Norberto Lobo

Norberto Lobo


Norberto Lobo


Original Music Composer
Луиш - жизнерадостный мужчина предпенсионного возраста. Все чаще его можно встретить не в офисе, а за рулем автомобиля, поющего песни о том, что проносится перед глазами. Умеющий ловко избегать любых конфликтов, всегда с улыбкой наготове, Луиш за годы работы коммерческим директором фирмы по установке систем безопасности выработал уникальный навык счастливо избегать проблем и сложностей на работе. Даже смерть любимого кота, боль в колене или семейная ссора не может сбить его с позитивной волны: в мире нет ничего такого, что не могла бы исправить хорошая песня. Но при виде Люсинды его обычный репертуар вдруг приобретает новую тональность.
Black Sun
Original Music Composer
Underscored by French film legend Delphine Seyrig’s evocative recitation of a Henri Michaux poem, Maureen Fazendeiro’s film is a mysterious, multi-textured portrait of eclipse spectators in Portugal.
Day breaks on the eighth floor in a suburban neighbourhood of Lisbon and 14-year-old Bruno’s grandfather is still in hospital. Doctors give him only a few days to live. The imminence of death and the void that it will leave force Bruno to become the man of the house, where he lives with his mother Mónica, who is in her 30s, and his three-year-old sister Érica.
Rampa tells the story of Matilde, a middle-class prep-school girl in Lisbon, who finds herself at a social crossroads when her parents divorce and she’s forced to move to a low-income neighbourhood across town. It is just after Summer holiday when Matilde, young and insecure, returns to school – but after the Summer troublesome events, everything feels different.
Here in Lisbon
Welcome to Lisbon: there are mermaids by the Tagus and birds flying over the old city; there are mad scientists and singing fish; lost tourist guides and lost tourists; fado and sad guitars. What a weird city you may think - but no. Lisbon is about being different, sarcastic, welcoming to foreigners even in an economic crisis. Different directors became fascinated by our strangeness. We became fascinated by these directors. The city is never the same in these four episodes, here in Lisbon.
Here in Lisbon
Welcome to Lisbon: there are mermaids by the Tagus and birds flying over the old city; there are mad scientists and singing fish; lost tourist guides and lost tourists; fado and sad guitars. What a weird city you may think - but no. Lisbon is about being different, sarcastic, welcoming to foreigners even in an economic crisis. Different directors became fascinated by our strangeness. We became fascinated by these directors. The city is never the same in these four episodes, here in Lisbon.
Freud und Friends
A headlong dive into the deepest, silliest recesses of Abrantes’s unconscious.
In the beginning the idea was to make something from nothing, in a neutral and unknown place. Collect images and sounds instead of producing them. The camera, the microphone and the mini-amplifier: tools that take away and then give back. We defined a rule: the sound shouldn't illustrate the image and the image shouldn't absorb the sound. Less than a hundred kilometres from Reykjavik we found Strokkur. For three days we saw and heard the internal dynamics of the crevice: the boiling water that spat out every seven minutes and the thermal shock, given the eighteen degrees below zero of the atmosphere.
In the beginning the idea was to make something from nothing, in a neutral and unknown place. Collect images and sounds instead of producing them. The camera, the microphone and the mini-amplifier: tools that take away and then give back. We defined a rule: the sound shouldn't illustrate the image and the image shouldn't absorb the sound. Less than a hundred kilometres from Reykjavik we found Strokkur. For three days we saw and heard the internal dynamics of the crevice: the boiling water that spat out every seven minutes and the thermal shock, given the eighteen degrees below zero of the atmosphere.
Song of Love and Health
João Morais
João is an indolent young man, whose life is desperately empty. Day after day he goes through the motions of duplicating keys in his tiny shop concealed in the basement of an obsolete nearly deserted shopping center. Some day, he hopes, the lady of his heart will come and order the key that will unlock his heart. Against all expectation, the miracle happens...
Guided Tour
Every year millions of tourists come to Portugal to discover the country, the people and the culture. Many come in contact with tour guides. They convey history and national identity, illustrating how we regard ourselves and how we wish to present ourselves. The film is about how this identity is built and interpreted.