Nisa has a younger sister named Rani. They both live together in one house. As time went by, Nisa realized that there was a change in her husband's behavior. However, Nisa denied that thought and tried to think positively. The unexpected happened next. It turns out that Rani and Aris have a relationship behind the household with Nisa. What happened next?
An oddity that caused unrest at an Islamic boarding school occurred since one of the female students returned. What's really going on?
Executive Producer
Friendship between Dilan and Ancika Mehrunisa Rabu. Their increasingly close relationship made the seeds of love grow and their relationship rose to the level of being a couple.
Based on the novel by Risa Saraswati.
Two married couples, Alan and Nadya and Athar and Karin, have not been blessed with children after approximately three years of marriage. In an effort to have children, they both undergo IVF program at the Doctor Sanjaya clinic. Alan, who felt himself to be sterile because before marriage he lived a free life but none of his girlfriends could get pregnant by him was very afraid of getting himself checked out, worried that he would find out that he was actually infertile, which would surely make him very embarrassed.
Boy, a perfect university student: strikingly handsome, fabulously wealthy, irresistibly charming, and blessed with a tender heart. It’s no wonder that many female students desire to be Boy’s girlfriend.
Recovering from a broken heart is never easy. Gala, has been dating Bara for eight years, and wants to marry him soon. Suddenly Bara broke off their relationship. Gala is devastated and is struggling to heal her broken heart. Fortunately, she meets Aiman and he accompanies Gala and help her recover. Gala begins to fall in love, but slowly realizes that Aiman is the same as Bara. Aiman is not the cure for her broken heart. Will she heal her broken heart? Or will her heart breaks even more?
Story based on twitter thread by SimpleMan
CATHY has just returned to Indonesia from studying abroad as a gynecology specialist (pregnancy and uterus health). Arriving in Jakarta, Cathy's friends and family welcomed her proudly. But along with her new title and job, Cathy is also under pressure from her parents to get married. One candidate emerged as the strongest candidate for Cathy, his name was Erol. Cathy's friend has long harbored feelings for him, but Cathy has no intention of welcoming those feelings because her heart is still trapped in an old love with MALIK, her boyfriend from high school. One day, Cathy meets an old friend, her name is HANNA. They met while Cathy was practicing; Hanna comes as a patient who is pregnant. As a form of letting go, Hanna invites Cathy to have dinner at her house. But how shocked Cathy was when she found out that Hanna's husband was Malik. Cathy's surprise grew when she found cancer cells in Hanna's body.
Indonesian official remake from Korean movie with same title. Oscar, a has-been celebrity, is dying to get his name back up, when an opportunity finally appears albeit in form of a scandal: his love child from the past, Karin, suddenly shows up, with a baby of her own named Gempa.
Executive Producer
Bahri, a young man who lives in Mekarsari Village. One day, Bahri realized that something was wrong in Mekarsari Village. Out of curiosity, he also found out what was really going on in the village where he lived.
"Water always goes to the East, in the East everything flows together, from the good to the bad to the worst", a Javanese proverb was said by Widya's mother just before she left for Community Service. A sign that there was something in the village at the far east. Widya, Nur, Ayu, Bima, Anton and Wahyu never thought that their KKN activities would lead to disaster. Often heard the sound of gamelan and the appearance of a beautiful dancer who began to disturb Nur and also Widya. "Badarawuhi", the village elder (Mbah Buyut) mentions the name of the dancer who continues to be unemployed Widya. An even scarier incident occurred when one of the KKN students was entangled in an agreement with the dancer, so that they were threatened with not being able to return home safely from the village known as the Dancer Village.
Selatan has the principle of getting a girl and then breaking up after three days of dating. But that principle wavered when he targeted Alma. Can Selatan break up with Alma?
Gadis, a girl in the midst of the bustle of the bustling city of Jakarta, she is faced with a choice of her future, which is her soul mate. Should the girl choose Bara or Rama as her heart's choice?
Glen was surprised when he accidentally cheated on death, with infidelity. Now the real problem is: How will he explain his luck to Maya, his wife?
