A forger steals and kills for a rare book from a library in order to make forgeries to sell to rich suckers.
Оливер Кортни — высокооплачиваемый автор музыки и слов ко многим шлягерам, тиражи его изданий растут с каждым днем, но на самом деле, но уже давно исписался и нанимает молодых авторов, которые пишут за него. В настоящее время он сотрудничает с Бобом Саммерсом, бедным музыкантом отшельником, который пишет весьма запоминающиеся мелодии. Для написания новых стихов он нанимает Черри Лэйн, симпатичную брюнетку, которая отправляется в загородную гостиницу, чтобы завершить очередной текст. Волей случая композитор и поэт встречаются, влюбляются и решают работать вместе под собственными именами, но издатели обвиняют их в копировании стиля Кортни....
Hotel Official
Radio star Jack Benny, intending to stay in New York for the summer, is forced by the needling of rival Fred Allen to prove his boasts about roughing it on his (fictitious) Nevada ranch. Meanwhile, singer Joan Cameron, whom Jack's fallen for and offended, is maneuvered by her sisters to the same Nevada town. Jack's losing battle to prove his manhood to Joan means broad slapstick burlesque of Western cliches.
Second Clerk
A man involved in a crime (Nolan) kills his key witness by mistake and resigns himself to death. He changes his name so as not to harm his family. The law is not content with his explanation, however.
Boat Salesman (uncredited)
Bill Burnett, a resident of Bali, visits New York City, meets and falls in love with Gail Allen, the successful manager of a Fifth Avenue shop, who is determined to remain free and independent. Bill proposes, Gail declines and Bill goes home to Bali. But a young girl, Rosie, and Tony the Window Cleaner, who dispels advice on every floor, soon have Gail thinking maybe she was a bit hasty with her no to Bill's proposal. Ere long she discovers that she does love Bill and can't live without him. She goes down to Bali to give him the good news. He learns that he is soon to marry Noel Van Ness. She goes back to New York City.
Frank Lockridge
A beautiful woman is forced to help gangsters in a robbery, and is arrested as an accessory.
Walter Gregory
Knowing that is contains valuable helium gas, a gang of bad guys first tries to purchase the ranch which Gene straw-bosses. When that fails, they lay a hidden pipeline to snag the gas.
Tony Wonder
Band tries to get an audition for a job at a prestigious nightclub.
Lester McGuire
The Jones family drugstore is robbed and it looks like the culprit is a boy the family has taken a liking to.
Charlie Martin
Юная Стелла Мартин, дочь фабричного рабочего, влюблена в Стивена Далласа — выходца из когда-то богатого рода, служащего на фабрике мелким начальником. Стивен бросает свою давнюю возлюбленную Хелен, так как боится, что недостаточно богат и высокопоставлен для неё. Стелла нечаянно сталкивается с ним, когда приходит на фабрику, чтобы отнести обед брату Чарли, и Стивен увлекается ею.
Allen Tracy
A nurse's brother who's pursued by the mob, hides out in a hospital by pretending to be a patient.
Donald Trent
Ellery Queen solves a mystery involving a valuable stamp.
Tom Wilson
По рассказу "Правило толпы" Нормана Красны.
Фильм основан на реальных событиях, происшедших в окрестностях Сан-Франциско в 1930-е годы. Спровоцированная толпа обывателей провинциального городка осаждает и поджигает тюрьму, где заключен подозреваемый в похищении детей совершенно невиновный человек.
Prince Arsene
The Swan (1925) is a silent film produced by Famous Players-Lasky and distributed by Paramount Pictures. The film is based on Melville Baker's 1923 Broadway play adaptation, The Swan, of Ferenc Molnar's play A Hattyu Vigjatek Harom Felvonasbarn. This film was directed by Dimitri Buchowetzki, a recent Russian immigrant working for Famous Players-Lasky. Buchowetzki had directed pictures in Russia, Sweden, and Germany. The story of this film was remade in 1930 as One Romantic Night, an early talkie for Lillian Gish, and in Technicolor as a 1956 vehicle for Grace Kelly.