Lhuillier - un clochard
Finding himself unemployed overnight, Louis Salavin lets himself go into an incurable laziness despite the support of his friends and his mother...
Grand-père Billois
An old man against the public housing project.
An off-beat, uneven tale about a man intent on suicide and the three people who try to talk him out of it, Pantalaskas stars American Carl Studer in the title role of the morose, would-be suicide. Set in Paris and taking place over an entire night, the story has a complication in that the trio who want to prevent the suicide do not speak the man's language -- he is Lithuanian and speaks no French. So the protagonists comb the underbelly of a nighttime Paris, looking high and low but mostly low for anyone who speaks Lithuanian. Depending mainly on dialogue for its impact, the verbose drama reveals how the protagonists undergo a transformation as the night wears on.
Félix, le clochard aux chiens
Ветеран-клошар Архимед уже казалось бы нашел теплое местечко накануне обещающей быть суровой зимы. Однако его изгоняют из строящегося здания, и теперь срочно требуется «запасной аэродром». Таковым могла бы стать… тюремная камера. Но оказывается, что получить «путевку» в нее не так уж и просто. Архимед подходит к этой задаче ответственно и изобретательно, но… безрезультатно. Ни воровство в кафе, ни вмешательство в ход военного парада, ни залихватский скандал в метро не приводят к нужному результату. И тогда Архимед решает отправиться на юг, к Лазурному берегу…
Экранизация романа Федора Михайловича Достоевского.
Albert Benoît
В автомобильной аварии с участием знаменитого пластического хирурга сильно пострадал преподаватель арифметики. В качестве компенсации хирург предлагает жене преподавателя сделать пластическую операцию, которая превратит её в необыкновенную красавицу. Но это не приносит им счастья.
Mr Grillot, le garagiste
Léon, le patron du bistrot
Jojo’s ambition is to become a gangster, but to be admitted into a gang he has to prove himself by committing a daring act. To that end, he kills someone in broad daylight, not knowing that his victim is an actor who is playing a scene in a film directed by a cranky film-maker (Darry Cowl). The murder is caught on film, leading Commissaire Bernard (Michel Simon) to think that the killer will be easy to find. Sure enough, Bernard soon makes his arrest, a clown from a circus, but then he faces an almost insurmountable problem. The clown has an identical twin, who is also a clown with the same circus. Both men claim to be innocent…
One evening, professor André Barret sees the author of a murder in the darkness; cafe owner Cordelec is the victim. From then on, his suspicions fall on one of his students who had just arrived in his class, Bernard Cormiere.
Father Rapine
In a port area of France, clashes between a gang of young delinquents and a tribe of gypsies.
The Swiss
An honest rep becomes the leader of a gang.
Un Cocher
Профессор университета беседует со студентами в форме «ясного признания в любви» и рассказывает им о разных исторических фактах, которые складываются в историю Парижа… Это история Шарля VII и Аньес Сорель, создание типографии при Луи X, Лувр во времена Франсуа I, Варфоломеевская ночь, убийство Анри III монахом-фанатиком, процесс над Марией Антуанеттой, Парижская коммуна, дело Дрейфуса и другие…
le portier de l'Arc en ciel
Felix - l'oste
История семьи Рикорди, самого престижного музыкального издателя во всей Италии.
Le Quellec
На маленький прибрежный остров приезжает врач Мари Прю. Её профессиональный долг — лечить людей. Но прежде Мари предстоит преодолеть недоверие жителей острова и доказать всем, что она способна выполнять эту работу не хуже мужчин. Первой пациенткой стала маленькая девочка по имени Элин и Мари смогла её вылечить. Этот случай привлек к Мари внимание успешного инженера Андре Лоранзи, между ними разгорается страстный роман.
Padre di Mariuccia
Stuck in a loveless marriage, bourgeois industrialist Francois falls in love with Janine, another man's wife. Francois sets up Janine as his mistress, and she, mercenary soul that she is, likes the set-up so much that she continues the relationship even when her own husband returns from WW II. In the long run, however, Janine is the loser in the situation.
