Les Clark

Les Clark

Рождение : 1907-11-17, Ogden, Utah, USA

Смерть : 1979-09-12


"Born only in 1907 due to the bashfulness of my fond pater. Received early education at the corner saloon in Bingham, Utah. Entered the department of the Peoria City Street Service in 1919, which later afforded opportunities for many follow-ups, including a position of beach combing on the sands of Venice. Began my art career designing labels for tomato cans which enabled me to later break into other branches of artistic endeavors such as decorating tire covers. At present I am with animated cartoons." - From the June 20, 1931 edition of The Motion Picture Daily


Les Clark


Waking Sleeping Beauty
Self (archive footage)
By the mid-1980s, the fabled animation studios of Walt Disney had fallen on hard times. The artists were polarized between newcomers hungry to innovate and old timers not yet ready to relinquish control. These conditions produced a series of box-office flops and pessimistic forecasts: maybe the best days of animation were over. Maybe the public didn't care. Only a miracle or a magic spell could produce a happy ending. Waking Sleeping Beauty is no fairy tale. It's the true story of how Disney regained its magic with a staggering output of hits - "Little Mermaid," "Beauty and the Beast ," "Aladdin," "The Lion King," and more - over a 10-year period.
The Making of 'Pinocchio': No Strings Attached
Self (Archive Footage)
Documentary focusing on the making-of the 1940n adaptation of Pinocchio by the Disney studio, often considered the artistic pinnacle of the Disney feature.
История Пиксара
Self (archive footage)
A look at the first years of Pixar Animation Studios - from the success of "Toy Story" and Pixar's promotion of talented people, to the building of its East Bay campus, the company's relationship with Disney, and its remarkable initial string of eight hits. The contributions of John Lasseter, Ed Catmull and Steve Jobs are profiled. The decline of two-dimensional animation is chronicled as three-dimensional animation rises. Hard work and creativity seem to share the screen in equal proportions.
Walt Disney Treasures: More Silly Symphonies
Among the many animation treasures celebrated here are the never-before-released 'Hell's Bells' and the original unedited 'Mother Goose Goes Hollywood', plus the Academy Award winning 'Three Orphan Kittens' (Best Cartoon, 1935). Enriching the collection even further are several options commentaries by some of the world's foremost animation and film music experts, who also take part in a lively conversation about the series that let Walt Disney push the envelope of animation art to unimaginable flights of fantasy.
Американские легенды Диснея
Дисней предлагает нам окунуться в американскую историю с помощью своей новой анимированной коллекции, куда вошли четыре короткометражки об известных американских героях Джоне Генри, Поле Банйане, Джонни Эпплсиде и, конечно, Кейси Джонсе! Каждая история предворяется вступлением известного актера Джеймса Эрла Джонса и наполнена впечатляющими персонажами, приключениями и незабываемыми песнями.
Man, Monsters & Mysteries
Man, Monsters and Mysteries is a 1974 Disney educational animated featurette. It explains about man's intriguing questions about monsters, mysteries and even the enigmatic Loch Ness monster.
VD Attack Plan
Short animation dealing with the doubts young people have about venereal diseases.
I'm No Fool with Electricity
Jiminy Cricket explains the basics of safety around electricity, including lightning.
Get the Message
Created by Walt Disney Educational and distributed to Schools. Traces the development of communication techniques from the first "ugh" to the astral language of the space age, and concludes with a look at the implications of today's "information explosion."
The Great Search: Man's Need for Power and Energy
Created by Walt Disney Educational and distributed to Schools. Last short released during Roy Disney's lifetime
Room for Heroes
Educational film describing the exploits of American heroes such as Johnny Appleseed, Davy Crockett, Pecos Bill, and Casey Jones;
Lunch Money
Created by Walt Disney Educational and distributed to Schools
New Girl
One of the educational short films in the "What Should I Do?"-series made by Walt Disney Productions.
Physical Fitness and Good Health
Exercise, rest and proper diet are essential for physical fitness. Diagrams show the structure and function of muscles and the importance of exercise to tone muscles, nerves and organs. With rest, muscles are cleansed of wastes and refueled. Food, our only energy source, provides fuel for the body mechanism. If the physical side of the Health Triangle is weak, the other two sides can be adversely affected.
The Social Side of Health
The narrator tells of the three sides of health represented by a triangle with the physical side at the bottom, the mental side on the left, and the social side-the subject of this film-on the right.
The Fight
An educational short produced by Disney which poses three questions to children in how they should deal with a given situation. This time a fight at school.
The Game
An educational short produced by Disney which poses three questions to children in how they should deal with a given situation. This time a game at school.
The Project
An educational short produced by Disney which poses three questions to children in how they should deal with a given situation. This time a school project.
Steps Towards Maturity and Health
There is a focus on the need for physical, mental and social health to be fully developed in order for humans to function properly within society. The film is aimed at an adolescent audience who are independently confronting developments in these aspects of their well-being for the first time.
Family Planning
A short Disney film on what planning for a family is and how it works.
Гуфи: Проблемы на автостраде
После краткого обзора проблем, описанных в "Боязни автострад", мы видим новый круг проблем.
Steel and America
A short film by Disney in which Donald Duck is involved in showing the history of Steel and America.
Donald's Fire Survival Plan
Donald Duck shows how to prevent fire in the home by using a bit of forethought and prevention.
