Dean Constantin

Dean Constantin

Рождение : 1977-09-30, Belgium


Dean Constantin (born Dean Constantin Tsanti Gaigani) is a Belgian, Luxembourgish actor, screenwriter and director. He is the son of Greek parents and was raised in Belgium, but also briefly in the state of Wyoming, USA and then Larissa, Greece. He lives in Luxembourg and Paris, France. He holds a BA and an MA in Cultural studies, Comparative Literature, Cinema and an MBA from Paris-Sorbonne University and the University of Luxembourg. As a teenager and during his young adulthood, he was a professional soccer player and had a brief spell in AEK Athens F.C., under Bosnian Serb manager and former player Dušan Bajević. He is the Managing Director of E33Motion Pictures and Film and contributes to Spinal Cord Research. He is fluent in French, English, Greek, and speaks also German, Italian and Luxembourgish. While at the Faculty, he achieved excellence in Fiction Writing under the supervision of French Novelist D. Barbéris. He also reached the highest distinction in Human Rights under the supervision of J.-P.Lehners, UNESCO Chair. Dean Constantin (also credited Dean Constantin Gaigani), gathered first artistic and theatre stage experience while at secondary and undergraduate school in Belgium, also receiving music and vocal coaching until 1997 at the Conservatoire under the direction of Prof. Ramonfosse. His artistic career was cut abruptly in 1997 following a serious accident during an academic and artistic trip in the South of France. Left with Tetraplegia, he was far from convinced that an acting career would ever be possible. After an unexpected full recovery, while continuing to gather acting experience in major features in Europe he also enrolled in the Los Angeles Acting Academy in California, working with American actress Sydney Walsh, confirming his resolve to increase his skills and with the goal of making a decent living out of acting, writing and directing. After some small parts in French, German, Luxembourgish and American productions such as De-Lovely, directed by Irwin Winkler, starring Kevin Klein, Jonathan Pryce, Ashley Judd, and a brief appearance in Gilles' Wife by director Frederic Fonteyne, starring Emmanuelle Devos and Clovis Cornillac, he had the opportunity to be auditioned for the Merchant of Venice by director Michael Radford in the role of Leonardo, providing him with a chance to act side by side with Joseph Fiennes, Al Pacino, and Jeremy Irons. With a remarkable audition and a contract signed at hand, he was mysteriously dropped by a co-production and the role was finally given to Tony Schiena. After being offered contract compensation, he gently refused any cent and spent the next six months isolated, focusing on his screenplays and music compositions. He thus continued with a brief appearance as a Journalist in the feature Tempesta by Tim Disney with Malcolm McDowell and Rutger Hauer. Finally, he spent valuable time on European stages before moving to Ireland and focus on his writings. From 2012 to 2013, he has worked with famous directors, such as Eric Rochant, in the new thriller Möbius and made a break through with stars such as Tim Roth, Cecile de France, Jean Dujardin, and John Lynch.  Most recently, co-starred in the feature of director Nicolas Bary, The Scapegoat, original title Au bonheur des ogres, with Berenice Bejo, Emir Kusturica, Guillaume de Tonquedec, and R.Personnaz.


Dean Constantin


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