Gustavo Serena
Рождение : 1881-10-05, Naples, Campania, Italy
Смерть : 1970-04-16
На этот раз монсеньор дон Камилло и его извечный противник сенатор Пеппоне возвращаются в родной городок из Рима, чтобы разрешить спор по поводу старой маленькой часовни. Городские власти решили снести часовню и на ее месте построить жилой дом. И снова начинаются извечные козни между непримиримыми соперниками доном Камилло и Пеппоне…
An actor fails to find success in the film world but falls in love with a theatre manager's daughter.
Nicola Peccoli has always nurtured his niece Giovanna, an orphan since the age of two and now of age, but he does not look favorably on her beloved Mario because he is just a simple employee and a lower class of society.
Don Romolo
The construction of great temple dedicated to the goddess Aphrodite, followed by new and high taxes and the arrival of a plague, create discontent in the population, and threatens the love between a sculptor and a slave.
il guardiano dell'orfanotrofio
Автомобильного вора Козимо ловят на месте преступления. Он попадает в тюрьму, но у него есть наводка на крупную кражу, и Козимо просит найти человека, который бы за него отсидел. Человека находят. Но Козимо остается за решеткой.
Глава семейства — сильный и грубоватый человек, всю жизнь работавший от зари до зари, вырастивший детей и несущий материальное бремя семьи. Вместе с тем он грубо насаждает своё понимание жизни, чем отталкивает близких людей, разрушает семейное гнездо и сам от этого страдает.
During the first Napoleonic expedition into Italy, Thibaud is seriously injured before being caught up in a mystery involving his wife, her rightful inheritance and his own daughter's happiness.
Il direttore di scena
История семьи Рикорди, самого престижного музыкального издателя во всей Италии.
An Italian historical comedy film consisting of three segments, based on three stage plays by Anton Chekhov.
Anthology of tragic love. A noblewoman falls for a commoner. A doctor keeps quiet about his patients' infidelities. Expectant father is sent to fight in WWI. A 1920s fascist enjoys Rome's nightlife. WWII airman falls for a girl in Naples.
Il medico (uncredited)
A Sicilian nobleman is very jealous of his mistress and when she gets married flies off his handle and commits a murder of which an innocent man is accused. He is however tormented by his conscience.
A number of different segments taken from 19th century Italian stories.
Greedy Baron Antonio Peletti refuses to give to his town the heredity left by his father, a box full of precious jewels, which he keeps for himself. The major and the rest of the townspeople therefore organize a trick at his expense: they'll make him believe he is dead, and, in a fake "afterlife", they'll try to convince him to finally show them where the money is hidden to save his soul.
A taxi driver, with singing ambitions, finds an abandoned baby in his cab and begins to look for his mother. He doesn't find her but succeeds in finding two people who want to adopt the child.
Inspired to the real story of the Carabiniere Salvo D'Acquisto. We see how, to save 22 hostages from dead sentence by Nazi, he decided to sacrifice himself.
Il frate francescano
The city of Pola is being evacuated after the peace conference of 1947 decided to assign the sovereignty to Tito's Yugoslavia. However the main character decides to stay, thinking that Communism might bring him a better future. Life turns to be hard for him and his family until he changes his mind, but he is killed before he can leave the country.
Salvatore Cammarano
Джузеппе Верди, мечтательный и нонконформистский юноша, решает покинуть свой родной город, чтобы заниматься музыкой в Милане. Столкнувшись с первоначальным отказом от избранного круга итальянской оперы, Верди терпит неудачу, пока не встретит популярное сопрано Джузеппину Стреппони, с которой он поженится, и, таким образом, начнёт интенсивную карьеру, полную успехов и неудач.
The film depicts the daring endeavors of Michele Pezza, the patriot/ bandit who opposed the Napoleonic occupation of the Kingdom of Naples at the turn of the 19th century.