Гуфи: Боязнь автострады
Гуфи демонстрирует, как не надо ездить по автостраде.
Симпозиум популярных певцов
Музыкальная короткометражка от студии «Дисней», в которой профессор Людвиг фон Дрэйк — популярный персонаж мультфильмов и комиксов — исполняет разнообразные песни, уютно расположившись в своем особняке. Сюжеты песен проиллюстрированы. Помогает профессору в этом целый отряд музыкантов разной величины. В фильме «Симпозиум популярных певцов» звучат композиции, созданные дуэтом братьев Шерман, известных как самые «продуктивные» композиторы в истории кино. Аккомпанирует Тутти Камарата.
Дональд Дак: Дональд и колесо
Дональд Дак следует за изобретением и использованием колеса, с ранних времен пещерного человека до современного использования.
Дональд в «Матемагии»
Утёнок Дональд попадает в мир Математики, которая окружает нас везде: в природе, музыке, технике, спорте.
From All of Us to All of You
Hosted by Jiminy Cricket along with Mickey Mouse and Tinker Bell, this special combines newly produced animation with clips from vintage animated Disney shorts and feature films, presented to the viewer as Christmas cards from the various characters starring in each one.
Пол Баньян
Короткий мультфильм, претендовавший на награду «Оскар». Герой картины — мифический лесоруб Пол Баньян, персонаж историй, выдуманных американскими лесорубами в 1800-е годы с целью «привнести немного хорошего настроения к их тяжелой работе». Мультфильм рассказывает о жизни, карьере и проблемах легендарного лесоруба, который был ростом выше деревьев и водил дружбу с быком. Много плохих и хороших людей вставало на пути Пола, но он всегда оставался верен себе и своему делу.
I'm No Fool in Water
Jiminy Cricket teaches water safety.
I'm No Fool with Fire
Jiminy Cricket explains the basics of fire safety.
Леди и бродяга
Animation Director
Трогательная и захватывающая история сближения двух абсолютно разных собак — породистой комнатной неженки и бездомного дворняги. Изящная и пушистая как игрушка, коккер-спаниельша Леди была любимицей хозяев, пока в их семье не появился младенец. Надетый намордник стал последней каплей, подтолкнувшей обиженную героиню к бегству. Но на улице ее поджидала целая куча опасностей, о существовании которых она даже не подозревала. И тогда на помощь миниатюрной черноглазой красотке пришел разбитной пес Бродягя, благородство которого было не в породе, а в душе. Проявив отзывчивость и мужество, он в конце концов завоевал сердце нежной Леди.
Леди и бродяга
Трогательная и захватывающая история сближения двух абсолютно разных собак — породистой комнатной неженки и бездомного дворняги. Изящная и пушистая как игрушка, коккер-спаниельша Леди была любимицей хозяев, пока в их семье не появился младенец. Надетый намордник стал последней каплей, подтолкнувшей обиженную героиню к бегству. Но на улице ее поджидала целая куча опасностей, о существовании которых она даже не подозревала. И тогда на помощь миниатюрной черноглазой красотке пришел разбитной пес Бродягя, благородство которого было не в породе, а в душе. Проявив отзывчивость и мужество, он в конце концов завоевал сердце нежной Леди.
Contrasts in Rhythm
An animated segment from the film Melody Time which includes the two shorts "Bumble Boogie" and "Trees".
The Disneyland Story
Special Effects
Walt Disney presents a preview for both his upcoming park called Disneyland and several episodes of the show to come. Then the show focuses primarily on the career of Mickey Mouse.
Питер Пэн
Animation Director
Уолт Дисней зовет нас с собой в волшебную страну Неверленд, где живет удивительный мальчик, который умеет летать и отказывается взрослеть. Это веселый выдумщик, храбрец и проказник Питер Пэн!Однажды в поисках собственной тени Питер попадает в Лондон нашего мира и становится другом маленькой Венди и ее братьев Майкла и Джона, и, конечно же, он берет своих ночных друзей с собой в Неверленд, навстречу потрясающим приключениям.Героям предстоит встретиться с феей Тинкербелл и дружной ватагой Питера Пэна, спасти индейскую принцессу Тигровую Лилию из лап пиратов и сразиться с их демоническим главарем капитаном Крюком!..
Питер Пэн
Уолт Дисней зовет нас с собой в волшебную страну Неверленд, где живет удивительный мальчик, который умеет летать и отказывается взрослеть. Это веселый выдумщик, храбрец и проказник Питер Пэн!Однажды в поисках собственной тени Питер попадает в Лондон нашего мира и становится другом маленькой Венди и ее братьев Майкла и Джона, и, конечно же, он берет своих ночных друзей с собой в Неверленд, навстречу потрясающим приключениям.Героям предстоит встретиться с феей Тинкербелл и дружной ватагой Питера Пэна, спасти индейскую принцессу Тигровую Лилию из лап пиратов и сразиться с их демоническим главарем капитаном Крюком!..
The Little House
A small house has to try to compete with progress and the encroaching press of the big city.
