Jan Bryant

Jan Bryant


Jan Bryant


Empire of the Dark
Sword trainer
A private detective searching for a killer comes across a satanic cult from another dimension, monsters called up from hell and murderous ninja assassins.
Это великое чувство
Redhead (uncredited)
Кинопродюссер Артур Трент, в затруднительном положении. В пятницу должны начаться съемки фильма «Мадемуазель Фифи», с участием актеров Дэнниса Моргана и Джека Карсона. Но никто из голливудских режиссеров, не желает работать с Карсоном. Тренту не остается ничего другого, как предложить Карсону самому снять фильм. Но это еще не все. Нужна исполнительница главной женской роли, так как ни одна уважающая себя актриса, также не станет сниматься с Карсоном, тем более под его руководством. Тогда Морган предлагает Карсону, пригласить на главную роль молоденькую официантку Джуди Адамс.
Crashing Thru
Janet Reymond
When Ranger Raymond is killed during a stage holdup, Wells Fargo Agent Whip Wilson assumes his identity.
Cowboy Cavalier
Pat Croft
Jimmy Wakely and "Cannonball" Taylor protect shipments along a stage and freight line from villainous bandits.
The Gas House Kids in Hollywood
Hazel Crawford
The Gas House Kids, the very poor man's Bowery Boys, head for Hollywood.
Flashing Guns
Ann Shelby
After a brief mid-1940s burst of originality, Monogram's Johnny Mack Brown western series settled back into the commonplace with such entries as Flashing Guns. In this outing, Brown tries to save his pal Shelby (Raymond Hatton) from being thrown off his ranch by crooked banker Ainsworth (James E. Logan). To do this, our hero must prove that the banker is in cahoots with the local gambling boss (Douglas Evans).
Когда труппа танцовщиц со своим импресарио и пресс-агентом отдыхают на пляжном курорте в Малибу, двоих из них задушили. Чарли берётся за дело, ему помогают «сын №2» Джимми и верный шофёр Бирмингем Браун.
Silver Range
Jeanne Willoughby
Veteran cowboy star Johnny Mack Brown plays a cattle buyer turned prairie sleuth in this low-budget oater from Monogram, which co-stars perennial old-timer Raymond Hatton as a retired U.S. Marshal assigned to investigate the mysterious disappearance of a rancher. As the two old friends soon learn, a gang of smugglers headed by the town's banker (Frank LaRue) needs the use of the Flying Arrow Ranch for their nefarious purposes.
Shadows on the Range
Ruth Denny
Johnny Mack Brown stars in the formula oater Shadows on the Range. The film was made at a time when Monogram was experimenting with the notion of passing Brown off as a singing cowboy. While his voice is dubbed, he's definitely handling all the action sequences himself, and that's what the fans really wanted.
Lost in a Harem
Slave Girl (uncredited)
Two bumbling magicians help a Middle Eastern prince regain his rightful throne from his despotic uncle.