, Eric J and Tim Upson