Алиса в стране чудес
Убежав из дома, Алиса увидела под старой яблоней большого белого кролика, одетого в куртку и жилет. Достав из кармана часы, кролик торопливо скрылся в подозрительно темной норе. Набравшись смелости, Алиса шагнула вслед за ним... и попала в чудесный сказочный мир, где сбываются самые несбыточные фантазии. Чтобы попасть обратно домой, Алисе придется совершить путешествие через весь этот странный и причудливый мир, в котором ее поджидают совершенно невероятные приключения и совершенно фантастические существа...
Плуто: Несбывшиеся мечты Плуто
Микки и Плуто приезжают отдохнуть в чудесный лагерь «Утопия». Плуто, счастлив — ему здесь очень нравится. Но напрасно он так обрадовался…
Animation Director
Золушка — бедная сиротка, которую злая мачеха и ее вздорные дочки, заставляют тяжко работать с утра до ночи. Она так хочет попасть на королевский бал. На помощь бедняжке приходит Добрая фея! Силой волшебства она наделяет Золушку роскошной каретой, чудесным платьем и необыкновенными хрустальными башмачками.
Время мелодий
Яркие музыкальные истории, насыщенные добром, романтикой и трогательной любовью несут заряд хорошего и веселого настроения. Под звуки джаза, блюза, мотивов кантри и самбы можно почувствовать ностальгическую атмосферу Америки 40-х годов и познакомится с ее легендами и балладами.
Веселые и беззаботные
Полнометражный анимационный шедевр, очаровывающий и невероятно интересный своей историей создания. Это последний мультипликационный фильм, где слышен голос великолепного сказочника Уолта Диснея, озвучившего символа студии – Микки Мауса, и единственный фильм, где встречаются все четыре главных персонажа студии: великолепный Микки Маус, ворчливый Дональд Дак, забавный Гуфи и мудрый рассказчик Сверчок Джимини. Следуя классической традиции студии Диснея, мультипликаторы создали увлекательную историю «Бонго» про циркового медведя, мечтающего убежать из цирка, и жить в лесу вместе со своими друзьями и возлюбленной. А также предложили свою версию известной сказки «Джек и Бобовый Росток» – «Микки и Бобовый Росток». Две чудесные истории появились на свет, благодаря рассказчику Сверчку Джимини и мастерству работников студии, сумевших создать незабываемые персонажи, наполнить картину прекрасной музыкой и невероятными приключениями.
Микки Маус: Микки и бобовый стебель
Микки Маус, Гуфи и Дональд Дак представляют веселую диснеевскую историю. Когда волшебная Поющая Арфа Счастливой Долины попадает в лапы злого великана Вилли, весь город впадает в отчаяние. Но кто как не эта милая троица может противостоять злодею?
Веселые и беззаботные
Animation Director
Полнометражный анимационный шедевр, очаровывающий и невероятно интересный своей историей создания. Это последний мультипликационный фильм, где слышен голос великолепного сказочника Уолта Диснея, озвучившего символа студии – Микки Мауса, и единственный фильм, где встречаются все четыре главных персонажа студии: великолепный Микки Маус, ворчливый Дональд Дак, забавный Гуфи и мудрый рассказчик Сверчок Джимини. Следуя классической традиции студии Диснея, мультипликаторы создали увлекательную историю «Бонго» про циркового медведя, мечтающего убежать из цирка, и жить в лесу вместе со своими друзьями и возлюбленной. А также предложили свою версию известной сказки «Джек и Бобовый Росток» – «Микки и Бобовый Росток». Две чудесные истории появились на свет, благодаря рассказчику Сверчку Джимини и мастерству работников студии, сумевших создать незабываемые персонажи, наполнить картину прекрасной музыкой и невероятными приключениями.
Песня Юга
Дядюшка Римус рассказывает свои забавные истории о Братце Кролике маленькому Джонни, чтобы помочь ему справиться с разводом его родителей и новой жизнью на плантации.
Сыграй мою музыку
Студия Уолта Диснея преподносит отличный подарок — девять коротких музыкальных историй, объединенных в один сборник «Необыкновенный концерт». Невероятно милые, под час забавные рассказы великолепно дополнены песнями и музыкой в исполнении известнейших певцов и биг-бендов 40-50 годов. Прекрасная музыка, замечательная анимация и искрометный юмор — в лучших традициях знаменитой студии Уолта Диснея!
Гуфи: Хоккейные страсти
Нам объясняет правила хоккея в сатирическом формате.
Три кабальеро
На этот раз утенок Дональд решил посетить Мексику. Об этом его путешествии и рассказывается в этой сказке.
Гуфи: Транспорт Победы
Гуфи демонстрирует различные виды транспорта военного времени.
Плуто: Рядовой Плуто
В окрестностях военного лагеря появился диверсант. Плуто получает приказ защитить грудью огневой рубеж.
Лицо Фюрера
Дональд пробуждается от шума и немецкие музыканты заставляют его надеть нацистскую военную форму и забирают на фабрику вооружения, где он вынужден работать 48 часов в сутки.
Гуфи: Как играть в бейсбол
Гуфи научит вас национальной американской игре — бейсбол. Вы присутствуете на грандиозном матче, где две лучшие команды оспаривают свое первенство.
Микки Маус: Час симфонии
Как могут сыграть музыканты, оставшиеся без инструментов? Реакция публики на этот концерт оказывается полной неожиданностью и для музыкантов, и для их музыкального продюсера.
Микки Маус: День рождения Микки
Друзья собрались у Микки дома и решили устроить ему сюрприз: подарили ему замечательный электроорган. Гости веселились, пели и танцевали — праздник удался на славу.