Mr. Tellier
Пьер, не придя ночью домой, говорит жене, что ночевал у своего друга Робера, не зная при этом, что Робер в ту ночь совершил аварию и скрылся с места происшествия, за что имеет теперь неприятности с полицией. Таким образом Пьер становится соучастником преступления. Выбрав из двух зол меньшее, он наконец говорит правду и пытается убедить полицейских, что ночь он провёл у Моник, подруги своего коллеги Жака.
Arthur - the leader
Two scriptwriters argue about the fate of Henrietta, a charming and gamine shopgirl. One favors a comical path for their heroine, who is overcome with sentimental love for a young photographer on Bastille Day. The other has a more thrilling and dastardly fate in mind for her. Among the film's irresistible conceits is Hildegarde Neff as an oversexed circus bareback rider.
Julien Barbezat, concierge
Mr and Mrs Barbezat,Concierges are to marry their only daughter to a butcher's boy. Both the in-laws and the groom have an obsession: come what may, they are keen on honoring their engagements: promises are made to be kept is their motto. And when, on the wedding day, the unfortunate parents cannot provide the newly weds with...the "Mérinos" mattress which is part of the bride's Trousseau ,they are desperate. The husband will spend the whole wedding festivities trying to keep his word.
Получив в наследство брачное агентство, новый владелец, ранее презрительно относившийся к этому роду деятельности, постепенно начинает открывать для себя его позитивные стороны.
Людская молва о том, что в гостинице, которой владеют супруги Мартены, убивают постояльцев, давно разнеслась по окрестностям, и все старались обходить это заведение стороной. Но как-то зимним вечером, когда деваться было некуда, в гостинице остановились несколько пассажиров дилижанса. Вероятно, им бы тоже было несдобровать, но до них в эту же гостиницу прибыл бедный и наивный, но обаятельный монах с послушником Жану. Хозяйка на исповеди рассказала ему об их семейных злодеяниях, он так испугался, что собирался уйти, но от этого категорически отказался послушник, влюбившийся в дочь Мартенов. Монах остался - и не зря - он все же навел порядок в гостинице!
direttore parigino dei vagoni letto
Vincenzo, a railwayman who works on the Rome-to-Paris line, has a wife in Italy and a mistress in France: Ginette, a widow with a four-year-old daughter. When he's offered a job in Paris he decides to move, but unfortunately his wife and petulant brother-in-law insist on accompanying him to Paris, and he must decide between the two women in his life.
The narrator (voice)
The carefree Bertrand, gamekeeper for a castellan, puts himself in danger when he discovers that his boss is the leader of a gang of counterfeiters.
Le tapissier
Парижский таксист Эмиль Готье подвозит с лионского вокзала провинциальную девушку по имени Тереза, приехавшую в Париж, чтобы найти своего бывшего возлюбленного, журналиста Форестье, от которого она ждёт ребёнка, и который исчез, не оставив ей даже адреса. У Терезы нет денег для длительного пребывания в Париже, а найти Форестье никак не удаётся. Наконец она узнаёт, что он уже женат, и пытается покончить с собой, но её спасает Эмиль.
Thomas Viaud
После похорон отца, Мари устраивается работать в кабачок. Там она знакомится с цивильным мужом старшей сестры, которая приехала на похороны. Между ними пролетает искра заинтересованности... Одиль ле Флемм - девушка из многдетной семьи. Она приехала из провинциального городка Пор-ан-Бессен в Шербур и стала любовницей владельца ресторана, Анри Шателяра. Шателяр и Одиль приезжают на родину девушки на похороны ее отца. После похорон Шателяр знакомится с сестрой Одиль - Мари, следующей по возрасту в семье. Мари влюбляется в него...
Employed in a beauty salon, Amédée must undergo a pentothal injection. The dose is too strong; suddenly Amédée reveals the truth to everyone; to clients of the institute; to his cheating wife; to his boss that he robs; to the tax collector; etc. When the effects of the truth serum wear off, everyone returns contentedly to their little swamp.
A sensitive teen-age boy survives the brutalities of a country training school.
