Christina Hecke

Christina Hecke

Рождение : 1979-02-22, Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany


Christina Hecke


Inspector Dupin: Brittany's Idylls
A body is pulled out of the sea and it becomes clear this was neither a suicide nor accident… it was murder.
Leo Schlegel
In Wahrheit: In einem anderen Leben
Judith Mohn
Chief Inspector Mohn investigates a case of rape. Barbara Falk was apparently drugged by knockout drops and abused in her house. While her male colleagues have doubts, Judith Mohn is convinced that the victim is telling the truth. A suspect has to be released for lack of evidence. Only five years later does it become clear that this was the right lead.
Leben über Kreuz
Caren Blumberg
Two couples who can't stand each other need to become friends. Because this is their only chance for a life-saving organ donation.
Inspector Dupin: Brittany's Legacy
While drinking coffee at an outdoor café, Dupin sees a man drop to his death.
Иси и Осси
Claudia Voigt
Чтобы осуществить свои кулинарные и боксерские мечты, дочь миллиардера заключает взаимовыгодный союз с сыном матери-одиночки, который занимается боксом.
Charlotte Link - Im Tal des Fuchses
Ein Fall für Dr. Abel - Zerschunden
Marie Lindweg
Allmen and the Mystery of the Dahlias
Charyl Talfeld
Allmen and the mystery of the dahlias.
Inspector Dupin: Brittany's Secrets
Proving that Brocéliande was King Arthur's forest is a high-stakes game.
Inspector Dupin: Brittany's Glowing
A mysterious suicide on the Pink Granite Coast may be linked to an unsolved mystery.
Ich will (k)ein Kind von Dir
Philipp and Anna live in the Berlin Babyboom-Kiez Kreuzberg. They also like to go to the playground, but with their little niece Nele. Anna does not want to know anything about Philipp's sudden desire to have a baby. She is on the verge of a professorship and insists on the old agreement: kK - no children! The more intently he makes his baby application to his wife, the more obvious is her rebuff.
Американский турист Кейси Штайн, путешествуя с подругой по Европе, оказывается втянутым в разборки между двумя враждующими мафиозными группировками. Одну из них возглавляет Хаген, другую — Геран. И с этого момента начинается смертельно опасная гонка на запредельной скорости по автобанам Германии.
Neid ist auch keine Lösung
Heike Steiner
Das beste Stück vom Braten
Helene Dumont
"Cooking is war" - that is the motto of the ingenious, but self-centered celebrity chef and women's hero Michi Griesebach, who has been in trouble for years with the autocratic restaurant critic Harry Dumont. Now the showdown is due to the opening of his noble restaurant: Dumont, whose column will decide on well-being and woe, has already announced a devastating tearing. By chance Michi gets to know Dumont's daughter and starts a covert operation.
Ein Sommer auf Lanzarote
Juliane Paul
Brief an mein Leben
Diagnosis burnout: The successful career woman Toni Lehmstedt can be referred to a psychiatric clinic after a physical breakdown. Urs Egger's free adaptation of the biographical novel of the same name by Miriam Meckel with Grimme award winner Marie Bäumer in the leading role.
Sein gutes Recht
Kristina Wilhelmy
Vier kriegen ein Kind
Neele Martins
For Neele and her life partner Steff, the dream of having one's own child finally seems to come true: Steff is pregnant. However, there was a confusion in the artificial insemination - instead of their carefully selected sperm donor, they caught a sperm donation from a gay couple: Kalle and Jens also want a baby and consider the confusion as a kind of coincidence. While the two men look forward to their time as active fathers, Neele and Steff see their harmonious trinity at risk.
Wir machen durch bis morgen früh
Emma Schulz
Ali misses the lavish party nights in Hamburg's Kiez: Ms. Melanie, Baby Bobby and the family's tile company have been his everyday life since he became a father. How can he make it clear to the young mother that there is still life next to the baby? Melanie can be persuaded to a wellness weekend with the friends, but only if Ali takes his father's role seriously.
Let's go!
Frau Grün
Es ist alles in Ordnung
36-year-old Birgit desires nothing more than an intact family. Since she lives with her husband Andreas, the common child Philip and Sarah, her daughter from a previous, failed relationship in solid economic conditions in a terraced house, she feels very close to her ideal. Through Sarah's puberty, the family is put to the test. But Birgit believes that luckily only the formal confirmation of the adoption of Sarah by Andreas is missing.
Die Frau, die sich traut
Totenengel - Van Leeuwens zweiter Fall
Kreutzer kommt ... ins Krankenhaus
Dr. Morée
Конец одной ночи
Hanni Koch
Из дома богатого предпринимателя Вернера Ламберга в полицию поступает звонок от его перепуганной жены Сандры с просьбой о помощи. Приехавшая по вызову группа обнаруживает в доме кровь, следы борьбы и его жестоко избитую жену, запершуюся в спальне. Вернера сразу же арестовывают по подозрению в совершённом насилии. Но он утверждает, что не виновен. Для судьи Катарины Вайс это будет трудным делом. Истец и ответчик представляют суду совершенно разные версии произошедшего тем вечером.
Carla Lassnig
A nameless man receives phone calls intended for someone else and ends up pretending to be that person, while a female character rebels against her author.
Assistenzärztin Schulze
Красивая девушка из ГДР подала заявление на выезд из страны и за это сослана в провинцию. В свободном мире ее ждет возлюбленный, который уже разработал для нее план побега на лодке через Балтийское море. А пока Барбара живет под надзором спецслужб и работает в больнице в отделе педиатрической хирургии, где вместе со своим коллегой Андре пытается помочь юной беженке из трудовой колонии — ярой противнице режима.
Uns trennt das Leben
The tragic death of the six-year-old Tine joins the fates for three families: The eight-year-old David meets as suspected offender in the psychiatry on the energetic physician Nora, who tries to displace her own problems with his treatment. However, David's mother is increasing overwhelmed with the situation and escapes to her new friend, while the parents of the dead girl desperately try the fate to process. Written by RSaVLSG (IMDB)
Sophie Kreilinger
Kasimir und Karoline
Blond bringt nix
Rebecca Kant
Lilly Berg
Pink is a punk-poet. She's young, beautiful, succesful – but whom of her adorers should she marry? She makes a decision with the help of a calculator. Unfortunately, her first husband is a flop – so there are still two other possibilities...