Микки: В стиле 90-х
Давайте заглянем в старый семейный альбом. Когда-то в далекие девяностые годы дедушка Микки так романтично и красиво ухаживал за бабушкой Мини.
Микки Маус: Маленький вихрь
Микки Маус убирает сухие листья, ради вкуснейшего пирога. Но маленький, шаловливый вихрь всё время ему мешает.
Необычайный, поражающий воображение мультконцерт, небывалое ранее единение музыки и мультипликации. Дисней и знаменитый дирижер Леопольд Стоковски решили воспроизвести на экране фантазии, возникающие в сознании людей при прослушивании музыкальных шедевров.Картина состоит из 8 классических композиций, проиллюстрированных сюжетными инсценировками и ритмичными абстракциями, предвосхищающими чудеса компьютерной графики.
Дональд Дак: Мистер Дак идет на свидание
Дональд пригласил на свое первое свидание Дэйзи.
Волшебная звёздная ночь... Гепетто хочет достать самую яркую волшебную звезду с неба. Его единственное желание - создать деревянного человечка Пиноккио, который бы превратился в настоящего мальчика и стал его сыном, которого у него никогда не было. Той ночью, красивая Синяя Фея коснулась Пиноккио своей волшебной палочкой, и он ожил. Сбылась самая заветная мечта Гепетто. Хотя Пиноккио и ожил, Фея сообщает ему о том, что он сможет стать настоящим, если докажет, что он храбрый, правдивый и бескорыстный. Благодаря умному сверчку Джимини Крикет, Пиноккио учится различать, что правильно, а что нет. Пиноккио отправляется в школу... Вот тут-то и начинаются невероятные приключения...
Swanee River
Swanee River is a 1940 American biopic about Stephen Foster, a songwriter from Pittsburgh who falls in love with the South, marries a Southern girl, then is accused of sympathizing when the Civil War breaks out. Typical of 20th Century Fox biopics of the time, the film is more fictional than factual biography.
Микки Маус: Выставка собак
Микки и Плуто отправились на выставку собак, но, оказывается, их там никто не ждет: выставка только для породистых собак. Микки и Плуто прогоняют.
Микки Маус: Маленький храбрый портняжка
Прекрасная экранизация известной сказки с Микки Маусом в роли храброго портняжки. Храбрый портняжка хвастал, что убил семь мух одним ударом, а теперь ему придется столкнуться с настоящим великаном.
Микки Маус: Попугай Микки
Микки и Плуто очень испугались, когда подозрительный незнакомец появился в их доме. Им и невдомек, что странный «бандит» на пороге их жилища, всего лишь несчастная, заблудившаяся птичка.
Белоснежка и семь гномов
Экранизация знаменитой немецкой сказки братьев Гримм о Белоснежке, жившей в замке со злой мачехой-королевой, которая очень гордилась своей красотой. Узнав от волшебного зеркальца, что Белоснежка стала самой прекрасной девушкой на свете, завистница решила погубить прелестную падчерицу. Но бедная девушка не погибла в лесу, а наоборот, встретила там настоящих друзей — забавных семерых гномов: Профессора, Ворчуна, Весельчака, Скромника, Чихоню, Соню и Молчуна…
Микки и конкурсанты любители
Микки Маус проводит любительское шоу талантов перед живой аудиторией радио.
Микки Маус: Большая опера Микки
Микки Маус руководит оперой. Он дает большое представление, но нежданно на сцене появляется Плуто, и трагедия превращается в комедию…
Сиротский пикник
Мышата-сироты отправляются за город на пикник. Все веселятся от души, кроме Дональда.
Music Land
Musical instruments are the stars of a romantic fable set in the Land of Symphony and the Isle of Jazz, two islands separated by the Sea of Discord. The violin princess and the saxophone prince fall in love, but must meet secretly in order to avoid the wrath of their parents, the Symphony queen and the Jazz king. The queen finds the boy saxophone on her island, attempting to woo her daughter. She has him locked in the metronome, but the young lover manages to send a note - in fact, several musical notes on sheet music - that conveys the message that he has been imprisoned. The Isle of Jazz declares war by blasting musical notes across the sea. The only thing that can bring peace and harmony to the Sea of Discord is love.
Mickey's Kangaroo
A friend in Australia has sent Mickey the kangaroo Hoppy, who with her pesky son drives Pluto completely to distraction. Mickey wants to train the kangaroos to be fighters, but they end up throwing him in his own hay-baling machine.
Концерт оркестра
Микки организовал концерт уличного оркестра, а Дональд на пару с пчелой и ураганом его чуть было не сорвал.
Заяц и черепаха
Кто быстрее: быстрый заяц или умная черепаха?
The Goddess of Spring
The goddess is greeted by dancing flowers and fairies. The devil comes and takes her away to be his queen. She's despondent, as winter settles in above ground. But the devil isn't happy either, and offers anything to make her happy. They reach an agreement: she'll spend six months above ground and six below. Thus we have seasons.
Концерт для сироток
Микки устраивает большое шоу, чтобы собрать деньги для осиротевших мышей.