Lui-même en majordome - puis en machiniste de théâtre minable
В этом скетче-комедии, сравниваемом с американским фильмом «Ад раскрылся» (1941), разыгрывается спектакль, посвященный свадьбе дворянина, но результаты его плачевны.
Pochet (as Carette)
Young Amélie is currently enjoying life as the kept woman of her reasonably well off boyfriend Étienne. But when Étienne is called off for military duty, he enlists his playboy friend Marcel to keep an eye on her....something of a problem seeing that he is currently looking for a woman with which to create a sham marriage so he can quickly inherit a large sum of money from his father. Then suddenly the Prince of Palestra enters into the picture and boldly asks for Étienne's romantic favors to assess whether or not he would consider taking her as his bride. What's a free-spirited girl to do?
During Christmas night, two police officers make their nocturnal rounds, in their round they meet tramps, brawlers in a café, a naked man, a concierge, a sexton, revelers in a nightclub, and end by signing in their report to the police station.
The Traveller
During the cold and rainy off-season a man arrives in a seaside town and, giving his name only as Pierre, checks into the only hotel which remains open. His arrival arouses curiosity and a degree of suspicion, as people note that he appears to know the area, yet gives no explanation for his presence at that bleak time of year in the dead-end town.
Commissioner Malaise investigates a strange crime: a mannequin, stolen from the window of a tailor, is found stabbed... But his face of wax has the features of a certain Gilbert, who died a year earlier in a family, all of whose members will become more or less suspicious to the Commissioner. He thinks that, in spite of Dr. Furnelle's conclusions, Gilbert's death was not natural. But finding the cause of death and the identity of the possible culprit will require more than a mere intuition.
In an isolated house, in Brittany, live two sisters around whom gravitate a whole series of strange characters. Between the eruption of the vagrant voyeur and that of the couple in love, the youngest kills her eldest and goes mad.
Профессор Патюро-Дюпарк принимает в своей клинике пациентов, склонных к суициду. Используя специальную сыворотку, он меняет личность своих клиентов. Семейная пара, Иоланда и Альбер, решаeтся обратиться к профессору, поскольку после свадьбы их отношения превратились в кошмар. Поэтому попытка изменить себя при помощи чудесной сыворотки — это их последний шанс.
Gino Fabretti is a famous Italian tenor. During a tour in Nice, he begins a relationship with the wife of a renowned doctor. The doctor traps and drugs him and replaces his vocal cords with those of Robert, a delivery boy in a grocery store. Robert wakes up with the voice of Gino and Gino with that of Robert (including accents and mannerisms!). The unfaithful wife despises the tenor without his voice and becomes more interested in the grocer.
"Le Parisien"
Children imprisoned during pre-war France decide to escape.
Monsieur Quinquina
Paris, during the winter after its Liberation: Jean Diego meets up with his friend Raymond Lecuyer again. A tramp predicts Jean will meet the most beautiful girl in the world, and that same evening Jean meets Malou. But he soon discovers that her brother Guy was the one that gave his friend Raymond away to the Gestapo...
A student, Gabriel, comes to the aid of Gisèle, a young manicurist wrongfully arrested, by helping her escape. As a result, Gabriel must serve three months in prison. His sentence served, unable to continue his studies, he collaborates with a gang of crooks. Gisèle, in turn, will save him from this bad situation by taking him away from his overeager associates.
Anne-Marie meets three men bearing the first name of Ludovic. Each of them has a very different character than the other two. The young woman will find great love with one of them.
Hector, le majordome
«Пусть призрак будет поддельным, лишь бы выглядел, как настоящий», - с таким заказом обращается в актерское агентство владелец старинного замка, чтобы устроить сюрприз к 16-летию своей дочери Сильвия, увлеченной романтической легендой о Белом Охотнике, некогда влюбленном в ее бабушку. На объявленную вакансию «очень милого и любезного призрака» находятся даже три претендента, и барон ангажирует всех троих, чтобы сделать задуманное представление еще масштабнее и загадочнее. А мысли Сильвия тем временем всё больше занимает не фамильное привидение, а реальный молодой незнакомец, случайно встреченный ею в замке.
