Odette Nicoletti


Unfair Competition
Costume Design
Two linen fabric dealers with their shops close to one another, battle against each other for more and more costumers. Umberto constantly loses clients because of the tough competition brought by Leone, who offers the best prices in the neighborhood. But they leave differences aside when the rise of Fascism places Anti-Semitic politics which rigidly control business like the one conducted by the Jewish Leone, and those new regulations are viewed by Umberto as completely unfair. The long rivalry soon becomes a great friendship.
The Dinner
Costume Design
An evening at an Italian restaurant. Hosted by tolerant and relaxed Flora, various parties of middle-class people come in -- large and small, young and old, regulars and tourists, married and single -- to dine, converse, argue, celebrate, make confessions; to overhear other people's discussions, to interrupt them, to sing, listen to music, and enjoy life. The camera, just like the people, moves constantly from table to table, into the kitchen and the back room to observe the staff's petty jealousies and frustrations -- until two hours later it's time for everybody to go home.
Путешествие капитана Фракасса
Costume Design
Великолепно поставленная и сыгранная история о юном бароне из древнего, но обедневшего рода Сегоньяков. Он отправляется в Париж вместе с труппой бродячих артистов театра в поисках королевских милостей, но влюбляется в этот древнейший вид искусства и в людей, выбравших себе такой жизненный путь. После ранения на дуэли с герцогом, когда юноша вступился за Изабеллу, барон пишет пьесу о капитане Фракассе, используя материал из своей собственной жизненной истории, и ставит ее, став уже полноправным членом труппы. Но это только канва сюжета, а фильм войдет в золотой фонд всех ценителей кинематографа. По роману Теофиля Готье "Капитан Фракасс".
Costume Design
Live performance from La Scala in Milan. Nabucco was the first production of the theatre's 1986-87 season.