Gina Kaus


It's Not Her Sin
After the woman who nearly killed her is brought to trial, Eun-hie finds that she must take the stand to give evidence. However, the defense attempts to turn the tables on her by revealing her sordid past and trying to make it seem as if she deserved what happened to her.
Castle in Tyrol
A comedy directed by Géza von Radványi.
The Night of the Storm
Despised by her husband and son after an affair, Marianne moves in with her lover, an unsuccessful painter, until she is purified.
Devil in Silk
After leaving his overbearing wife for another woman, a composer is suspected of her murder when she is found dead.
Римский центурион Галл Марцелл был беден и неудачлив, но он очень любил азартные игры. И однажды ему сказочно повезло — он выиграл одежду распятого на Голгофе за какие-то пригрешения осужденного. Если бы он мог заранее знать, как навсегда изменится его жизнь, если бы он только мог представить себе, что значит выиграть хитон самого Христа…
Все, чего я желаю
Наоми Мердок давным-давно бросила детей и мужа и покинула родной город. Сделать это ее заставила роковая страсть к другому мужчине — сознавая, что тайна скоро станет достоянием общественности, Наоми без объяснений оставляет семью. Возвращается она по просьбе дочери, которая заканчивает школу и мечтает, чтобы мать увидела ее первое серьезное выступление на сцене. Наоми приезжает, и драматическая ситуация, ставшая когда-то причиной ее бегства, повторяется.
Мы не женаты
Юридическая ошибка объединила в комедийный сюжет пять супружеских пар. Их брачные контракты не зарегистрированы документально и по своей сути они жили в браке тридцать месяцев неофициально. Каждая из пар по-своему отреагировала на правительственное письмо, известившее их о том, что они не женаты.
Три тайны
Маленький туристический самолет, летящий над Сьерра-Невадой, разбивается в горах. В катастрофе погибает семейная пара, но их приемный ребенок остается жив. Спасатели отправляются на его поиски. У подножия горы, в толпе зевак, привлеченных происшествием, особую тревогу проявляют три женщины. Судя по дате рождения ребенка и некоторым сведениям, каждая из трех может оказаться его родной матерью. Чтобы заглушить страх ожидания, они вспоминают прошлое…
The Red Danube
A Russian ballerina in Vienna tries to flee KGB agents and defect.
Whispering City
Additional Dialogue
After hearing that a famous actress is dying in a hospital after being hit by a car, a reporter goes to the hospital to interview the actress. She then tells the reporter that her wealthy fiance, who was killed in an accident several years before, was actually murdered. Before long the reporter finds herself in a web of corruption, mental illness and murder.
Her Sister's Secret
A WWII tale of romance that begins during New Orlean's "Mardi Gras" celebration when a soldier and a girl meet and fall in love. He asks her to marry him but she decides to wait until his next leave. He is sent overseas and she does not receive his letter and feels abandoned, but she does find out she is pregnant. She gives the child to her married sister and does not see her child again for three years. She returns to her sister's home to reclaim the child, and the soldier, who has been searching for her, also turns up. The sister is not interested in giving up the child. Written by Les Adams
Camino del infierno
A melodramatic, psychological thriller, the film tells the story of a young wealthy widow, who is unhappy. She meets a Bohemian artist who marries her to escape the poverty of his family, but is stifled by her possessiveness and jealousy.
Blazing Guns
The Governor sends Ken and Hoot to clean up the town of Willow Springs.
Isle of Missing Men
Theatre Play
A young woman receives an invitation from the Governor of an island prison to spend a week with him. She does so, but conceals the fact that her husband is being held as a convict on the island.
The Wife Takes a Flyer
Christopher Reynolds, an American flying with the R.A.F, is shot down over German-occupied Holland and is given shelter by a Dutch family. Posing as the insane husband of the daughter of the house, Anita Wolverman, Reynolds convinces the German officer quartered there, Major Zellfritz, with the necessity for her divorce decree to be granted. After the court-hearing, Anita, goes to manage a home for retired ladies and, persuaded by Reynolds, tries to gain military information from the German Officer. When her former husband escapes from the insane-asylum his exploits are blamed on Reynolds. With the help of the old ladies and Anita, who "remarries" him, Reynolds escapes to England in a stolen German airplane.
The Wife Takes a Flyer
Christopher Reynolds, an American flying with the R.A.F, is shot down over German-occupied Holland and is given shelter by a Dutch family. Posing as the insane husband of the daughter of the house, Anita Wolverman, Reynolds convinces the German officer quartered there, Major Zellfritz, with the necessity for her divorce decree to be granted. After the court-hearing, Anita, goes to manage a home for retired ladies and, persuaded by Reynolds, tries to gain military information from the German Officer. When her former husband escapes from the insane-asylum his exploits are blamed on Reynolds. With the help of the old ladies and Anita, who "remarries" him, Reynolds escapes to England in a stolen German airplane.
The Night Before the Divorce
Theatre Play
Marital comedy with a dash of murder.
Чарли Чен в городе Тьмы
Theatre Play
Чен едет в Париж на встречу с друзьями времён Первой мировой войны. Там он расследует убийство производителя боеприпасов, поставлявшего оружие врагу. В конце Чарли проповедует нам об опасностях мирных конференций.
Claire Buisson becomes enamored with Gerard and soon afterwords she becomes pregnant. Gerard advises her to abort the child but, at the last moment, Claire decides to keep her child and leaves for her sister's place in the province.
Prison Without Bars
In a state correctional institute for teenage girls, Madame Appel, the superintendent, rules with an iron fist. The State appoints thirty-year-old Yvonne to evaluate the situation. The young woman is convinced that the girls should feel wanted rather than be constantly subdued and is accordingly determined to make Madame Appel change her methods of education.
Luxury Liner
This drama offers a few slices from the lives of those who live, work, and travel upon a luxurious trans-atlantic ocean liner.