Gaston Boran
Two friends, mobilized together and idle, send their photos to two young workers. The photos are inverted, resulting in a real sentimental imbroglio which finds its best conclusion in the context of the Théâtre aux Armées.
Jules Leroy, an industrial shoe polish manufacturer, on his deathbed reveals to his son Achille that the family fortune originates from an inheritance stolen 23 years earlier. The one who should have inherited is one of the factory employees, Hyacinthe Camusset. The latter is also one of the lovers of Lucienne Leroy, the daughter of the family, who has a penchant for Jean Bernon, a boy who dedicates verses to her. Hyacinthe is unaware that he has been robbed but the Leroy family, who are not sure, try to woo him. The family, Hyacinthe, Jean and Lucienne meet at the castle.
A devoted switchboard operator is the village guardian angel.
To teach a lesson to his young wife who dreams of the famous "voiceless singer", a husband enters a radio station and manages to make people appreciate his voice.
Felicien Leonard
A bungling thief is threatened by one target with blackmail, unless the thief will kill his own cousin, a wealthy eccentric who is considered the village idiot.
Claude, who temporarily replaces his father at the head of a department store, falls in love at first sight with a pretty female customer. He finds out that she is named Solange and that she is the goddaughter of Professor Hauteclerc, who runs a private psychiatric hospital. To come closer to the girl of his dreams, Claude has a crazy idea: he pretends to be mad so as to be placed in Hauteclerc's institution.
A young man from an aristocratic family tires of the country life and moves to Paris where he squanders his inheritance. Returning to his home with remorse, he reconciles with his father and becomes engaged to his true love.
It's a sailors' story; they often sail away and when they return, the first thing they do is searching girls in the harbor. One of them -Jean- is shy and he does not know how to go with women. One day, he meets Yvonne and falls in love with her. But, alas, she prefers his good friend René. Another suitor, Pierre, owns the "À la Belle frégate" a café where Yvonne works as a waitress. Madam(e )Juliette, pretends she helps Yvonne and tries to make her an "entraineuse"(hostess) for less-than -handsome guests. But the girl knows better and will choose one of her suitors.
Le parisien
Auguste, a somewhat simple-minded Provençal fisherman, loves and admires Mireille. This concerns only Maurice, son of an important wholesaler, whom scruples do not stifle. Seduced and abandoned, Mireille moves Auguste who tries to mend his poor happiness. The local priest, with wise words, leads Mireille to offer her hand to Auguste.
Martine, who has become a major star of the song in Paris, wants to return to visit her hometown. Confronted with Merlerault, a very haughty and noble character who wants to teach her how to live, she succumbs after a time of anger, to the charms of the gentleman. They get married but she forgot to tell her husband that her father is in fact the most famous poacher in the area.
A plucky businesswoman agrees to receive love letters to a prefect’s wife from a young official, and soon finds herself embroiled in a scandal that inflames a town’s class tensions.
Before the war. Mr. and Mrs. Boisleroi, well off, lived in their castle while their son Jacques courted Geneviève, the manager's daughter. On mobilization, the manager becomes flight captain, Boisleroi a simple waykeeper and Jacques wants to enlist. Refugees arrive: an actress, a player, an old marquis, former owner of the castle and who will die there. All this life together culminates in the marriage of Jacques and Geneviève.
Lucien Marchand, garçon de laboratoire
Robert and Françoise Monier make a hot air balloon to fly to the stratosphere. After a visit to Venus, they return home, but have only aged 15 days whereas 25 years have passed on Earth.
An ambitious and perverse adventurer sows dissension and ruin in a wealthy family of industrialists.
Anicet, employee of the pound
In the pound, Pipo the dog recounts his adventures to his fellow inmates.
Frédéric Richaud
Pierre and Florence meet at the fair in Paris. They vow eternal love and go to Cassis, under the Southern sun. But Florence has a burdensome past: before meeting Pierre she was a kept woman. Her chivalrous lover, Dominique, chooses to set her free. But Pierre is an uncompromising man and, furious with Florence, threatens to leave her...
