Wolfgang Zeller

Wolfgang Zeller

Рождение : 1893-09-12, Biesenrode, Mansfeld-Südharz, Germany

Смерть : 1967-01-11


Wolfgang Zeller


Serengeti Shall Not Die
Original Music Composer
The film tells of the beginnings of the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania. At the end of the 1950s, the Tanzanian National Park Administration wanted to fence in the protected area around the Ngorongoro Crater. Bernhard and Michael Grzimek were invited by the national park administration in 1957 to get a precise picture of the animal migrations and to provide the national park administration with the values ​​they needed for their project. Using a new counting method with two airplanes, the Grzimeks found out that the migration of the herds was different than assumed.
Lady Country Doctor
A German village gets a new doctor, but the conservative folk have trouble accepting a female for the job.
You Can No Longer Remain Silent
Original Music Composer
A Nordic fishermen's village surrounded by the raging sea. This is were fisherman Haldor (Wilhelm Borchert) is living. His marriage with the proud Salvör (Heidemarie Hatheyer) is going to be impend. While on the sea in a storm, he is being cast upon an island. There he falls in love with the farmer's girl Maria (Ingrid Andree). When Haldor learns, that Maria is pregnant, he takes her with him back home. Salvör who was still waiting, hates him for that and marries a rich merchant. Twenty years later Haldor's daughter Gunna and Salvör's son Ragnar, are falling in love with each other. And only now Haldor learns from Salvör that Ragnar is his son.
Ein toller Tag
Original Music Composer
Shot in 1944, finished and released in 1954.
Eyes of Love
Der Schatten des Herrn Monitor
Schatten der Nacht
Schicksal aus zweiter Hand
A man's life breaks down in pursuit of material success.
Das kleine Hofkonzert
Original Music Composer
Shot in 1944, finished and released in 1949.
… und wenn’s nur einer wär’ …
После окончания Второй мировой войны группа переселенцев прибывает в небольшой городок центральной Германии, счастливые, что нашли новый дом. Но местные жители встречают «инородцев» с недоверием, неприятием, даже ненавистью.
The Last Night
Set in German-occupied France in 1944 where a female resistance operative and a German army officer fall in love.
Original Music Composer
As the end of the Second World War approaches and the Soviet Red Army is advancing, a group of concentration camp inmates is helped to escape by a Polish doctor. They hide in a wood where they meet other fugitives, who have been there for months, constantly in fear of being discovered. Out of fear of the German army patrols, they do not dare to leave the forest, even as the food supplies run low.
The Pit Morgenrot
During the global economic crisis, the mine pit "Morgenrot" is due to be closed due to unprofitable results. With the use of a machine forbidden for security reasons, the mates try to work more effectively and thus save their jobs. A serious accident happens.
It's Up To You
A historical film contrasting the two Germanies – the good and the evil – which struggled for power between the two world wars.
Marriage in the Shadows
Original Music Composer
Set during the rise of the Nazi regime, Elisabeth Maurer and Hans Wieland enjoy successful careers as actors in Berlin. Confident in her career, Elisabeth, who is Jewish, ignores the advice of a colleague to leave Germany in the face of increasing anti-Semitism. Believing that he can protect her if she becomes his wife, Hans convinces Elisabeth to marry him. In the following years, as Hans's career thrives, Elisabeth awaits the end of the Nazi terror which bars her from public life. When the situation worsens in 1938 with the Kristallnacht pogrom, Elisabeth decides to leave the country, but Hans, who still believes he can protect her, convinces her to stay with him.
Die Jahre vergehen
The successful shipowner Georg Behrendsen and his wife Irene are coming from South America to Germany for business. While negotiating in the home of senator Kersten, the senator's son Wilhelm (Werner Fuetterer) is taking care of Irene Behrendsen. The two fall in love with each other and decide to marry after Irene's divorce from her husband. But the old senator forces his son to decide whether to marry Irene or to become head of the shipping company. Not to break the family tradition, Wilhelm decides against the marriage. Irene, full of hatred against the senator, goes back to her husband. 25 years later. The senator is still head of the shipping company, because Wilhelm was killed in the war. He concentrates his love now on his daughter Victoria and he can't refuse any wish of her. Some day she tells him that she has been falling in love with a young german guy from overseas called Peter Behrendsen, not knowing that he is the son of the women who hates the senator the most.
A man and a woman struggle to stifle their love for each other, even after he moves away to travel the world and she marries a suitor.
Андреас Шлютер
