Michael Montes


Her Violet Kiss
A woman attends a party where she is observed by and finally meets a mysterious guest.
That Cold Dead Look in Your Eyes
Leonard is about to lose his girlfriend, home and job. Upon that, he’s having strange hallucinations. Is it stress or an after effect of new technology installed all over the city? He must figure it out or he’ll be trapped in this nightmare forever.
Even though Sami is safe in the United States with his 9-year-old daughter, Aya, the injures sustained during the war in Syria are making his life difficult. When news breaks that the rest of his family will arrive from a refugee camp, he should be as elated as Aya. But as Aya grows more eager to see her brother Saeed, Sami grows more anxious.
New Year, New You
Original Music Composer
A group of old friends gather for a girls’ night on New Years Eve. But as they begin to rehash old memories, many of the gripes they’ve been harboring manifest in murderous ways.
Город Йоэля
Сам город, упомянутый в названии, — это на самом деле деревня, хасидская община на севере от Нью-Йорка, которая оказалась настолько успешной в воплощении всех 613 мицв из Торы, что теперь им попросту не хватает места, чтобы всем жить - так стало много поселенцев. Назван "город" в честь рабби Йоэля Тейтельбаума, вдохновителя всей ультраортодоксальной хасидской общины в США. Джесси Суит, бывалый документалист и кинопродюсер, который собирал деньги на фильм с помощью краудфандинга, показывает всю подноготную борьбы хасидов за земли с местными активистами, которые считают, что такое расширение может повредить окружающей среде (а хасиды, конечно, считают, что их оппоненты — антисемиты), а регион Нью-Йорка показан как новый Вавилон, где цветёт сто цветов.
Не выходи из дома
Original Music Composer
Одержимая желанием отыскать корни жуткой городской легенды американская художница отправляется в Ирландию, в уединённое поместье художника-отшельника.
Всегда сияй
Original Music Composer
Лучшие подруги Анна и Бет отправляются на выходные отдохнуть в домик в лесу. Они обе актрисы, но у одной карьера идёт в гору, а у другой — совсем нет. Нарастающее между ними напряжение приводит к неизбежному противостоянию.
Мое лето пинг-понга
Original Music Composer
Рэд Миракл — застенчивый 13-летний подросток, обожающий пинг-понг и музыку. Летние каникулы семья мальчика ежегодно проводит в Оушэн Сити в Мэриленде. Там Рэд находит лучшего друга, встречает первую настоящую любовь, становится объектом жестоких насмешек со стороны местных богатых парней и находит неожиданного наставника в лице отверженной соседки…
The Windmill Movie
Original Music Composer
Filmmaker Richard P. Rogers tried for twenty years to make a documentary about his own life. He died in 2001, leaving the project unfinished, until his widow, acclaimed photographer Susan Meiselas, commissioned his former student Alexander Olch to make a film out of the pieces. Starting in the Hamptons, in the town of Wainscott, the film weaves Rogers' footage into a journey through childhood memories, a less than encouraging mother, a family background of privilege, and Rogers' persistent, dogged attempts to document his own life. Rogers' friend, actor and writer Wallace Shawn, joins in the process, as the film investigates the differences between documentary and fiction, and tells the tragic story of Rogers' life.
America Brown
Original Music Composer
A coming-of-age drama that centers on a young quarterback from West Texas, a priest in New York, and the two women in their lives.
1888: The Extraordinary Voyage of the Santa Isabel
Camera Operator
"1888: The Extraordinary Voyage of The Santa Isabel" is a whimsical adventure fantasy about a tired Jules Verne, fleeing from Paris and a bored wife, who joins Italian explorer Stradelli in an expedition on the Orinoco river. Along the way they pickup a young stranger- a woman disguised as a man, searching for her lost father.
1888: The Extraordinary Voyage of the Santa Isabel
"1888: The Extraordinary Voyage of The Santa Isabel" is a whimsical adventure fantasy about a tired Jules Verne, fleeing from Paris and a bored wife, who joins Italian explorer Stradelli in an expedition on the Orinoco river. Along the way they pickup a young stranger- a woman disguised as a man, searching for her lost father.
Ghost Trip
Sound Designer
Singer-songwriter Slink Moss plays the mysterious driver of a Cadillac hearse who journeys across America to pick up and drop off a hitchhiker to his (final?) destination. The nearly-wordless film stylishly re-imagines the open road as a state of Limbo.
I Remember
Set and shot chronologically in natural light over one hour at dusk, I REMEMBER materialized out of this sense of intangible loss and a desire to hold on to memories that, however fleeting, give our lives meaning.
War Dogs
Camera Operator
Some sexy women get out of Fire Fighter School and go for the jobs they trained for, but first they must survive their male counterparts teasing them.