Max Lescalier
The joys and miseries of the inhabitants of a building in a Parisian district.
An international crook hunted by the police comes to Paris to save his daughter from the clutches of a blackmailer friend of a cabaret singer with eccentric outfits.
Unbeknownst to the members of a French family, a radio announcer makes them the subject of a broadcast.
Yves Calubert
Tells the story of a young woman escaping from reform school who tries to steal a foreign ambassador's watch but ends up falling in love with him.
Marceau, le braconnier
Франция накануне Второй мировой войны. Авиатора Андре Жюрье, совершившего рекордный перелет, встречают на земле его друг Октав и толпа взбудораженных репортеров, он сообщает радиослушателям, что предпринял эту авантюру из-за любви к женщине, которая, однако, даже не пришла поприветствовать его в аэропорт. Это Кристин. В это время она готовится выйти в свет со своим мужем, который знает о романе жены, но не хочет ее потерять. Сам он пытается порвать с обожающей его любовницей. Октав признается Андре, что ему также не безразлична Кристин, и заявляет, что тот никогда не получит ее, так как пренебрегает правилами игры в обществе… Чуть позже оба попадают на уик-энд и охоту в загородное поместье де ла Шеснея. Здесь и разыгрывается безжалостная игра, ограниченная жесткими правилами «высшего света». Все, включая слуг, имеют свои маленькие драмы…
A fairground boss is ruined. He steals his aunt's jewelry, but being chased he gives the jewelry to a couple of dancers. They are mistaken for the Morton Sisters and perform in the Folies Parisiennes with the jewels, with enormous success.
In this sci-fi film, a scientist invents a prescient machine that can tell people when they will die. Oddly enough, the people do not want to know and therefore begin to riot…
Le soldat
The owner of an apartment building is found murdered. Two rival policemen, Boucheron and Lambert, investigate the matter and get into the private lives of the tenants: an unfaithful judge, a crippled blind man and his daughter, an eccentric knife thrower, a shoplifter (and proud of it!), a bourgeois lady who has a bone to pick with a gigolo, a mistress who cheats on her lover, not forgetting the caretaker and a soldier in love.
The adventures of a sailor from Mexico to a lagoon in the Pacific ocean, and the meeting with a lonely girl.
On board a train bound for the port city of Le Havre, France, railroad stationmaster Roubard murders Grandmorin, who seduced his beautiful young wife, Severine. Engineer Jacques Lantier, stuck in Le Havre while the train is being repaired, also begins a passionate affair with Severine, who tries to entice the handsome stranger to murder her controlling husband. However, Lantier has a secret urge of his own that changes everything.
Julien Lorette
Charles's uncle is the headmaster of a chic girls school .He is short of the readies and he has lots and lots of debts.
The son of two teachers hits the road and becomes a singing success after being taken in as a protege by a kooky countess.
Lurette, le journaliste
François, Cécilia and Isabelle are students of the drama class of the Conservatoire led by Professor Lambertin. François is in love with Isabelle who also loves him, but he is pursued by Cecilia, his former mistress. Cécilia commits suicide staging the suicide like a crime, so as to involve Francis. But a testimony restores the truth.
The post seller
A celebrated singer in Paris meets a young woman and courts her by pretending to be a driving instructor.
This murder mystery is set in a Parisian cafe and examines the mysterious murder of a famed journalist and extortionist who is killed at his table in the cafe. Though the prime suspects are gathered together( including his wife and her lover, the gun-runner, the creditor, and a playboy) and all of them have motives, none of them did it. So whodunit?
Le barman
A seasoned con-man devises an elaborate plan to relieve a rich socialite of a hefty chunk of her fortune but her falling in love with him complicates matters.
The first detective
Set against the backdrop of the 1937 Paris Exposition, a mistaken identity plot where a travel agent from Morocco is confused by the French police with a dangerous swindler.
A wealthy banker who takes his accountant's name after multiple incidents is forced to pass off his girlfriend as his daughter. But the truth is coming out. The banker's wife then favors the marriage of the young girl, which creates a new intimacy in her household.