Потеряв родителей, практически слепая девушка-подросток Амбар вместе с младшим братом приезжает жить к друзьям в дом престарелых. Накануне окончания Рамадана почти все постояльцы разъехались праздновать со своими семьями, и брат с сестрой оказываются в небольшой тёплой компании. Доставая залетевший в сарай фрисби, ребята обнаруживают там подвал, а в подвале — странную безголовую скульптуру. Этой же ночью Амбар слышит и видит призраков далёкого прошлого, а на утро скульптура из подвала оказывается в общей гостиной.
Executive Producer
Bonaga and Monita are a husband and wife who are enjoying their period of success. This time, they have to face the educational problems of their only daughter, Monaga, who was expelled from her school. The grandfather, the Dragon finally got involved in the problem of the grandson to get a new school. In the midst of educational problems for Monaga, Monaga's meeting with a street child named Nira became a special spirit for Monaga to go to school. There are various obstacles and conflicting opinions on the sustainability of Monaga education. Naga's excessive love for his grandson makes matters even more complicated, causing Bonaga to be squeezed between the wishes of his wife, children, and father.
Шесть студентов отправились в отдалённую деревню для проведения общественно-исследовательских работ по программе KKN. Староста сразу предупреждает приезжих, чтобы те ни в коем случае не выходили за ворота, которые ведут в таинственное место, связанное с духом погибшей танцовщицы.
April, who likes to write poetry, meets Senandika, a musician who has managed to steal attention with her philosophy and principles. April, seeing potential in Sena, introduces her to Sanya, her best friend's young producer. The conflict began when April and Sena fell in love with each other, but was blocked by the blessing of April's father, Halim.
История любви странной парочки, которую все унижают и оскорбляют за их поведение и неординарный образ жизни.
Krishna who had to languish at home because of an injury. In order not to get bored, he uses the binoculars his friends gave him to look at his beautiful neighbor named Tiara. One day, Krishna accidentally found out that a group of people were planning to kidnap Tiara. He tried to stop the plan before it was too late.
Having a boss like Sarah makes Angga and his co-workers, Richard, Boni, and Rudi, feel like they are working under the supervision of a demon in hell. How not, Sarah's assertiveness often feels like bullying, or at least very intimidating. One day, Angga finds a piece of paper containing data on employees of Facade, a digital marketing company where they work. Worried about the possibility that the marked employees will be fired, Angga and his co-workers plan to oust Sarah from her position before the dismissal occurs.
Vanesha had the chance to kill her boyfriend, Arya. Arya, however, did not recognize her and confess that they never had a relationship.
Executive Producer
Bisma, a single photographer who is constantly being asked to marry by her parents, finally meets a perfectionist wedding organizer named Sissy. However, the struggle to get it is not always easy. Together with Ito, Bisma tries to win over Sissy's heart so that marriage can be achieved.
On the way to Jogjakarta, Adit was separated from his parents. His journey taught Adit the true meaning of friendship
Meirose strives to create heaven in her family, with her husband and their two children. One day, Ray, a man from her past, returns and wants to build his lost paradise with Meirose and Akbar.
After adopting Ana, Sylvia realizes that she did not only bring Ana home, but also Asih, the ghost who has been Ana's foster mother.
Executive Producer
The story of coming of age. No restrictions. Exploring without limits. A new student, Lana comes to the most favorite high schools in Jakarta. Her innocent and fresh beauty catches the eyes of the young guys there, especially the school’s bad boy, Aryo.
Executive Producer
Nona and Ogy are friend and got into the friend zone relationship. Nona and Ogy search for the place where Noah's ark was stranded Towards the dream place. Nona's trip to Azerbaijan was not as smooth as planned.
Amateur painter lies about his ability to see ghosts and takes on a job as a ghost painter on a TV show. Turns out, he could actually see the ghost.
Sabar relives the same day and gets the opportunity to alter his ex-girlfriend's wedding ceremony over and over until he gets the girl of his dream.