Gulliver Mickey
Mickey is first seen reading Gulliver's Travels while the mice orphan children are pretending to be sailors. After ruining their game Mickey tries to make it up to them by retelling the Liliput sequences of Gulliver's Travels pretending it was a real event that happened to him by portraying the role of Gulliver. The story ends with Mickey saving the town from a giant spider (Pete). However after telling the story, one of the children dangles a fake spider attached to a fishing rod which scares Mickey out of his witts.
The Big Bad Wolf
The Big Bad Wolf torments Little Red Riding Hood and the Three Little Pigs.
Playful Pluto
Mickey's trying to do some yardwork, but Pluto wants to play. They end up indoors; Mickey breaks a screen, spreads flypaper, and they both get stuck.
Кузнечик и муравьи
Веселая история по басне Лафонтена. Кузнечик все лето веселится и играет на скрипке, а трудолюбивые муравьи делают запасы на зиму. Но что же случится, когда наступит зима…
The Night Before Christmas
A narrator sings the opening stanzas of the classic poem while we see the house at rest. Santa lands on the roof, comes down the chimney, and opens his bag. The toys march out and decorate the tree, with the toy soldiers shooting balls from their cannon, a toy airplane stringing a garland like skywriting, and the toy firemen applying snow. A blimp delivers the star to the top. Meanwhile, Santa fills the stockings. His laughter awakens the children, who sneak out. The toys rush to their places, and Santa escapes up the chimney just in time.
Mickey's orphans ask for a story; Mickey casts himself as Jack in Jack and the Beanstalk. He starts with the climbing of the beanstalk; after evading the giant a few times, he ends up inside a cheese sandwich, and then in the giant's mouth, where he ultimately grabs onto a pipe and gets pulled out by the giant. In the ensuing chase, Mickey launches a pepper bomb to slow the giant down, then outruns him coming down the beanstalk and sets the stalk on fire.
The Steeple Chase
Mickey is set to ride Thunderbolt in the big race; his owner, the Colonel, has bet everything. But the stable-hands goof off and incapacitate the horse. In desperation, Mickey rents a horse costume and puts the stable-hands inside. They manage to eventually clear the hurdles, but get hung up on one near a beehive; the bees propel them to victory.
Puppy Love
Mickey's in trouble when Pluto and Fifi eat Minnie's chocolates.
Old King Cole
Old King Cole throws party and invites all of the Mother Goose characters. He warns them that they must leave at midnight. Another collection of characters puts on a stage show. The Ten Little Indian Boys get everyone dancing along. The Hickory Dickory Dock mice announce midnight, and everyone leaves, back into their books.
The Mail Pilot
Mickey the mail pilot is entrusted with a chest of money. He battles rain and snow, but his biggest battle is against Pete, who has a plane equipped with a machine gun and a harpoon cannon. Mickey's plane quickly loses its wings and propeller to Pete's armaments, but he improvises a helicopter blade with a clothes-drying rack, then, when that gives way, a replacement prop from a windmill.
Ye Olden Days
The princess is to wed the Prince against her wishes. When she refuses, the king locks her in the tower. Minstrel Mickey sees her and rescues her, making a rope from the clothes of lady-in-waiting Clarabell. The king spots them and prepares to chop off Mickey's head until Minnie intercedes. The king calls for a joust. Mickey wins and they live happily ever after.
Mickey's Mellerdrammer
Mickey Mouse and his friends stage their own production of Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin.
Birds in the Spring
Two birds rejoice over the hatching of their three eggs; as they grow, the hatchlings are taught to sing and fly. One falls from the nest and has adventures with a rattlesnake and a beehive before finding his way home.
Mickey's Pal Pluto
Pluto rescues a bag of kittens from the river. He feels rejected, then, as Mickey ignores him and blames him for damage the kittens do. His angel and devil sides argue with him. Pluto gets thrown outside. The kittens also find their way outside, and fall into the well, where Pluto's angel side wins out as he rescues them once again and is finally recognized as a hero.
The Mad Doctor
A dark and stormy night. Pluto is spirited away to the spooky mansion of an evil genius for a mad transplant scheme to put his head on the body of a chicken. Mickey gives chase, but find himself threatened severely by the house and its denizens.
Микки Маус на стройке
Строительство дома: история знакомства рабочего и продавщицы.
Mickey's Good Deed
Mickey is playing Christmas carols on a standup bass for change. Alas, all he gets is screws, rocks, and other useless stuff. He plays outside a rich man's window, and the spoiled brat kid inside decides he wants Pluto. Mickey isn't selling, but when his bass gets destroyed by a passing sleigh and he sees a house full of orphans with no presents, he changes his mind. Mickey plays Santa to the kids. Meanwhile, the brat has been torturing Pluto; his father finally has enough and throws Pluto out and spanks the child. Pluto and Mickey are reunited, and as a bonus, the kid has tied the Christmas turkey to Pluto's tail. (Also included: Chip an' Dale 1947, Lend a Paw 1941)
Santa's Workshop
Santa's little helpers must hurry to finish the toys before Christmas Day.
Babes in the Woods
Two children wander the forest and get lured into a witch's house.
The Klondike Kid
Mickey plays piano in the Klondike Bar. He rescues a depressed, half-frozen Minnie. Pegleg Pierre comes storming in and steals her away, after a gun battle. A dogsled chase follows, with Pluto pulling Mickey's sled. There's a battle at Pete's cabin that features a sequence with Pete and Mickey wearing bedsprings and bouncing. Meanwhile, Pluto, chasing a rabbit, makes a giant snowball that sends the cabin downhill and eventually traps Pete.
