Wyndham Goldie

Wyndham Goldie

Рождение : 1897-07-05, Rochester, Kent, England, UK

Смерть : 1957-09-26


Wyndham Goldie


The Strange World of Planet X
Brigadier Cartwright
Near a small English village, a scientific team is conducting experiments with magnetic fields, the results of which may have military applications but the intensification of which seem to be connected to UFO reports, a series of murders, an enormous insect egg, and a strange visitor with exceptional scientific knowledge. Released in USA as THE COSMIC MONSTER.
Brothers in Law
Mr. Smith
Roger Thursby is an overly keen, newly-qualified barrister who rubs his fellow barristers up the wrong way. When he is thrown in at the deep-end, with a particularly hot-tempered judge and tricky case, Thursby learns how to prove himself not only to the judge and fellow barristers but also to the public gallery.
The Secret
Doctor Scott
An American loses all his money and finds himself stranded in England. He finds hope when he meets a female smuggler who has brought jewels into the country inside a teddy bear, but unfortunately, things quickly get out of hand.
Ночной поезд в Мюнхен
осле захвата Гитлером Чехословакии Анна Бомаш арестована. Ее отец, Аксель, располагающий ценной и нужной нацистам технической информацией, бежал в Англию. Анна заключена в концлагерь. Там она знакомится с Карлом Марсеном, с которым ей удается бежать в Англию, а в Лондоне она вступает в контакт с исполнителем мьюзик-холла Гасом Беннеттом, якобы британским агентом, в надежде, что тот свяжет ее с отцом. Но и дочь, и отец обмануты Марсеном, он оказывается агентом гестапо, и попадают в Германию. Нацисты угрожают Анне расправой, чтобы добиться согласия отца на сотрудничество. Беннет следует за ними в Германию, где и узнает, что дочь и отец должны быть на ночном поезде в Мюнхен. Он садится на тот же поезд и освобождает отца и дочь. Вся троица бежит в Швейцарию. За ними гонятся Марсен и эсэсовцы.
Girl in the News
Edward Bentley
An elderly lady manages to sneak some pills away from her nurse and dies of an overdose. The nurse is tried for murder and acquitted. Some time later the nurse, under a new name and identity, cares for a patient who also dies of an overdose. When her real identity comes out, suspicions arouses.
Inspector Hornleigh on Holiday
Sir George Winbeck
During a holiday by the British seaside, Hornleigh and Bingham grow bored and turn their hand to investigating a local crime.
The Arsenal Stadium Mystery
During a charity football match between Arsenal and touring amateur side Trojans, the Trojan's new star player collapses and dies. Inspector Slade of Scotland Yard is called in and declares it was murder. It takes all his ingenuity and another death before the motive is discovered and the killer revealed.
Sixty Glorious Years
Arthur J. Balfour
Continuing the story of 'Victoria the Great'.
The Last Chance
John Worrall
Alan Burmister leaves Devon on a secret gun-running expedition immediately after his engagement to Mary Perrin is announced; he returns at Christmas to find himself accused of the murder of Ivor Connel, a moneylender. Mary's father had always hoped that his daughter would marry John Worrall, a rising barrister. Worrall is briefed for the defence, but when he loses the case and Alan is condemned to penal servitude for life, no one but the judge realises that he has not made use of the best piece of defence evidence...
Victoria the Great
Cecil Rhodes
The film biography of Queen Victoria focussing initially on the early years of her reign with her marriage to Prince Albert and her subsequent rule after Albert's death in 1861.
Под кардинальской мантией
Edmond, Duke of Fiox (as F. Wyndham Goldie)
Действие этого фильма происходит во Франции, в начале XVII-го века, в годы царствования Людовика XIII. Вся полнота власти принадлежала в то время кардиналу Ришелье, который беспощадно преследовал гугенотов — противников абсолютизма и католической церкви.
The Black Mask
British crime film directed by Ralph Ince
Man of the Moment
Jason Randall
Love blossoms after a young man rescues a pretty girl who attempted to drown herself.
Crime Unlimited
Conway Addison
A young police academy recruit tries to break up a gang of thieves.
Lorna Doone
Chief Judge Jeffries (London)
High drama, set in the English moorland of the 1600's. John Ridd wants revenge on the criminal Doone family, but falls in love with the daughter of the family, Lorna.