Arthur Wimperis

Рождение : 1874-12-03, London, England, UK

Смерть : 1953-10-14


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Arthur Harold Wimperis (3 December 1874 – 14 October 1953) was an English playwright, lyricist and screenwriter, who contributed lyrics and libretti to popular Edwardian musical comedies written for the stage. But with the advent of talking films, he switched to screenwriting, finding even greater success in this medium. Early in his career, Wimperis was an illustrator. For 25 years beginning in 1906, he became a lyricist and librettist for musical comedies, including the hit The Arcadians in 1909 and many others. After serving in the First World War, he resumed his career, writing for shows like Princess Charming (1926). Beginning in 1930, he moved into writing screenplays for British films, and, by 1940, for Hollywood films, contributing to dozens of screenplays. He won an Academy Award for his contribution to the screenplay of Mrs. Miniver (1942) and was nominated for another Oscar for his contribution to the screenplay of Random Harvest (1942). He continued writing screenplays until his death.


Mrs. Miniver
Original Film Writer
A British housewife faces up to the harsh realities of the Second World War.
Storm Over the Nile
Additional Dialogue
In 1885, while his regiment is sent to the Sudan to battle the rebellious Dervish tribes, British Lieutenant Harry Faversham resigns his officer's commission in order to remain with his fiancée Mary Burroughs in England. His friends and fellow officers John Durrance, Peter Burroughs and Tom Willoughby brand him a coward and present him with the white feathers of cowardice. His fiancée, Mary, adds a fourth feather and breaks off their engagement. However, former Lieutenant Faversham decides to regain his honor by fighting in the Sudan incognito. Re-used a great deal of stock footage from The Four Feathers (1939), including the entire final battle sequence.
Малышка Бесс
Эта картина повествует хронику жизни Елизаветы Первой, прежде чем она стала королевой Англии. Сегодня снято немало фильмов об этой великой женщине, правившей Британией в течение сорока пяти лет и время правления которой позднее историки назовут "Золотым веком Великобритании". Но это повествование о ее первых шагах к власти является, пожалуй, одним из лучших. Несмотря на то, что фильм создан в павильонах студии MGM, находящейся за тысячи миль от Британии, картина получилась, поистине Британской.
Calling Bulldog Drummond
Bulldog Drummond leaves retirement to help a Scotland Yard Sergeant catch thieves armed with radar.
Сага о Форсайтах
Лондон. 1886 год. В доме старого Джолиона семейное торжество, прием в честь помолвки мисс Джун Форсайт с мистером Филипом Босинни. Так начинается фильм английского режиссера Комптона Беннетта, снятого по мотивам первой части великого романа Джона Голсуорси «Сага о Форсайтах», ставшего, как и сама книга — мировой классикой. «Сага о Форсайтах» — это сама жизнь, во всей своей трагичности, в радостях и потерях.
The Red Danube
A Russian ballerina in Vienna tries to flee KGB agents and defect.
If Winter Comes
It's 1939 in the small English town of Penny Green and events in Poland are about to change lives. Mark Sabre, a writer of school textbooks, has married Mabel "on the rebound", after his real love Nona marries someone else. Just as war is about to break out, Nona returns home with her husband Tony. Mabel is sure she can hold onto Mark, though. But misunderstood good deeds on Mark's part turn life for him upside down when his relationship with a young girl starts tongues wagging. Soon, wartime casualties take their toll in Penny Green as well as on the front, as the death of fighting men affects lives back home.
Плоды случайности
Действие происходит в Англии, где ветеран Второй Мировой войны Чарльз Райнер лежит в госпитале после контузии от взорвавшегося снаряда. В этом бою он потерял память. Когда заключается мир, Чарльз выходит из больницы и бесцельно бродит среди радостного празднования и знакомится с Полой Ридгеуэй, которая забирает его в деревню…
Миссис Минивер
Фильм рассказывает об участии рядовых англичан в годы Второй мировой войны в обороне страны.
Миссис Минивер
Фильм рассказывает об участии рядовых англичан в годы Второй мировой войны в обороне страны.
Old Bill and Son
Additional Dialogue
Old Bill has grumbled his way through the trenches of the First World War. Now it is the Second and, envious of his son, Young Bill, he decides to enlist. He finally enters the Pioneer Corps, which is based near his son. When Young Bill goes missing during a raid, Old Bill shows that there's still life in the old dog yet!
Q Planes
An eccentric Scotland Yard inspector thinks something beamed from a spy ship is dropping planes.
Prison Without Bars
Suzanne, Renee, Nina and Marta all hate being in prison, being slapped and treated badly, and so all the girls are trying to escape. Madame Appel just causes chaos all the time, with her harsh manners. When Yvonne with her free-thinking ways is put in charge of the school for misbehaving girls, and asks them to tell her their complaints, they don't believe her at first. Yvonne is in love and about to marry the establishment's doctor, and it does not help that one teenage girl falls for him - and is corresponded. It's a hard life for the girls, and for the new female warden.