Based on the best-selling novel by Hana Margaretha.
When she was in high school, Ainun was known as a smart girl and became the target of many male students, including Habibie. In college, Ainun became a popular figure. Ahmad is a man who dared to express his love for Ainun.
Risa must have a normal life like other girl. Risa closes her sixth sense. She cannot see Peter and friends now but strange events starting to happen.
After two years of endless conflicts, Alex and Beno decide to divorce. However, the strong sense of love made them get married again. At this second marriage, they also promised to be more mature.
Doyok, Otoy, and Ali Oncom are stuck in debt. They found a suitcase with a lot of money. They became rich but did not realize it was mafia boss' money.
Physical and mental violence became Alex's daily menu at the school. Terrible incident haunts senior students after a spirit-calling ritual.
Since a new kid arrives at an orphanage, weird things started to happen.
Действие фильма разворачивается в первый день общепринятого на острове Ява календаря. Главный герой картины отвозит свою беременную супругу в больницу, и он очень надеется на то, что роды пройдут без каких-либо осложнений. Мужчина передаёт её в руки врачей и с чувством выполненного долга возвращается домой. Через некоторое время он возвращается и с ужасом выясняет, что здание больницы уже давно заброшено. Как такое могло произойти, он понять не может, однако теперь ему необходимо будет докопаться до истины, чтобы спасти супругу. Главному герою придётся иметь дело с тёмными силами, которые каким-то образом проникли в наш мир и похитили его беременную жену…
A seemingly platonic friendship gets tested when a high school teen wants her closest friend to endorse her new romance with a local musician.
Annisa married Bara, a widower with a daughter named Lara. Bara takes a picnic to the island that is still rarely visited by tourists, Bengalor Island, so that his wife and child could get familiar with each other. The island of Bengalor turns out to be a mystery. Annisa is surprised by the appearance of a scary child. Lara also sees a figure similar to her biological mother who is dead. Bara doesn't believe the story of Annisa and Lara. This scary and tense atmosphere actually bring Lara closer to Annisa. Both are determined to protect each other.
Grappling with mistreatment at school and at home, Baskara moves into his uncle's home, where he encounters spirits and uncovers unsettling secrets.
Hanum had an opportunity to attend the program in the Global New York TV station which was her dream. Her husband sacrificed his dream for Hanum.
Years after a woman tragically takes her own life and drowns her baby, a couple expecting a child finds themselves terrorized by a sinister ghost.
Nany's mother was killed by an unseen force. 8 years later, Nany went to the school her mom used to be in to study. And then, something is disturbing her.
Otoy and Ali remind Doyok to find a match. Doyok seeks his true love from blind dates. It is thrilling because they get stuck in difficult situations.
When Raka gets caught in a wild police chase, he agrees to help a fugitive escape—on the condition that the culprit repents for his mistakes.
For fame, Raya and his friends came to the haunted area. When making video, one of them died. They decided to flee but the ghost is coming with them.
An antisocial teen who acts out develops an invigorating relationship with a new student who has befriended her with a benevolent ulterior motive.
As Risa's ability to see ghosts continues to disrupt her life, her uncle's peculiar behavior leads her to discover a haunting mystery at his new house.
When he became a lecturer in Eidenburgh, Fahri met Hulya, Keira, and Sabrina. The three try to make Fahri forget Aisha to continue his life.
Veronica, a top diva who suddenly falls ill, moved to a remote house where she won't be disturbed by anyone. But something strange started to happen around the house.
Махиса желает помочь актрисе по имени Аша, которой кажется, что её тревожат потусторонние духи. После столкновения с потусторонними силами Махиса понимает - девушка действительно одержима, но изгнать злобную сущность не так-то просто...
Alvaro is faced with two difficult choices when Anggia enters his life. But Alvaro has a lover named Athala lying in a coma.
After being stuck in an elevator together, a devout man constantly pesters a businesswoman who promised to live by faith if they made it out alive.
