A secret underground group whose final goal and purpose is unclear. We do not know what they are preparing for, as they perform different tasks.
Man on His Way to Meeting
Incident by a bank is a detailed account of a failed bank robbery: A single take where over 90 people perform a meticulous choreography for the camera. The film recreates an actual event that took place in Stockholm in June 2006.
A group of people have moved to Alaska. They are searching for a higher level of freedom.
Подружки-школьницы любят болтать о ерунде, выпить и фотографироваться в компрометирующих позах. Молодые парни тоже не прочь выпить и поэкспериментировать с сексом. Молодой школьный учитель пытается помочь одному из своих учеников, над которым издевается другой преподаватель. Несколько пассажиров автобуса оказываются в заложниках у его водителя. Добровольно принудительно пересекаются между собой несколько сюжетных линий, объединенные общим для всех персонажей желанием выйти за пределы обыденной жизни, нарушить запреты.
What You Do – A practical guide. This book shows you how to use your model A1. Using one hundred and twenty three illustrations, it shows how even the hopeless can make a film.
Henrik gathers some friends at a cottage by a lake, deep in the forest. How will these city folk cope with the countryside? And how will they react to each other, way out in the wilderness?
Ida lives hard and fast with too much drinking and a string of boyfriends, Sandor has very few friends and his mother insists that he practices ballet. They meet in a chat room and despite appearances they discover they have much in common. Sandor and Ida lives in different cities and when Sandor unexpectedly visits her it ends with disaster.