King Neptune
After a short introduction, one of Neptune's mermaids is captured by a pirate ship, and their anchor chain entangles King Neptune; the various sea creatures launch a full-on assault on the pirate ship, and eventually the giant King himself gets free and creates major havoc for the ship.
Bugs in Love
Insects have made a playground/carnival out of castoffs, featuring "ice skating" on mirrors. Two love bugs head off to a more private area. But their fun is interrupted when a crow comes by. He bottles up the male bug and chases the female into her home. The male bug escapes in the nick of time, and another bug notices the battle and rallies the rest of the bugs to attack, which they do, using false teeth, an eggbeater, a mousetrap, castor oil, and other things.
The Whoopee Party
A house party. While Minnie plays piano and the guests dance, Mickey, Goofy, and Horace prepare a snack, which is brought out to much fanfare and immediately devoured. A band forms and plays Scott Joplin's The Entertainer; Mickey dances with Patricia Pig and various inanimate objects also dance, while all cry "Whoopee!" from time to time. The police come to break up the party.
Trader Mickey
Mickey Mouse and Pluto are traveling up an African river with a cargo of goods (including several musical instruments). They hit land and are captured by cannibals who plan to eat them. As soon as Mickey starts playing on a saxophone, they all start jamming to "The Darktown Strutter's Ball."
Mickey's Nightmare
Mickey dreams of marrying Minnie and having about 20 children. For all the possible joys of children, a brood this size turns the dream into a nightmare, especially when they get into the open cans of paint strewn about the house.
Цветы и деревья
Весенним утром в лесу разыгрывается романтическая история любви дерева-мальчика и дерева-девочки, не обходится без подлого и злого соперника, поющих птичек и танцующих цветочков. В общем - очень трогательно, душевно и сентиментально.
Mickey in Arabia
Mickey and Minnie are touring Arabia when she catches the eye of sheik Pete.
The Bears and Bees
Two bear cubs tussle harmlessly, then start to munch on a berry bush, until a bigger, meaner bear chases them off. They nibble some flowers and find a bee, which they follow to the hive, which they then proceed to raid. The big bear chases them off, but unknown to him, a bee spotted the raid and has summoned the attack squad. The bees run him off, and the cubs dig in.
The Musical Farmer
Mickey performs all his chores while whistling or singing. The big excitement is when Fanny the hen, who hasn't laid an egg in some time, lays a super-giant egg.
Mickey's Revue
Mickey Mouse conducts an orchestra, while the rest of the Disney menagerie of the era provides a dance recital, with Horace Horsecollar as stage manager, and Pluto continually sneaking on stage.
Just Dogs
Pluto's cage-mate at the dog pound breaks out and lets all the other dogs out as well. In the park, that terrier keeps following Pluto too closely for Pluto's tastes, until he digs up a huge bone and gives it to Pluto (who doesn't particularly want to share). But soon all the other escaped dogs are chasing after the bone.
Barnyard Olympics
Mickey and his friends are staging a sort of olympics in a makeshift stadium on his farm. The main event is a sort of quadrathlon, with running, pole vaulting, rowing, and cycling. Mickey gets a late start due to some foul play by Pete, and that's not the only foul play.
The Grocery Boy
Mickey (and Pluto) are delivering a grocery order to Minnie. She pretends not to notice for a while, but when he gets hit on the head by an iron, she drops her pretense and rushes to his side. Mickey then helps with the dinner preparations, but Pluto steals the turkey, and a chase ensues. There's also a 4-layer cake that you just know is going to get ruined spectacularly.
The Bird Store
A pet shop specializing in birds. The various caged birds chirp along to the score in their various styles (including a set of birds that looks like the Marx Brothers). A cat eyes the proceedings hungrily and makes his way in through an open transom, causing panic and an organized counterattack.
The Ugly Duckling
The film begins with a mother hen sitting on her eggs from which six baby chicks are born. Though initially overjoyed, her mood changes to disgust when the final egg hatches out a duckling. Though the duckling desperately attempts to win his foster family's acceptance, the mother hen is adamant in her refusal to care for an infant that isn't even her species, let alone not even hers.
The Fox Hunt
It's morning in the English countryside and time for the gentry to participate in their favorite sport: the fox hunt. The eccentric gentlemen come in all shapes and sizes, the fat ones putting the greatest strain on the horses. The craziest things happen to the monocled hunters. One even gets knocked off his horse when it jumps over a brick wall. He shoots straight up into the air and, thanks to a parachute hidden in his clothes, makes a gentle landing. But instead of the ground, he lands on a cow. Upset by her unwanted passenger, she takes off at top speed, finally dumping him in a mud puddle, where he lands on a pig and continues his wacky ride. Meanwhile, the poor fox finally gets trapped in a hollow log. Dogs to the left of him, dogs to the right! Luckily, the beleaguered creature gets help from a certain powerful, and pungent, friend.
The Spider and the Fly
A kitchen is filled with houseflies. A spider wakes up and plays his web like a harp, attracting a pair of them; the female is trapped, and the male summons the cavalry, which arrives riding horseflies, riding dragonflies to drop pepper bombs, firing champagne bottles, and ultimately setting the web on fire and catching the spider on flypaper when he falls.