15-летний Алехандро Дурэн стремится стать одним из католических священников. Но однажды Алекс обнаруживает таинственную коробку и невольно освобождает злой дух. Герой должен найти способ победить этого древнего демона, мучавшего людей с самого начала времён, пока он не уничтожил его и его близких.
Toni, Aghi, Bubu, and Saras get the task of making essays. They create a free school for street children but they chose to earn money than learn.
Pras felt something is wrong with his first wife, Arini. Arini asked Pras to fight for his second wife Meirose to return Indonesia and live together.
Pras felt something is wrong with his first wife, Arini. Arini asked Pras to fight for his second wife Meirose to return Indonesia and live together.
Rudy met Ilona. Their different visions made it hard to be together. Ilona wants Rudy to stay in Germany and is opposed to his love for Indonesia.
Rudy met Ilona. Their different visions made it hard to be together. Ilona wants Rudy to stay in Germany and is opposed to his love for Indonesia.
Pras and Arini's love was destroyed in Arini's eyes when he chose to marry Meirose secretly. Their ideal marriage collapsed instantly.
Kemal, high school student from Samarinda, Indonesia. Repeatedly failed in teenage love, the girl the he dreamed was Raisya, the prettiest girl in school. The problem is Raisya is Nanda girlfriend, (A school whiz). Kemal effort to captivate Raisya culminated in a duel between him and Nanda. After graduate from high school Kemal move to Indonesia capital city, Jakarta. Unfortunately kemal still doesn't lucky in love. Kemal see the way to get the woman that his dreams is to become famous through the "Stand Up Comedy" stage (Indonesia TV Show).
Habibie wanted to unite Indonesia by designing airplanes. He met his soulmate and underwent his struggle to become the 3rd president of Indonesia.
Angel (Donita) believes that her true love is Hendra (Ajun Perwira). But a tragedy happens when she gets hit by a luxurious car driven by Martin (Evan Sanders). Instead of helping her, Martin runs away. Angel survives only to find the bitter reality that both her legs are amputated. Angel is further shocked by Hendra who disappears after learning about her condition.
Hamid and Zainab love each other but they cannot be together. Hamid is accused of slander and expelled from the village but they retain their love.
Lola, a shy 16-year-old Indonesian girl, receives a scholarship to study at a famous high school in Perth, Australia. There she meets Dhani, and love begins to blossom in the foreign city.
Canting and Raga are opposites who are finally attracted to each other. When Widya, Canting’s friend, holds her wedding in Bali, Raga’s irresponsible behavior causes Tomtom, the groom, and his best friend, to miss the wedding. Canting is determined to rewire the love string between Tomtom and Widya, while Raga intends to dissolve the couple’s relationship. The climax of the confrontation between Canting and Raga occurs when both are stranded in a strange and remote area. But when they are alone together, the seeds of love begin to grow, especially when they spend the night in a fishing boat on the beach. Unfortunately, Canting has previously agreed to her father’s request, to marry Bimo, the son of his best friend.
Ones works as a taxi driver in Jakarta. But his modest income does not discourage him in looking after his elderly grand father who really wishes to die soon. To make his grandpa happy, he buys him an automatic massage chair although he has to borrow the money from the boss, Rambo. However, the bills remain unpaid, so boss Rambo threatens to take his cab. Ningsih, who has just returned from Saudi Arabia, rents his taxi to return to her hometown in Indramayu by offering a big fare. Tempted by the huge sum of money he immediately agrees. But when they stop for dinner, Ones has to pay as Ningsih claims that she forgot to change her dollars. Then his car breaks down so Ones has to carry Ningsih all the way home.
Sahroni was in love with Rini who will be married with Raden Mas Pono. Sahroni and Raden Mas Pono compete to become Rini's husband.
When Rezky, a reporter, is late for work, he is reprimanded so terribly that he decides to find a flat near the office so he won't be late again. Then Rezky meets Wisnu, a photographer, in the same taxi when both are house hunting. They are interested in Aunt Ria's apartment but as it is only for girls, they pretend to be a gay couple. Their suffering increases when they meet Bella, Aunt Ria's pretty niece, and they start competing with each other until they realize that they should leave Bella to be happy with Ryan, her boyfriend.
