Based on the life of pioneering manga artist Shinichi Abe, "Miyoko asagaya kibun" starts from the 1970's in Asagaya District of Tokyo where Shinichi Abe began his career with then model girlfriend Miyoko.
Original Story
Uninvolved with the political movements of the time, Ichiro and Sachiko hope for something better, but they’re no revolutionaries; their spare time is spent drinking, smoking, daydreaming, and sleeping—together and at times with others.
Uninvolved with the political movements of the time, Ichiro and Sachiko hope for something better, but they’re no revolutionaries; their spare time is spent drinking, smoking, daydreaming, and sleeping—together and at times with others.
A documentary exploring the history and influence of the alternative manga magazine, Garo, with various artist and director interviews.
Comic Book
Based on the comic Red Colored Elegy by Seiichi Hayashi
Debut film from manga artist Seiichi Hayashi. A boy and a girl from the same hometown reunite in the big city and sleep together one night. But, the girl reveals the following day that she is engaged to someone else...
Debut film from manga artist Seiichi Hayashi. A boy and a girl from the same hometown reunite in the big city and sleep together one night. But, the girl reveals the following day that she is engaged to someone else...
Art Direction
История японского подростка из неблагополучной семьи. Его бабушка страдает старческим маразмом, сестра любит своего кролика на грани сексуальной одержимости, а отец отводит юношу к проститутке, чтобы тот стал мужчиной. Пережив множество тяжелых жизненных ситуаций юноша разочаровывается в людях и собственной жизни. От ярости он сбегает из дома и оказывается на улице. Главная история фильма разбивается короткими рассказами различных людей, которые помогают сложить цельную картину явлений в обществе Японии в 60-70-е годы.
Independent animation by Hayashi Seiichi.
Independent animation by Hayashi Seiichi.