Un volontaire
Сюжет построен на истории трех добровольцев-марсельцев. Трое героев в колонне марсельских добровольцев идут в Париж, чтобы спасти родину и завоевания революции. Марсельцы идут с победной песнью. Они приходят в Париж 10 августа, когда национальные гвардейцы, марсельцы и бретонцы с боем берут Тюильри и низвергают монархию.
le clochard Picolard
Being a tramp is not always a disadvantage. For example when there is a masquerade ball. Indeed wearing flea-ridden rags might just mean having donned a costume. This is what happens to two resourceful Brussels bums, La Cloche and Picolard, who manage to gain entry in a fancy-dress ball. Once there, La Cloche is mistaken by an oriental prince for a respected doctor. His mission will be to give care to a music-hall diva. Even more exciting, he is asked to vaccinate a whole troupe of showgirls. Trouble guaranteed.
A husband, exasperated by his wife, spanks her without paying attention to the open window in front of which he is. He is annoyingly surprised to discover the next day that the scene has been photographed by a neighbor, and that the image is circulating in Paris. A debate then ensues: is this an opportunity to call for revolt or a welcome manifestation of marital authority?
Jules and Fernand are two boys from the Café des sports in Marseille who take part in their corporation's annual race.
Camille Morestan serves as a jury member at a court in Paris. The attractive Natalie Roguin is accused of murder. Morestan doesn't want to believe she really killed her lover. He succeeds in convincing the other jury members she was innocent. After her acquittal he takes her into his house. While he tries to keep her identity a secret for his family her presence leads to a number of unfortunate incidents.
Cartier, l'acteur
Первая мировая война. Самолет французских летчиков Морешаля и Больде сбит немецким асом фон Рауффенштайном, но оба пилота остались живы и попали в лагерь для военнопленных. Там же находятся несколько британских офицеров, с которыми новички объединяются в работе над тоннелем для побега. После победы французов на Западном фронте Морешаля, Болдье и остальных французских военнопленных переводят в другую тюрьму, где комендантом назначен их «старый знакомый» фон Рауффенштайн. Комендант тепло встречает французов, замечая, что из «его» тюрьмы побег невозможен…
A young unemployed girl pretends to be a boy and gets a job as a car washer.
le chasseur du restaurant
Michel Levasseur is a joyous reveler who does not care about the next day. So much so that one day a bailiff bursts into his Paris apartment and seizes his furniture on behalf of Raymond Sauvaget, his landlord, a rich food industrialist. But far from resenting Sauvaget's act of hostility, Michel ... becomes his friend. Now Raymond, although prosperous, does not know how to handle women. That is why he asks Michel, a regular Casanova, to give him lessons in seduction.
A young woman wishing to divorce, promises money to her husband's ex-mistress to obtain her testimony on her behalf. But the same evening, the corpse of the young woman is found in the Seine. Everything seems to confirm the husband's guilt, however a journalist disappears with the evidence.
Tino is a painter and occasionally a singer. When he has an opportunity to replace an absent singer, he becomes a sucess as a masqued singer, "Le chanteur masqué". Lisa is a typist who becomes a successful singer, also as a masqued singer, "La chanteuse masquée". Tino the painter falls in love for Lisa the typist, not knowing about her "masqued" activities. On the stage they are rivals.
The Golem, a giant creature created out of clay by a rabbi, comes to life in a time of trouble to protect the Jews of Prague from persecution.
To receive his fiancée and his father at his home, an Oxford student counts on the presence of his aunt from Brazil to serve as his chaperone. The latter having delayed his trip, the young man passes his servant off as his aunt. This results in multiple misunderstandings. Finally, everything works out when the aunt comes.
Aline's father encourages his daughter's extra-marital love affair with a rich Argentinian. Aline's husband meets a little dancer, Marie, who looks like his wife. Marie is the daughter of a former friend of Aline's father. The two young women perform a dance number, the Argentinian is ruined and the spouses are reconciled.
Два актёра живут в бедности и постоянно ищут работу. Они играют в цыганском оркестре, когда те в моде, в следующем году — в негритянском оркестре, еще через год — в кубинском. Наконец приходит мода на женские оркестры. Друзья, вечно бегущие за модой, гримируются и переодеваются под женщин и получают место в оркестре под названием «Голландские тюльпаны», который как раз отправляется на гастроли.