Cundra and Nayla's encounter began at the railway station. Conversation led to their love story without knowing that they cover each other's secret.
Asep, Hilman, and Didi are village boys who go to Jakarta to study at the university. Their departure is blessed by the whole village who puts a lot of hope on them to one day improve the welfare of the village. In Jakarta, they live in a big house belonging to Didi’s uncle, that is next to a strippers’ boarding house. Salma, Lolyta, and Memey are strippers living in the boarding house. Memey is at an early stage of pregnancy, out of wedlock, so Salma and Lolyta intend to trap a man for her. They then find Asep. and accuses him of impregnating Memey. Meanwhile, Lolyta becomes closer to Didi and Hilman becomes closer with Salma.
Baby is a beautiful, energetic orphan who dreams of becoming a dancer to pay for her grandfather’s medical bill. Secretly, Baby quits school and enters a high school dance competition, wearing a mask and a new identity, Phantom. Her amazing performance enthralls the audience and jusy. But everyone wonders about Phantom’s mysterious identity. The organizer of the competition, Wizard, tells Baby that she can only participate in the Grand Finals if she goes to the Pekerti Luhur high school. Wizard will pay all fees. Pekerti Luhur is an elite private school lead by a young, strict and disciplined principal, Mr. Yudo. His son, Benny, is head of PHP (Supervisors of Education Harmony) whose duty is to make sure that no student breaks the rules. Zarro, the coolest boy in school, who is also a participant in the dance competition’s Grand Finals, really hates Benny. Baby and Zarro both quickly become enemies, especially when it is known that Baby is his competitor in the dance competition.
Tania is the golden child of the teachers because she is smart. But her schoolmates find her too serious. Moli, the new student, is the exact opposite of Tania. But the other students, also reject her for being too extreme. Nobody is willing to go with Moli except Tania. Seeing Moli’s life, Tania suddenly feels that her life is very boring. She starts doing all the things that Moli does - speeding in a car, clubbing, cigarettes, alcohol, and even sex. Tania enjoys all this, especially the attention she gets from her schoolmates due to the change in her. When her family finds out about her dramatic change, Tania chooses to get away from them. However the party ends when Moli leaves her. And Tania has to fight alone to find the way back to her true self.
Tiara broke Bama's heart and changed Bama into a playboy. Bama and Tiara meet again. Bama's dating buddy dropped the curse so his penis could speak.
A college teen gets possessed by three satanic spirits after retrieving a mysterious odd doll. With the help of her two friends, they must race against time in order of what is something sinister happening to her before time runs out.
Fahri attracted many women, including Maria, Nurul, and Naora. They hide their feelings until Fahri's marriage with Aisha which broke their hearts.
The story of a student named Nikko (Ben Joshua), engaged to Donna (Nia Ramadhani). Things are fine until one day Nikko meets a waiters named Livi (Nadilla Ernesta) at a cafe. Nikko decides to have an affair with Livi, meanwhile, this girl doesn't know, that Nikko is engaged. One day, Livi was pregnant and he asked for Nikko's responsibility. Unable to accept this fact, Livi was accidentally killed by Niko and then dumped his body from the Ancol bridge. Then the spirits of Livi continue to haunt Nikko.
Five medical students found a room of unused corpse without knowing that there were female bodies hidden. Terror began to haunt them.
A group of teenagers took vacation to Semarang. They were drunk and entered the haunted area. Cika peed and was lost. She cannot be found.
Vira and Silla works in a hospital. They live in a haunted nursing hostel. Suster Ngesot ghost kills adulterers. Vira gets sign before a murder.
A police and a journalist uncover series of murders that lead into one problem: A treasure many parties were fighting for and caused many casualties.
Plot Unknown
Plot Unknown.
A novelist with her daughter and her assistent move to the haunted house. And she want the custody of her daughter after divorce.