Kevin Kölsch

Kevin Kölsch


Kevin Kölsch


Woodlands Dark and Days Bewitched: A History of Folk Horror
Explores the folk horror phenomenon from its beginnings in a trilogy of films – Witchfinder General, Blood on Satan’s Claw and The Wicker Man – through its proliferation on British television in the 1970s and its culturally specific manifestations in American, Asian, Australian and European horror, to the genre’s revival over the last decade.
Tales of the Uncanny
David Gregory and Kier-La Janisse take a detailed look at the history of horror anthology films with the help of more than sixty writers, genre specialists, and members of the film industry.
Кладбище домашних животных
Семья Луиса Крида переезжает в сельский дом, который, как выясняется, расположен по соседству с мрачным Кладбищем домашних животных. Именно здесь Луис хоронит кошку, любимицу семьи, погибшую под колесами грузовика. Эта смерть влечет за собой череду чудовищных событий, которые доказывают Кридам, что мертвые должны оставаться мертвыми…
Черные праздники
Антология всеми любимых праздников, пропущенных через призму человеческих страхов и предубеждений.
Черные праздники
Антология всеми любимых праздников, пропущенных через призму человеческих страхов и предубеждений.
Глаза звезды
Молодая, подающая надежды актриса мечтает получить роль в новом фильме ужасов. Надеясь осуществить давнюю мечту, она решается заключить опасную сделку в обмен на обещания о славе и блестящей жизни звезды.
Глаза звезды
Молодая, подающая надежды актриса мечтает получить роль в новом фильме ужасов. Надеясь осуществить давнюю мечту, она решается заключить опасную сделку в обмен на обещания о славе и блестящей жизни звезды.
Ext. Life
A young actress on the brink of potential stardom, suffers an out of body experience during a surreal, life-changing night.
Ext. Life
A young actress on the brink of potential stardom, suffers an out of body experience during a surreal, life-changing night.
Executive Producer
"Absence" is the story of personal loss and tragedy that befalls three very different people in the setting of a small, New York suburb. Told from three points of view, it unfolds in three vignettes which tie a larger storyline together.
"Absence" is the story of personal loss and tragedy that befalls three very different people in the setting of a small, New York suburb. Told from three points of view, it unfolds in three vignettes which tie a larger storyline together.
"Absence" is the story of personal loss and tragedy that befalls three very different people in the setting of a small, New York suburb. Told from three points of view, it unfolds in three vignettes which tie a larger storyline together.
The Abductor / 'The Sugarland Butcher'
"Absence" is the story of personal loss and tragedy that befalls three very different people in the setting of a small, New York suburb. Told from three points of view, it unfolds in three vignettes which tie a larger storyline together.
Identical Dead Sisters
A young woman exacts revenge against the scumbag pimp who murdered her identical twin sister.
Identical Dead Sisters
A young woman exacts revenge against the scumbag pimp who murdered her identical twin sister.
Identical Dead Sisters
A young woman exacts revenge against the scumbag pimp who murdered her identical twin sister.
Postcards from the Future: The Chuck Palahniuk Documentary
Executive Producer
With two new books and two controversial tour, fans can easily say that 2003 proved to be a landmark year for the best selling author Chuck Palahniuk. But what many people don't know, is that it all began several months earlier at a four day conference in Edinboro, Pennsylvania. This is that story...
Postcards from the Future: The Chuck Palahniuk Documentary
With two new books and two controversial tour, fans can easily say that 2003 proved to be a landmark year for the best selling author Chuck Palahniuk. But what many people don't know, is that it all began several months earlier at a four day conference in Edinboro, Pennsylvania. This is that story...
In the Ditch
Kevin the Director
A sequel to "By the Wayside" revisiting its characters ten years after.
Mama 2
A follow-up to the 2013 horror film directed by Andy Muschietti, "Mama".
Mama 2
A follow-up to the 2013 horror film directed by Andy Muschietti, "Mama".