The Barnyard Broadcast
Mickey runs radio station ICU from his barn. His friends play various musical numbers. A cat wanders in and starts yowling (which sets Pluto, who was listing from his doghouse, off). Mickey puts it out, but it, and several kittens, keep coming back in, playing with the equipment, running through the musicians (chased by a broom-wielding Mickey, who does a great deal of damage himself), and generally making a mess of things.
Fishin' Around
Mickey takes Pluto fishing in a boat on a lake, but they aren't too successful. The fish mock them, and even steal the bait can. Finally, the game warden spots them (Mickey had ignored the "no fishing" sign) and gives chase.
Blue Rhythm
Mickey plays a bluesy tune on a piano on a stage. Minnie sings. Then an unseen band plays while both sing and dance. Mickey then leads the 9-piece band in an uptempo number, with Pluto on trombone, Horace on percussion, and Clarabelle on bass, among others. Mickey steps out for a clarinet solo.
Mickey Steps Out
Mickey heads over to see Minnie, but Pluto won't leave him alone. He gets there and watches through the window, standing on Pluto, while Minnie plays piano. Pluto runs off to chase a cat and leaves Mickey stuck in the window. Minnie has him in, and he dances to her playing. Pluto chases the cat into the house and causes havoc. The chase leads into the piano, where Pluto picks up the player-piano roll as an extended tail, and the destruction continues.
The Busy Beavers
A group of beavers cheerily build a dam.
The Delivery Boy
Delivery boy Mickey encounters Minnie washing clothes and singing. He stops for a quick song and dance with her. Meanwhile, Pluto gets tangled up in tar. Mickey sends a beehive flying; it lands on his mule, who kicks Mickey's instrument-filled wagon into the air. He plays a march or two on the piano with Minnie, with many animals playing along.
Mother Goose Melodies
A book of nursery rhymes plays for Old King Cole.
The Castaway
Mickey, apparently shipwrecked, is on a raft; he washes up on a tropical island, where a banana tree takes care of his hunger. He then discovers a piano that washed ashore, and begins playing it. The animals come around; a gorilla, after playing a 4-hands piece with his feet, destroys the piano. Mickey runs away and accidentally wakes a lion. The lion chases Mickey to a stream, where he jumps onto a rock that turns out to be right next to a crocodile.
Traffic Troubles
Mickey is driving a taxi. His first fare is a very large gentleman. Mickey stops traffic and gets a tongue-lashing from the officer. The cab runs into some bad road, bounces the fare down to almost nothing, then bounces the customer right out of the cab. Mickey pulls up to the curb and picks up his second passenger, Minnie. She plays her accordion while they ride. The cab gets a flat tire, and Mickey uses a pig to pump it up.
Birds of a Feather
Swans, peacocks, ducks, and more birds dance.
The Birthday Party
Mickey's friends throw him a surprise birthday party at Minnie's house. The chef brings out the cake (with 2 candles); Mickey manages to blow all the cake onto the chef's face, while the candles stay lit. He unwraps his present: a miniature piano. He plays a duet of I Can't Give You Anything But Love, Baby with Minnie, followed by an instrumental version of The Darktown Strutter's Ball, which everyone dances to (including Mickey and Minnie, while the piano stools keep playing). Mickey then plays There's No Place Like Home on the xylophone, then accompanies Minnie on another piece, after which the xylophone gets frisky and eventually dumps Mickey in the fish bowl.
Playful Pan
The mythological satyr plays some tunes on his pipes and gets various flora and fauna dancing to them. Two clouds also dance; they bump into each other, causing lightning strikes that start a forest fire. The animals rush to escape the fire. Finally, an animal comes to tell Pan of the fire; he rushes to it, and gets it to dance to his tune, right into the lake.
Pioneer Days
Mickey and Minnie are on a wagon train; they camp for the night, unaware that Indians have spotted them and are doing a war dance. The attack comes, and Minnie is captured.
In the last of the Silly Symphonies season cycle, bears hibernate (or try to), raccoons sneeze, moose swim, and pretty much everyone ice skates. Everyone gathers around the groundhog to see what happens.
The Picnic
Summertime, and Mickey takes Minnie on a picnic. While Pluto is chasing a rabbit, and Mickey and Minnie are doing a courtship dance, every animal in the woods is busy making off with their picnic food. And then the rain comes.
The Gorilla Mystery
A gorilla has escaped; Mickey, panicked, calls Minnie, but she plays a song to show she is not afraid. That is, until the gorilla comes up behind her and grabs her. Mickey rushes right over to save her.
Monkey Melodies
The monkeys are swinging; their song and dance routine has other jungle creatures joining in. And two monkeys in love chase and kiss. But the hungry crocodiles lie in wait (and dance the soft shoe).
The Chain Gang
Mickey Mouse and several other characters are on a prison chain gang, guarded by Pegleg Pete. They break rocks for a while, then Mickey breaks out a harmonica and everyone starts making music and/or dancing. Soon there's a jail-break, and Mickey's on the run, tracked by bloodhounds (including his future pet, Pluto, in his first appearance). He falls off a cliff and right into a jail cell.
The Fire Fighters
Mickey and others are firemen; they slide down an ostrich's neck when the alarm sounds. A squealing cat whose tail Mickey pulls acts as the siren. The nearest hydrant isn't working too well, so Horace Horsecollar takes drinks from a pond and uses that water to put out the fire. Minnie is trapped on an upper floor; Mickey climbs the neighboring building fire escape and uses a clothesline to cross to Minnie's building.
