Jean d'Yd

Рождение : 1880-05-17, Paris, France

Смерть : 1964-05-14


The Wreckers
Le curé
In 1852, the famine on a desolate Britanny's island named Blaz-Mor, off the coast of Finistère. Some residents exalted hold responsible the young Moira (Renée Cosima), equivalent to a witch. The old Marnez (Charles Vanel), "head" of the island, is trying to restore calm and opposes Yann Le Heart (Henri Vidal), the fiancé of his daughter Louise Kermelen (Dany Carrel), who wants causing a shipwreck to save the island from famine.
Le père Mabeuf
Жан Вальжан (Жан Габен) провёл 19 лет на каторге за кражу корки хлеба. Выйдя на свободу, он едва снова не ступил на преступный путь. Но встреча со священником перевернула его душу, и он решает отныне творить добро. На жестоких улицах Парижа его преследует заклятый враг Тенардье (Бурвиль) и безжалостный полицейский Жавер (Бернар Блие).
Les truands
Le grand-père
"Thieves We Are" - In flashback, the audience learns why 104-year-old Amedee steals the watch belonging to the town mayor. The story develops into a history of the watch-thievery business, told in anecdotal fashion.
The Little Rebels
Le grand-père de Francis
Judge Julien Lamy regularly deals with the welfare of children, namely down on their luck delinquents. When an orphan named Alain Robert burns down a barn belonging to his abusive foster family, Judge Lamy has no choice but to send him to a juvenile jail. There he meets an older boy named Francis Lanoux, who is desperate to escape and be reunited with his girlfriend Sylvette. The boys eventually flee the institution, as Francis goes in search of his lost love and Alain continues looking for his parents. Unfortunately, the little rebels run into some big problems once on the outside.
On Trial
le juge d'instruction
Prosecutor Etzel discovers that his father has sentenced a man, Leonardo Maurizius, on mere presumptions. He then makes it a point of honor to trace the sources of the case to uncover the truth.
On Trial
Prosecutor Etzel discovers that his father has sentenced a man, Leonardo Maurizius, on mere presumptions. He then makes it a point of honor to trace the sources of the case to uncover the truth.
Lucrèce Borgia
The doctor
In the early 16th century, Italy is ruled by the powerful Borgia family, led by César Borgia and his sister Lucrèce. In a ruthless power play, César plots to have his sister’s husband murdered. But without her brother’s knowledge, Lucrèce has taken a strong lover who will challenge the Borgias.
Брачное агентство
The deaf girl's father
Получив в наследство брачное агентство, новый владелец, ранее презрительно относившийся к этому роду деятельности, постепенно начинает открывать для себя его позитивные стороны.
God Needs Men
Corentin Gourvennec
The inhabitants of a Scottish island in the 19th century follow their own religion without need for clergy, but as strangers arrive, their faith and beliefs face a deep crisis.
Правосудие свершилось
Le supérieur de l'école religieuse
Версаль. 20 присяжных созываются на трехнедельный судебный процесс. Семь (и два запасных) отбирают жребием для того, чтобы решить судьбу Эльзы Люнденштейн. Эльза - директор фармацевтической лаборатории, родившаяся в Париже в литовской семье, - обвиняется в убийстве любовника, неизлечимо больного раком, которому она торжественно поклялась положить конец его страданиям, если они станут невыносимыми.
Here Is the Beauty
Melodrama of two struggling artists whose love for each other is thwarted.She has some success as a ballerina despite being wounded by him in a fit of jealousy. His career as a sculptor is stymied when he is arrested.
Fantomas Against Fantomas
Le neurologue
Everyone in Paris thinks Fantomas is dead. A wave of extortion, blackmail and murder all point to the master criminal. Inspector Juve and his reporter friend Fandor set out to find the truth.
Colonel Durand
In his younger days, a dashing officer, Colonel Durand, compromised Madame De Monthieux, who entered a convent. Now, he is garrisoned at Strasbourg.
Рыцарь мёртвого креста
Элизабет Д'Антар изменяет своему мужу Франсуа с Симоном де Шабре. Франсуа, который что-то подозревает, удивляет своего соперника и ранит его. Сестра Элизабет, чтобы спасти положение, утверждает, что Саймон действительно влюблен в неё и пришёл к ней. Им нужно обручиться, и Саймон расстается со своей возлюбленной. Но Элизабет не готова принять это, и она становится главой банды «воров», чтобы похитить своего мужа. Знаменитый Видок вмешивается.
