Во время Второй мировой войны, когда японцы захватили Китай, оккупационные войска в городе Нанкин начали систематически истреблять его жителей. Всего ими было убито более 300 тысяч мужчин, женщин и детей.
The sad Xiao Dan seeks help from his classmate Zhou Jian (played by Chen Zhijian), but Zhou Jian also has a lot of troubles at home, and he is powerless. Under the temptation of big sister Hu Li (played by Pu Chaoying), Zhou Jian was contaminated with drugs and was out of control. Gradually, Zhou Jian and Xiao Dan began to help Hu Li with drug trafficking, and the two got deeper and deeper. Xiaodan became a showgirl in the karaoke bar run by Hu Li. In the end, Xiao Dan still became addicted to drugs. Xiong Jian abandoned her. Xiao Dan could only raise money to take drugs by selling himself. The desperate Xiao Dan felt that life was better than death, but still could not resist the call and temptation of drugs.
The sad Xiao Dan seeks help from his classmate Zhou Jian (played by Chen Zhijian), but Zhou Jian also has a lot of troubles at home, and he is powerless. Under the temptation of big sister Hu Li (played by Pu Chaoying), Zhou Jian was contaminated with drugs and was out of control. Gradually, Zhou Jian and Xiao Dan began to help Hu Li with drug trafficking, and the two got deeper and deeper. Xiaodan became a showgirl in the karaoke bar run by Hu Li. In the end, Xiao Dan still became addicted to drugs. Xiong Jian abandoned her. Xiao Dan could only raise money to take drugs by selling himself. The desperate Xiao Dan felt that life was better than death, but still could not resist the call and temptation of drugs.
Подобно многим китайским мальчикам, Дун Цунь-жуй в детстве мечтал стать бойцом Народно-освободительной армии и отличиться каким-либо героическим поступком. Правда, никто из жителей его деревушки не верил, что этот озорной и непослушный крестьянский паренёк сможет подчиняться строгим требованиям военных уставов. Но ему удалось осуществить свою мечту. В рядах Народно-освободительной армии юный патриот становится храбрым, сознательным, дисциплинированным бойцом и, выполняя высокий революционный долг, жертвует своей жизнью ради победы над врагом.