The Divorce of Lady X
Scenario Writer
The morning after a London barrister lets a mystery woman stay in his suite, a friend files for divorce.
The Green Cockatoo
A young girl is travelling to London to find work. Arriving at the station, she meets a man who has been stabbed by a member of a gang of crooks involved with greyhound racing. She becomes a suspect, but flees the scene in order to deliver a message to the dead man's brother. She is protected from the police by a night club entertainer, who she learns is the man she is seeking.
Return of the Scarlet Pimpernel
Sir Percy is forced to return to France one last time, to rescue his wife from the clutches of the sinister Robespierre. It clearly is a trap, but nothing will keep the good old Pimpernel from carrying out his mission. He is up against the usual clods and dolts, after all.
The Girl in the Taxi
In this British musical, set in Paris, an apparently upstanding husband and father spends his nights fooling around with wild women. His son, wanting to be just like his dad, begins dating a seductive widow--the same widow his father has been seeing. Trouble ensues when the father refuses to let his daughter marry her true love. When the fiancée learns of the father-son shenanigans, he begins blackmailing them into letting him marry the daughter.
Knight Without Armour
British agent working in Russia is forced to remain longer than planned once the revolution begins. After being released from prison in Siberia he poses as a Russian Commissar. Because of his position among the revolutionaries, he is able to rescue a Russian countess from the Bolsheviks.
Мрачное путешествие
Во время Первой Мировой Войны Стокгольм представлял собой рассадник международного шпионажа. Мадлен - британский двойной агент, поставляющая ложную информацию от союзников по Антанте немецкому штабу в Париже. Но она еще, и прекрасная молодая женщина, а потому неожиданно влюбляется в учтивого барона, оказавшегося главой немецкой Секретной Службы. Двум влюбленным, находящимся по разные стороны баррикад, предстоит испытать невероятной силы чувства и эмоции, а жизнь и честь их будет подвергаться нешуточным испытаниям с самого начала этой удивительной приключенческой истории, которая держит зрителя в напряжении до самого конца фильма.
Мрачное путешествие
Scenario Writer
Во время Первой Мировой Войны Стокгольм представлял собой рассадник международного шпионажа. Мадлен - британский двойной агент, поставляющая ложную информацию от союзников по Антанте немецкому штабу в Париже. Но она еще, и прекрасная молодая женщина, а потому неожиданно влюбляется в учтивого барона, оказавшегося главой немецкой Секретной Службы. Двум влюбленным, находящимся по разные стороны баррикад, предстоит испытать невероятной силы чувства и эмоции, а жизнь и честь их будет подвергаться нешуточным испытаниям с самого начала этой удивительной приключенческой истории, которая держит зрителя в напряжении до самого конца фильма.
Forget Me Not
A young British woman, tricked into believing she was used during a whirlwind romance, marries a gentle widowed Italian opera star, whose songs she and her first love shared.
The Beloved Vagabond
Scenario Writer
Flying from one charming lady---eluding another---and almost losing both!
The Beloved Vagabond
Flying from one charming lady---eluding another---and almost losing both!
Brewster's Millions
Jack Brewster is a pennyless English lad who learns that he has inherited 6 million pounds sterling from a recently deceased relative. But soon learns that he must spend 500,000 pounds in 60 days to inherit the rest of the money, or forfeit the entire inheritance.
Алый первоцвет
Разгар революционного террора во Франции. Аристократы, осуждённые к казни на гильотине, томятся в тюрьме Ла-Форс. Правительство Робеспьера обеспокоено тем, что различными хитроумными способами их похищает из темницы и вывозит из Франции неуловимый Алый Первоцвет. Ходят слухи, что за его бесчисленными масками скрывается некий английский лорд. Гражданин Шовелен, представляющий интересы революционной Франции в Лондоне, получает от Робеспьера задание любой ценой выследить загадочного врага республики. Прибегнув к шантажу, он пытается выведать его истинное имя у светской львицы, леди Блейкни, чей муж — недалёкий придворный франт и хлыщ из окружения принца-регента.
Princess Charming
Revolution breaks out in a small European kingdom, and a young princess is forced to flee for her life. She heads for the neighboring country, which just happens to be ruled by the king she is betrothed to. Unfortunately, the new revolutionary government won't let citizens leave, which she actually doesn't mind all that much because she's not particularly jazzed about marrying the elderly king. He sends a young naval officer to bring her across the border, but in order to do so they are forced into a marriage of convenience. Complications ensue.
The Rise of Catherine the Great
The woman who will become Catherine the Great marries into the Russian royal family when she weds Grand Duke Peter, the nephew of Empress Elizabeth. Although the couple has moments of contentment, Peter's cruel and erratic behavior causes a rift between him and Catherine. Mere months after Peter succeeds his aunt as the ruler of Russia, a revolt is brewing, and Catherine is poised to ascend to the throne as the country's new empress.