The moon and two owls sing to the Blue Danube Waltz, celebrating the night. Moths dance around a candle flame, fireflies glow, frogs chorus, and so forth.
Midnight in a Toy Shop
A spider seeks shelter inside an old toy store, where he soon discovers that the merchandise comes to life after dark.
Arctic Antics
A collection of arctic animals (seals, walruses, polar bears, penguins) float by on ice floes and on shore, performing various musical numbers.
Frolicking Fish
The title pretty much says it: fish and other marine life dance and frolic to various tunes. An octopus keeps spoiling the fun in various ways.
Cannibal Capers
A group of cannibals gather together for a tribal dance. In the middle of their gala, they are interrupted by a ferocious lion!
The season series of Silly Symphonies continues, with squirrels storing nuts and corn, crows stealing it, beavers building a dam, ducks migrating, and the like, as the first snows fall.
In the logical sequel to Springtime, a new set of insects (mostly) dances to a new set of tunes, while doing summer activities. The insects include dung beetles, dragonflies, butterflies, a walking stick, bees, and various other beetles and flies.
The Merry Dwarfs
A village of dwarfs dance and play through their day. A blacksmith shoes a centipede, a street-cleaner sweeps, a marching-band strikes up and the townsmen roll out beer barrels.
Hell's Bells
The demons of hell play music for Satan, whose delight turns to wrath when an insubordinate refuses to become food for Cerberus.
Flowers, insects, and a crow family all dance to a jaunty tune celebrating spring. After a brief storm, grasshoppers, frogs, and spiders cavort to the Dance of the Hours.
El Terrible Toreador
A barmaid, a Mexican officer and a terrible toreador form a love triangle, as they dance, skip, kiss, punch and slap to the tune of Bizet's "Carmen." Later, the barmaid cheers her lover, and the officer razzes him, during the big bullfight. The toreador and the bull are not above clowning, but never doubt they are two fearsome opponents striving toward a gruesome climax.
Танец скелетов
Ночь обещает быть страшной. Вспыхивает молния. Воет ветер. Ветвь дерева в форме руки словно хватается за испуганную сову, которая кружит головой, как волчок. Часы на церковной башне пробивают полночь, и летучие мыши вылетают из колокольни. Две кошки на надгробиях дерутся, натягивая друг другу носы, как ириски. Скелет вырастает из-за надгробия, отпугивая кошек. Но уханье совы пугает его, и он в ответ бросает череп и сбивает с птицы перья. Пора скелетам танцевать и они действуют так, как не могут никакие живые существа.
Микки Маус: Пароходик Уилли
Микки Маус стоит за штурвалом, управляя пароходом, плывущим по реке, и представляет себя капитаном. Он насвистывает веселую мелодию, но вскоре появляется настоящий капитан.
Poor Papa
Oswald gets a visit from the stork ... again and again and again. He has to resort to a variety of strategies to stop the continual flow of babies.
Ozzie of the Mounted
Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, goes in pursuit of Peg-Leg Pete.
All Wet
Oswald takes a job as a lifeguard to keep an eye on Miss Rabbit, who in turn stages a boating accident hoping Oswald will come to save her.
Great Guns
Oswald's country is at war, like many other volunters he joins the army and finds himself soon in the trenches. A short battle leaves him wounded, but at least in the field hospital where his girlfriend is working.
The Mechanical Cow
Oswald wakes up grumpy and takes it out on his alarm clock, afterward trying his best to wake up the mechanical cow sleeping in the bed beside him, with limited success. They finally do get going, sailing around the barnyard offering milk to denizens of the farm. When kidnappers arrive and takes Oswald's girlfriend away, he and the cow set off to rescue her.
Oh Teacher
Oswald's sweetheart is stolen by a schoolyard bully, so he has to fight him during recess to win her back.
Trolley Troubles
Oswald the Lucky Rabbit runs a trolley but finds the job is more trouble than its worth in his debut short.
Alice in the Big League
Alice attempts to umpire a big league baseball game where the animals begin to take exception to her bad calls.
Alice the Beach Nut
Alice visits the beach where Julius is working as a lifeguard. Suddenly an emergency arises and Julius must rescue a drowning swimmer.
Alice's Medicine Show
Alice and Julius are in a traveling medicine show, and part of their job is to sell patent medicine to audiences.
Alice in the Klondike
Julius and Alice go prospecting for gold in the Klondike and strike it rich. However, they have to protect their claim against Pete, who wants to take it for himself.
Alice's Channel Swim
Julius and Pete have a contest to swim across the English Channel, with Alice as the referee.
Alice's Picnic
Alice and her friends decide to go to the park and have a picnic. Everything is going well until a gang of rats steals their food. Alice and her friends decide to go after the rats and get their food back.
The Restless Sea
The Restless Sea is a 1964 educational animated feature-length film. It was produced by Disney as the final entry in the Bell Telephone Science Hour series. Animated sequences illustrate the work of oceanographers in searching out complex and interwoven relationships of nature in the sea integrating the marine applications of many sciences. Filmed action from above and below the surface shows instruments which plunge through layers of sediment to obtain geological records and oceanographic equipment ranging from underwater television to research vessels.