Jules Ritmanic

Jules Ritmanic


Jules Ritmanic


L'enfant du paradis
Everything seems to be smiling again at Yazid, an actor with a sulphurous past. He is trying to regain custody of his son and find a stable family life. But despite his efforts, he is overtaken by his old demons...
French Touch: Coming of Age
Unfamiliar stories that are universally relatable, these teenagers are put into situations which they have no experience deal with. A reflective anthology of French short films exploring the elation and heartbreak of not quite knowing who you are yet.
Нож в сердце
Знаменитая продюсер гей-порно Анна оказывается лицом к лицу со своей темной стороной, когда от нее уходит ее любимый человек — Лоис. Анна решает вернуть Лоис съемками самого амбициозного фильма в своей карьере, однако женщина лишь оказывается в ловушке в то время, как серийный убийца загадочным образом начинает устранять всех ее актеров.
It is the end of summer, 6pm. Logan is meeting his best friend who is being let out of a psychiatric ward. Theo has been treated there for 2 weeks after an accident. Before Theo’s mum arrives, the two boys run away to the biggest rave party of their lives. Logan thinks that Theo has changed, a truth he can feel but refuses to acknowledge. The two boys continue their escape through the mountains, to a party that remains out of reach.
Accidental Family
Young man from the city
Loïc Le Tallec never really took care of his son. When the latter disappears in a road accident, Loïc is devastated. He has only one idea in mind: to find the one who lives now with the heart of his son. He falls on Hugo, a young man that this brand new heart makes totally unreasonable and uncontrollable. Their meeting promises to be explosive.
Кемпинг 3
Каждое лето в кемпинге "Голубые волны" друзья встречаются, чтобы вместе отдохнуть. Семья Пик, Жаки и Лоретт, только что разведенный Гатино, , Тридцать Седьмой, и верный своим привычкам Патрик Ширак. В этом году Патри решился на разделить свою машину с попутчиками. Думая, что будет путешествовать с Ванессой, он сталкивается с тремя юными дижонцами, Робертом, Бенжи и Жозе. Но окажется, что не только машину ему придется делить с попутчиками..
21 ночь с Патти
В середине лета 40-летняя парижанка Каролина приезжает в небольшую деревушку на юге Франции. Сюда её привело печальное событие: она должна организовать похороны своей мамы. Каролина, не очень ладившая с покойной матерью, находит новую подругу, местную женщину по имени Патти, которая посвящает её в местные сплетни и знакомит с теми, кто дружил с её мамой. Каролина узнаёт многое о жизни людей, с которыми почти не общалась, а открытием для неё становится успех, который её мама имела у мужчин. Накануне похорон гроб с телом исчезает, и никто не понимает, как это могло произойти...
Up to Me
Milan and Nola are twenty and have promised to love each other to the death. It is for that reason that they jump off a bridge one July evening. In the psychiatric ward where they were taken, they get to know an old schizophrenic who takes himself for the dancer Nijinsky and who will dance his last ballet with them, on the run in the streets of Paris. From bridge to bridge, from street to street, on the macadam and on the water of the Seine, Milan will pursue his quest and will try to understand the mysterious disappearance of Nola.
Wild Life
Okyesa Fournier (adolescent)
The new film by French director Cédric Kahn focusses on Philippe Fournier, a man who lives with his 2 sons, having decided not to give them back to their mother after she won custody of the children. The children Okyesa and Tsali must grow up in the shadow, hunted by the police but always free and on the move.
Papa Oom Mow Mow
Rouen in 1986. Out of love, out of boredom, by chance, by a miracle, or perhaps by mistake, Franck suffers a capillary shock that will change his life in his rainy town.
Le sens de l'humour
Le jeune homme
Élise lives with her 10-year-old son Léo, whose father is deceased. She has a chaotic relationship with Paul her lover. They go from happy moments to intense feuds. Élise introduces him to Léo and in time, they get to know and appreciate each other.
Hands in the Air
March 22, 2067. At dawn of life, Milana remembers her life, when she was a young Chechen immigrant in Paris, struggling for a better life along with her school friends.
The Counterfeiters
The plot revolves around Bernard – a schoolfriend of Olivier's who is preparing for his bac – discovering he is a bastard and taking this as a welcome pretext for running away from home. He spends a night in Olivier's bed (where Olivier describes a recent visit to a prostitute and how he did not find the experience very enjoyable). After Bernard steals the suitcase belonging to Edouard, Olivier's uncle, and the ensuing complications, he is made Edouard's secretary. Olivier is jealous and ends up in the hands of the cynical and downright diabolical Comte de Passavant, who travels with him to the Mediterranean.