Client avec bonbonnes
Pierre-Louis Cinq-Mars is a successful stockbroker. Everything in his life is well-ordered -- stock investments, luxury car, the latest computer, stylish and tasteful clothes...well-ordered to the point of being utterly predictable. Jackie Pigeon, the owner of the Camping Pigeon campground, is a go-getter who always gets her way. She conducts her business with a sure hand and everything at the campground runs smoothly. Her life is the complete opposite of Pierre-Louis's -- she's rather messy, of modest means, wears flamboyant and sexy clothes...everything in her life hovers on the edge of bad taste. Two people from completely different worlds whose paths would not normally have been fated to cross.
In an ethereal, high-ceilinged room, women stand, waiting. Perhaps it's Purgatory and they're dead. In the room, two young women, one an actress and the other a psychologist, watch the last few days of their lives on a TV screen. Both are having affairs with married men, each has a long encounter with her lover's wife, and both these scenes take place in a ladies' room, one backstage at a play that's about to preview, the other at an opera house during the first act. The relationships between each pair of younger and older women take surprising turns, and in the room with the TV, a sylph asks probing and challenging questions of the two young women as they watch.
In an ethereal, high-ceilinged room, women stand, waiting. Perhaps it's Purgatory and they're dead. In the room, two young women, one an actress and the other a psychologist, watch the last few days of their lives on a TV screen. Both are having affairs with married men, each has a long encounter with her lover's wife, and both these scenes take place in a ladies' room, one backstage at a play that's about to preview, the other at an opera house during the first act. The relationships between each pair of younger and older women take surprising turns, and in the room with the TV, a sylph asks probing and challenging questions of the two young women as they watch.
Original Story
In an ethereal, high-ceilinged room, women stand, waiting. Perhaps it's Purgatory and they're dead. In the room, two young women, one an actress and the other a psychologist, watch the last few days of their lives on a TV screen. Both are having affairs with married men, each has a long encounter with her lover's wife, and both these scenes take place in a ladies' room, one backstage at a play that's about to preview, the other at an opera house during the first act. The relationships between each pair of younger and older women take surprising turns, and in the room with the TV, a sylph asks probing and challenging questions of the two young women as they watch.
Piano Player
Виновный в гибели своего друга Алекс Монэ, после двухлетнего пребывания в тибетском монастыре, возвращается в Америку. Здесь его сестра Элен Монэ уже начала претворять в жизнь план по завоеванию мирового господства. Сканнеры должны управлять обществом и отдавать приказы, считает Элен. Но Алекс, не согласный с сестрой, не хочет устилать свой путь трупами, как это делает Элен…
A lesbian librarian kidnaps a beautiful woman she's obsessed with.
Original Music Composer
A man travels through Asia and Africa seeking the treasure of Ali Baba.
In 1940, two sisters work in an ammunition factory, but dream of marriage.
Robert decides to drop everything and go back to his homeland, accompanied by his daughter and a couple of friends.