Bente Ulvik


Handling the Undead
Costume Design
On an abnormally hot summer day in Oslo, a strange electric field surrounds the city as a collective migraine spreads across town and the newly deceased awake from death.
There's Something in the Barn
Costume Design
An American family fulfills their dream of moving back to their roots after inheriting a remote cabin in the mountains of Norway. But there's a surprise waiting for them.
Costume Design
Шарлотта ведет вроде бы комфортную жизнь, встречаясь с братом лучшего друга и обучая маленьких детей танцам, но кое-чего ей все же не хватает: прохладное отношение матери и болезнь отца-алкоголика — это все, что она имеет от родных. Узнав о том, что Хенрик, ее сводный брат, которого она никогда не видела, переехал в Осло, Шарлотта пытается наладить с ним контакт. Невинные поначалу фантазии в этих отношениях очень скоро превращаются в самоубийственное сексуальное влечение, которое угрожает перевернуть вверх ногами и сломать сразу обе жизни…
Costume Design
At long last, one of the most important novels in Norwegian history will be made into a film. Beatles relates the story of four Oslo boys born in 1951 and hooked on The Beatles, from the time they as seventh graders find themselves on the threshold of the adult world. The film is all about boyish pranks, hopes, disappointments, and of course about pretty girls, hopeless infatuations, drunkenness and parties. The world is changing, and so is the friendship between the boys. But the conclusion is, true friendship endures all - and no band in the world is better than The Beatles.
Виктория: История любви
Costume Design
Виктория — дочь помещика, а Юханнес — сын мельника. Они знакомы с детства, и любовь рождается уже тогда. Но материальные и социальные различия между ними становятся непреодолимым препятствием, и несчастье становится явью, когда Викторию отдают замуж за друга семьи Отто.
I Belong
Costume Design
A nurse gets into a dispute at work because she switches to speaking English when she gets nervous. A translator compromises her integrity when persuaded to translate a book she doesn't believe in. An elderly woman and her daughter are humiliated when offered a present of one million kroner from a relative. A warm and nuanced film about people who all mean well, but end up hurting one another.
Costume Design
Sonia arrives in Trinidad with her two children to join her husband Jo who is working as an oil engineer. On the surface she lives a life of luxury in a large houses with servants. The days are uneventful and blend together into an everlasting holiday, where the women nurse their superficial relationships over cocktails poolside – the perfect climate for self-delusion.
The Art of Negative Thinking
Costume Design
The local disability support group visits an involuntary member, not realizing that it will bring them to a critical mass.
1996: Pust på meg!
On a day in April 1996, four stories play out in the confines of a flat in the heart of Oslo.