The Last Vacation
A schoolboy remembers his last holiday in the big house of his family in the country, before it was sold.
The Private Life of an Actor
Biography of Lucien Guitry, stage comedian, by his son, movie director, and a poetic reflection on the passionate love of both men for their chosen art forms.
Captain Blomet
Returning from the cemetery where he has just buried his wife, Captain Blomet is on the point of committing suicide, when his valet reveals to him that the deceased had 17 lovers. Blomet undertakes to wash his honor in different ways according to his rivals.
Dreams of Love
Paris, 1833. The famous composer Franz Liszt is friends with Chopin who introduces him to Countess Marie d'Agout. Very quickly Liszt falls in love and she, who is already married and has two children, abandons honor and reputation to follow him. They leave to live a great passion in Italy. Then, Franz Liszt gives concerts, the triumph awaits him everywhere. Little by little the fame of the composer will move the two lovers away.
Мартин Руманьяк
L'oncle de Blanche
Бланш Ферран - очаровательная блондинка, владелица магазина певчих птиц и светская львица - знакомится во время боксерского матча с Мартином Руманьяком - простым парнем, строительным подрядчиком. Их любовный роман вспыхивает как порох. Обуреваемый пожаром любви Мартин залезает в долги и вкладывает все свои деньги в постройку скромной виллы, будущего их совместного дома. Но семейный уют не для Бланш, которая привыкла к роскоши и флирту - она постоянно окружена поклонниками, список которых возглавляет консул Де Лабури. Сложившиеся обстоятельства доводят Мартина до безумной ревности, которая приводит бурный роман к печальному концу.
A student, Gabriel, comes to the aid of Gisèle, a young manicurist wrongfully arrested, by helping her escape. As a result, Gabriel must serve three months in prison. His sentence served, unable to continue his studies, he collaborates with a gang of crooks. Gisèle, in turn, will save him from this bad situation by taking him away from his overeager associates.
Land Without Stars
Simon's life is troubled by images of a crime which happened in his family a hundred years ago. While traveling in south France, he finds the landscape familiar. That's when he meets Catherine and falls in love. But her lover comes back and his strong personality attracts her again.
Behind These Walls
June 1944, a French town towards the end of the occupation. Following several attacks perpetrated by the resistance, the inhabitants who listen to English radio are rounded up by the Germans in a prison and considered as hostages. In one of the cells are found men from all walks of life: an aristocrat, the Viscount of Saint-Leu, Doctor Noblet, a resistance fighter, Béquille the wanderer with a wooden leg, and a strange character nicknamed "Black Market". The latter arouses mistrust among the prisoners, because it could well have been introduced by the enemy.
Happily married to Sandrine, Pierre Fouques also known as Raboliot is the father of two young children. He would live a steady life hadn't he a passion for poaching, which gets him into a lot of trouble. Because of the nastiness of Bourrel, the gamekeeper, of the jealousy of other poachers, he becomes a hunted man who, in order to defend himself, is driven to commit a crime.
The Bohemian Life
Toy merchant (uncredited)
Four young friends share the carefree, cheerfulness, laughter and dances of Bohemian life. Rodolphe the painter, Alexandre Chaunard the composer, Colline the philosopher, as well as Marcel and his friend Musette. Mimi, a romantic young girl, falls in love with Rodolphe.
Le docteur Socrate
At the beginning of the 20th century, the destiny of Félicie Nanteuil, a young girl from the provinces who became a big star on the stage thanks to a comedian who committed suicide out of love for her.
Вечное возвращение
Amédée Frossin
Марк, дядя Патриса, богатый вдовец средних лет, живущий в замке с неприятной сестрой покойной жены, ее странным мужем и злобным уродливым сыном, 24-летним карликом Ахиллом. Приглашенный в гости, Патрис чувствует жалость к доброму дяде и вызывается отправиться в странствие на поиски молодой и красивой невесты, чтобы Марк был не так одинок. Из путешествия Патрис привозит Натали, задача вроде бы выполнена, но постепенно он с ужасом сознает, что влюблен. Карлик Ахилл как вездесущий демон шпионит по всему замку, все видит и все слышит, неумолимо приближая трагический финал. Злополучные влюбленные плывут по течению судьбы без руля и весел и никак не могут повлиять на преследующий их злой рок.
Little Nothings
Following a broadcast on the radio, each of the listeners remembers these "little nothings" (the title is borrowed from a play by Mozart), which have often changed their lives. Each of these stories told will prove that a tiny detail in life can change an entire destiny.