Prof. Ugo Severi
Angela Chiaromonte is the daughter of a wealthy Italian prince who is killed in a fall from his horse. Though Angela stands to inherit half of a large estate, her older half-sister burns the will and thus inherits everything herself, throwing Angela into poverty. Fortunately, Angela is engaged to marry dashing Captain Giovanni Severi - but he soon is captured by Arabs while on an expedition to Africa. Believing him dead, Angela, dedicating her life to his memory, becomes a nun, unaware that her lover has escaped his captors and is returning to Italy. The dramatic climax takes place against a backdrop of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.
Anna is a wily shepherd girl who is noticed by Ugo, a promising musician who has returned home to his village in search of inspiration.
Luigi Bianchi
Maria and Luigi love each other in spite of their poverty, while she resists her many wealthy suitors. But their mutual enemies figure out a lie that will separate them. Maria will become temporarily rich but then she will commit a crime and will divert into the slums. There Luigi will meet her again.
Maria and Luigi love each other in spite of their poverty, while she resists her many wealthy suitors. But their mutual enemies figure out a lie that will separate them. Maria will become temporarily rich but then she will commit a crime and will divert into the slums. There Luigi will meet her again.
This is the account of a typical day of the diva Francesca Bertini in contrast to the story of Mariute, a single Friulian peasant girl with three children whose husband is at war. The poor woman suffers violence from three Austrian soldiers and is avenged by her father-in-law. The dramatic story, learned on set from an actor who has just returned from the front, leaves the actress so upset that she is induced to a surge of patriotic solidarity.
Film version of the play.
Elena and Zefor are brothers. They live with their mother in a wild country where smuggling reigns. At their modest home, Zefor plays the violin while she dances to entertain the bandits. Arturo, one of them, has conquered Elena's heart. (IMDB)
Pierre Clémenceau
The Clemenceau Affair (Italian: Il processo Clémenceau) is a 1917 silent Italian adventure film directed by Alfredo De Antoni. The film features the first onscreen performance from Vittorio De Sica.
An Italian melodrama. Only the final reel survives.
Armando Duval
La Signora delle Camelie chronicles the tragic love story of courtesan Marguerite Gautier and provincial bourgeois Armand Duval. Armand’s father disapproves of the relationship and convinces Marguerite to leave Armand, making him believe that she has left him for another man.
La Signora delle Camelie chronicles the tragic love story of courtesan Marguerite Gautier and provincial bourgeois Armand Duval. Armand’s father disapproves of the relationship and convinces Marguerite to leave Armand, making him believe that she has left him for another man.
Il capitano Newse
Diana is assigned to find out the details of the enemy's war tactics. Together with her partner in crime, Robertson, she manages to get in touch with Captain Argo and retrieves secret information. All is proceeding according to plan until Diana slowly gets torn by on the one hand her duty as a spy, and on the other her passionate feelings for Captain Argo.
Diana is assigned to find out the details of the enemy's war tactics. Together with her partner in crime, Robertson, she manages to get in touch with Captain Argo and retrieves secret information. All is proceeding according to plan until Diana slowly gets torn by on the one hand her duty as a spy, and on the other her passionate feelings for Captain Argo.
Michele Boccadifuoco
Ассунта Спина влюблена в хозяина мясной лавки Мишеля и собирается за него замуж, но ее сердца добивается также и Рафаэль…
Ассунта Спина влюблена в хозяина мясной лавки Мишеля и собирается за него замуж, но ее сердца добивается также и Рафаэль…
Ассунта Спина влюблена в хозяина мясной лавки Мишеля и собирается за него замуж, но ее сердца добивается также и Рафаэль…
Ivonne is a vulgar, loose, promiscuous and a passionate danseuse at the tavern. Countess Edith is an angelic creature, exquisitely elegant, a finite and aristocratic heiress. Two sides of a woman with a split personality.
Luciano d'Alma
Ivonne is a vulgar, loose, promiscuous and a passionate danseuse at the tavern. Countess Edith is an angelic creature, exquisitely elegant, a finite and aristocratic heiress. Two sides of a woman with a split personality.
Действие псевдоисторического фильма разворачивается во время правления римского императора Нерона (64-68 годы). На экране изображена жизнь первых христиан римской общины и первые гонения на христиан в Римской империи.
The 1912 Italian version of Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet.
Maffio Riari