Dora Nelson, a famous actress, leaves both her husband Philippe de Moreuil and the role she was playing in a movie directed by Nivert, to follow her lover Santini in Italy. But she soon realizes that Santini deceives her with a girl named Elsa. In vexation she decides to return to her husband and to her career. Unfortunately for her, Suzanne Verdier, a little working girl, has in the meantime replaced her not only in the film she had left unfinished but in her husband's heart as well. Dora eventually understands she must step aside.
A young girl marries an attractive but very busy businessman. So busy, that on the wedding day, he has no hesitation in taking an unexpected trip.
In the Camargue, the rich owner Jules Fabregoul squanders all his fortune to please his mistress, a Parisian actress with luxury tastes. But he is not the only one to be in trouble. His niece is having sentimental problems: she thinks she is being cheated on by her fiance Gérard, a music-hall artist. She takes refuge with Jules's sister, Aunt Fabregoul, the director of a home for repentant young girls. But Gérard did not make a mistake and the reconciliation takes place during the recording of a radio program.
When a young woman named Aurélie throws a fit of jealousy at her husband and her lover, daily life becomes more complicated.
The maid and the driver of Sidonie de Valpurgis have the absurd idea of subletting the hotel of their boss during her absence, and precisely to Sidonie's ex-friend, who wants to spend his wedding night there.
A problem forces a plane carrying passengers bound for the Far East to land on a desert island. Couples forms and they are happy. They are finally located, rescued and repatriated. A few months of 'civilization' are enough to pit them against each other. Then they decide to return to their paradise lost.
The crazy adventures of a character forced by circumstances to take on such dangerous professions as those of gangster, burglar, Chinese chiropodist and amateur detective.
Ferdinand is an honest and almost prude chemist at the Fourageot laboratories. His boss, Mr Fourageot, is mostly busy with his mistresses but comes to be worried with his young and outgoing daughter.
An inspector
The tribulations of a banknote, from its exit from a counter to its destruction, passing through dozens of hands.
Director Rosé and his opera company travel to Monte Carlo where they expect an engagément to perform at the opera house. During the boat trip Mario, the cheerful tenor, meets a girl hidden in his cabin. He helps her singing for her passage and soon Nicole is adopted by the whole troupe. Then at Monte Carlo the opera director has no intention to sign them. But he has an eye for beautiful women, so Nicole will try to persuade him to reconsider the offer.
Superstitious new rich find that they will be thirteen at the table. To reassure themselves, they invite a piano tuner, named Gonzague, whom they pretend to be Prince Gonzague to their guests. One of them imagines that Gonzague is his wife's lover.
A young man, having seduced his friend's mistress, undertakes to leave his wife to the latter for one night, when he is married. A few years later, the friend claims his due and the young man introduces him to his so-called wife.
The domestic
Christianne Delannoy is the daughter of Mr. Brown, who subsidizes a nursery in memory of his affair with Mrs. Delannoy. She loves Doctor Moreau, but her mother forces her to marry a rich young man.
Benjamin Déboisé, a hatter, his salesman and a young man want to kidnap an American millionaire, put him in a bag and hold him to ransom. But they make a mistake: the fellow they find in the bag is not the millionaire himself, but his son...!
A jealous American, Mr Stevenson, travels to France with his very pretty young wife Kitty. He tries all sorts of subterfuges so that the charming young woman does not attract the attention of men. But she did not escape the gaze of a certain Robert Perceval.
The life of disorderly soldiers in the barracks dealing with daily routines.
A poor boy lives in the attic of a luxury house. During a party, he pays court to an elegant young woman who, without warning him, surprises him at his home.
Le commissaire
A woman enters a police station at night to ask the commissioner to help her get rid of her dead lover's body to protect her honor.
A young American lady has certain prejudices against the people in France, but comes there to find a lover.She causes nothing but trouble.
Le docteur Schwartz
Hector Mezoui, le mari