John Chua


Cut: Exposing FGM Worldwide
Taking more than six years to complete, The Cut is a feature-length documentary that conclusively proves that female genital mutilation or cutting (FGM) can be found as a native practice on all inhabitable continents. From war zones in the Middle-East to bucolic Middle America, the film visits 14 countries and features key interviews with FGM survivors, activists, cutters, doctors and researchers to uncover an often secret practice shrouded in centuries of traditions, mysticisms and irrationalities.
Cut: Exposing FGM Worldwide
Taking more than six years to complete, The Cut is a feature-length documentary that conclusively proves that female genital mutilation or cutting (FGM) can be found as a native practice on all inhabitable continents. From war zones in the Middle-East to bucolic Middle America, the film visits 14 countries and features key interviews with FGM survivors, activists, cutters, doctors and researchers to uncover an often secret practice shrouded in centuries of traditions, mysticisms and irrationalities.
Cut: Exposing FGM Worldwide
Taking more than six years to complete, The Cut is a feature-length documentary that conclusively proves that female genital mutilation or cutting (FGM) can be found as a native practice on all inhabitable continents. From war zones in the Middle-East to bucolic Middle America, the film visits 14 countries and features key interviews with FGM survivors, activists, cutters, doctors and researchers to uncover an often secret practice shrouded in centuries of traditions, mysticisms and irrationalities.
Cut: Exposing FGM Worldwide
Taking more than six years to complete, The Cut is a feature-length documentary that conclusively proves that female genital mutilation or cutting (FGM) can be found as a native practice on all inhabitable continents. From war zones in the Middle-East to bucolic Middle America, the film visits 14 countries and features key interviews with FGM survivors, activists, cutters, doctors and researchers to uncover an often secret practice shrouded in centuries of traditions, mysticisms and irrationalities.
Cut: Exposing FGM Worldwide
Taking more than six years to complete, The Cut is a feature-length documentary that conclusively proves that female genital mutilation or cutting (FGM) can be found as a native practice on all inhabitable continents. From war zones in the Middle-East to bucolic Middle America, the film visits 14 countries and features key interviews with FGM survivors, activists, cutters, doctors and researchers to uncover an often secret practice shrouded in centuries of traditions, mysticisms and irrationalities.
Белка и Стрелка: Лунные приключения
На Земле начали происходить странные и загадочные явления, несущие угрозу для планеты. Их след ведет в космос, на темную сторону Луны. Раскрыть тайну века поручили отряду Казбека. Белка, Стрелка и вся команда веселых и отважных героев отправляются на Луну, чтобы выполнить опасную миссию. Страсть к приключениям, искрометный юмор и великий дух космического братства поддержат в минуту великой опасности и помогут раскрыть всю правду о Луне и ее обитателях.
Белка и Стрелка. Звёздные собаки
Привычный ход вещей нарушен! Цирковая собака Белка больше не выйдет на манеж покорять сердца зрителей, а дворняжка Стрелка не будет ночевать в подворотнях и искать себе пропитание. Теперь они не просто собаки, а члены отряда космонавтов. И лишь самые достойные, самые выносливые отправятся покорять космическое пространство.