Главный герой фильма талантливый архитектор Андреас Шлютер. После создания памятников Великому курфюрсту и его сыну Фридриху III ему поручают руководить сооружением Берлинского Городского дворца. Но спустя несколько лет из-за интриг, закрученных конкурентом, Шлютера отстраняют от работы и сажают в тюрьму.
Original Music Composer
The Waitress Anna
Еврей Зюсс
Original Music Composer
В 1733 году герцог Карл Александр Вюртембергский назначает своим финансовым советником зажиточного торговца Зюсса Оппенгеймера. Оппенгеймер вводит таможенные сборы за пользование дорогами и придумывает всё новые налоги, чтобы снабдить герцога деньгами. Постепенно он усиливает влияние на своего покровителя и тот, в итоге, предоставляет ему полную свободу действий. При этом Оппенгеймер действует не только в своих личных интересах. Он добивается от герцога снять запрет на проживание евреев в Вюртемберге.
Der Polizeifunk meldet
Der Gouverneur
Sound Director
Fahrendes Volk
Fernand has escaped from prison and finds shelter in the traveling circus Barlay, where his former wife Flora works as a predator trainer. Their son, now grown up, Marcel is an art rider and does not know that Fernand is his father. Marcel loves Yvonne, the daughter of director Barlay. He is against the connection, sends his daughter to Italy and convinces Marcel that Yvonne does not return his feelings.
Du und ich
Melodrama about an entrepreneur and his family.
Short version of the Mannesmann film that premiered the previous year.
Petermann ist dagegen
Experiences during a voyage with a KDF-steamer (Kraft Durch Freude = Power Through Joy, a nazi campaign that allowed working class people to make affordable holidays often on steamers).Grumpy old Petermann is a moaner, but during a KDF-tour on the "Der Deutsche" there's so much Freude that he is transformed into a playful nice old chap. It has some beautiful moments despite the obvious promotion of the KDFconcept.
Shadows over St. Pauli
Original Music Composer
Разбитый кувшин
Original Music Composer
The man who broke the jug, the judge, is trying a case who determine who broke the jug. Long before the evidence becomes conclusive against the suspects, it becomes apparent that the blustering and bullying - and naive - village judge is the guilty one.
The Sovereign
Der Herrscher (The Sovereign) was based on Before Sunset, a play by Gerhart Hauptmann. The great Emil Jannings stars as Mathias Clausen, a self-made businessman who is forced to do a great deal of soul-searching when his wife unexpectedly dies. Determining to start life anew, he falls in love with his secretary Inken (Marianne Hoppe) and impulsively takes a vacation to Italy. Clausen's selfish grown children, not wishing to share their father's affections -- nor his money -- with his new wife-to-be, go to court demanding that Clausen be declared mentally incompetent. Upon finding this out, Clausen flies into a rage, leaving the audience to wonder whether or not he really as gone off his trolley. Der Herrscher was directed by Veit Harlan, more famous (or notorious) for his viciously anti-Semitic Jud Suess (1940).
Ride to Freedom
Original Music Composer
Eternal Forest
Intended as a cinematic proof for the shared destiny of the German woods and the German people beyond the vicissitudes of history, Ewiger Wald portrays a perfect symbiosis of an eternal forest and a likewise eternal people firmly rooted in it between Neolithic and National Socialist times.
Der alte und der junge König
The story of the stormy relationship between King Friedrich Wilhelm and his son, who later became known as King Frederick the Great of Prussia.
Повелительница Атлантиды
Original Music Composer
Офицеры французских колониальных войск, капитан Моранж и лейтенант Сент-Ави, направляются в глубинные области Сахары с секретной миссией - разведать обстановку в станах местных кочевых племен, враждующих между собой. Вдали от караванных путей друзья попадают в плен, но оказываются не в руках туземцев, а в таинственном подземном городе - осколке легендарной Атлантиды. Единственным законом здесь является воля царицы Антинеи, и все люди, однажды попавшие в город, обречены оставаться пленниками Атлантиды до самой смерти.
Sacred Waters
Вампир: Сон Алена Грея
Original Music Composer
Путешественник Ален Грей прибывает в поселение, где снимает жилье в маленькой гостинице. Грей интересуется сверхъестественным, особенно вампирами. Скоро он начинает ощущать присутствие зловещей силы, которая оказывает на него давление. Тем временем Грей узнает, что дочь одного из местных жителей укушена вампиром. Чтобы ее спасти, он должен найти главного вампира и вонзить кол в его сердце.
Feind im Blut
Music Director
Feind im Blut
Мелодия мира
Отображение состояния общества в 1929 г., контраст сходства и различий в религии, традициях, искусстве и развлечениях со всего мира.
German silent film about the life of Martin Luther
Приключения принца Ахмеда
Original Music Composer
Злой магрибский колдун создаёт волшебного механического коня, способного летать по воздуху. Неосторожный принц Ахмед садится в седло и уносится далеко-далеко - на Тихоокеанское побережье Китая, где он будет сражаться с чудовищами и демонами и где встретит любовь всей жизни.