Вечерние посетители
The Playboy
На исходе XV века, то есть в самый разгар французского Ренессанса, в замок богатого вдовца наезжают два менестреля, Жиль и Доминик. По тем временам скучающие сеньоры радовались любым гостям, а уж менестрелям и подавно.
Men Without Fear
1895. Discovery of X-rays. Researchers and scholars are true martyrs, because they do not know how to protect themselves against radiation dermatitis. Professor Belcour has to have one hand amputated, his assistant Henri Vermont, aware of the danger, has the courage to break up with his fiancée. Withdrawn to the countryside, they eventually recover.
The Emigrant
Fearing a gangster's vengeance,his moll sails away to South Africa ,where many emigrants intend to work in the mines there.
Cordial Agreement
Joë Chamberlain
The film depicts events between the Fashoda crisis in 1898 and the 1904 signing of the Entente Cordiale creating an alliance between Britain and France and ending their historic rivalry. It was based on the book King Edward VII and His Times by André Maurois. It was made with an eye to its propaganda value, following the Munich Agreement of September 1938 and in anticipation of the outbreak of a Second World War which would test the bonds between Britain and France in a conflict with Nazi Germany.
S.O.S. Mediterranean
The scene of action embraces Tangier, Toulon and the Mediterranean, where Pierre Fresnay, Rolf Wanka and Kim Peacock, cast as captains of French, German and English boats, respectively, unite to rescue the passengers of a neutral boat that is about to be engulfed in a cloud of poison smoke released by a smuggling ship.
Street Without Joy
Jeanne supports supports his family on his modest salary. Her boss is arrested for fraud. Jeanne is forced, out of poverty, in the street.
Тартарен из Тараскона
Tartarin is the local hero in the small provincial town of Tarascon. He shows off about imaginary adventures in Africa, where he has never been, as a Lion Hunter, which he is only in his imagination. Even though the locals know he has never been to Africa, they keep hoping he will leave one day. After a misunderstanding, and much gossip, everyone thinks that Tartarin plans to actually take the trip.
Le professeur
An ex-businessman, ruined and reduced to living under bridges, uses the name of one of his companions in misfortune, Rothchild, to organize a vast scam.
Monsieur de Pourceaugnac
Two young lovers. An arranged marriage. An older groom. The lovers develop a plan to convince the groom that she is unworthy and also to discredit him. A surprise ending convinces the father that he should bless the lovers' marriage.
Tu m'oublieras
Estelle de Pressendi, famous music-hall singer, was all the rage in the 1910s thanks to her two inseparable impresarios. Twenty years later, then on the verge of death, the singer wants to entrust her daughter Yvonne to them.
Fra Diavolo
Italian-language version of the Germany-made DER TEUFELSBRUDER (FRA DIAVOLO), with different supporting cast and some scenes. Based on the Auber opera, but with generally original music by Dr. Giuseppe Becce.
End of the World
M. de Murcie
The plot concerns a comet hurling toward Earth on a collision course and the different reactions to people on the impending disaster.
Страсти Жанны д`Арк
Guillaume Evrard
В этом фильме суд на Жанной д`Арк, который в действительности длился целый год, спрессован в один единственный день. В этот день её неоднократно допрашивает духовный суд, ей постоянно угрожают пытками, её лишают причастия, если только она не сознается в колдовстве. Наконец, когда она сталкивается с тем, чтобы быть сожжённой заживо, она отрекается, но после отрекается от своего отречения, и ее публично казнят.
La Bussière
Более пяти часов биографии Наполеона, немой исторический блокбастер с гигантскими баталиями, штормами, спецэффектами, блестящими актерами и новаторскими монтажными приемами, от которых захватывает дух.
The Hand That Has Killed
Inspecteur Bréchet
Maître Varadès
In Gossette (1923), Dulac experimented with and designed a number of special lenses and prisms to produce a variety of effects and multiply the expressive means which translate the characters' visions and mental states. She also reversed class and gender roles, as she made the female character Gossette come to the aid of Phillipe de Savières, falsely accused of murder, in order to save his name.
The Smiling Madame Beudet
Monsieur Labas
An unhappily married woman devises a scheme to get rid of her husband.
La dame de Monsoreau
The film based on the novel of the same name by Alexandre Duma, is concerned with fraternal royal strife at the court of Henri III. Tragically caught between the millstones of history are the gallant Count de Bussy and the woman he adores, la Dame de Monsoreau.