The Rise of Catherine the Great
The woman who will become Catherine the Great marries into the Russian royal family when she weds Grand Duke Peter, the nephew of Empress Elizabeth. Although the couple has moments of contentment, Peter's cruel and erratic behavior causes a rift between him and Catherine. Mere months after Peter succeeds his aunt as the ruler of Russia, a revolt is brewing, and Catherine is poised to ascend to the throne as the country's new empress.
A formerly wealthy man and his daughter try to regain wealth by selling a scheme to some investors, when they come upon a huge amount of unclaimed cash that a young electrician has in his tool box.
Частная жизнь Генриха VIII
Scenario Writer
Этот фильм рассказывает историю жизни одного из самых известных королей Англии Генриха VIII, а больше всего он стал известен необычным для христианина числом браков, некоторые из них заканчивались казнью бывшей супруги. Помимо своих жен Генрих VIII не гнушался и уничтожением своих политических противников, среди которых был и великий гуманист Томас Мор, а также церковной реформой, приведшей к появлению англиканской церкви. Генрих VIII был женат шесть раз. Судьба его супруг заучивается английскими школьниками при помощи мнемонической фразы "развелся - казнил - умерла - развелся - казнил - пережила". От первых трех браков у него было 10 детей, из которых выжило только трое - Мария от первого брака, Елизавета от второго и Эдуард от третьего. Все они впоследствии царствовали. Последние три брака Генрика были бездетными. Фильм со вкусом озвучен на два голоса.
Частная жизнь Генриха VIII
Этот фильм рассказывает историю жизни одного из самых известных королей Англии Генриха VIII, а больше всего он стал известен необычным для христианина числом браков, некоторые из них заканчивались казнью бывшей супруги. Помимо своих жен Генрих VIII не гнушался и уничтожением своих политических противников, среди которых был и великий гуманист Томас Мор, а также церковной реформой, приведшей к появлению англиканской церкви. Генрих VIII был женат шесть раз. Судьба его супруг заучивается английскими школьниками при помощи мнемонической фразы "развелся - казнил - умерла - развелся - казнил - пережила". От первых трех браков у него было 10 детей, из которых выжило только трое - Мария от первого брака, Елизавета от второго и Эдуард от третьего. Все они впоследствии царствовали. Последние три брака Генрика были бездетными. Фильм со вкусом озвучен на два голоса.
The Girl from Maxim's
A Doctor tries to pass off a singer as his wife in Paris in 1904.
Counsel's Opinion
Divorce barrister Logan arrives back in London from a trip overseas to find the whole city fogbound. Unable to reach his flat, he books into the exclusive Royal Parks Hotel. Leslie sweet-talks Logan into letting her stay in his suite, and although the pair are attracted to each other, the night passes innocently. On arriving at Chambers, Logan is asked to act as counsel for Lord Rockburn, who is seeking a divorce from his wife. Logan accepts the brief, but then discovers to his horror that Lady Rockburn was a guest at the Royal Parks Hotel ball the previous night, and a cornerstone of the case is alleged impropriety after a maid observed a man leaving her room that morning......
Wedding Rehearsal
The grandmother of a British nobleman, reluctant to marry, plays matchmaker. He outmaneuvers her by getting all of the matches married off .
Men of Tomorrow
In the years after his graduation Allen Shepherd has become a successful novelist and has married Jane Anderson. A firm proponent of traditional sex roles, Shepherd leaves Jane when she accepts a teaching post at Oxford. He later changes his views, and the couple is reunited.
That Night in London
A young bank clerk steals £500 and plans to go on a spree before shooting himself but a bad girl turned good tries to convince him to return the money and stay alive
The Man They Couldn't Arrest
An amateur detective goes on the trail of a gang of violent criminals.
A Warm Corner
Theatre Play
This early Gainsborough film is truly a lost treasure and easily one of the most daring and risque films ever made. At least half a dozen different tales seem to be going on at once all finally meeting in the end. The story starts in the Lido hotel where our "Pickles" remarks upon the fact that everyone in the register is called Smith. Hes trying to chat up Mimi so shell split up with her boyfriend as her boyfriends uncle has other plans for his nephew - alas what no one knows is that he and Mimi have already been married for a few months on the sly!
Harmony Heaven
The tale of a young songwriter, the actress who helps him find success, and the vamp who sets her sights on him.
Song of Soho
An ex-French Foreign Legion soldier comes to Soho and ends up as a singer in a cafe.
Wife Savers
Theatre Play
While stationed in Switzerland, soldiers Louis and Rodney fall in love with local damsel Colette, much to the dismay of Colette's self-appointed boyfriend General Lavoris.