Friederike Frerichs

Friederike Frerichs

Рождение : 1944-01-01, Rodenkirchen, Germany


Friederike Frerichs
Friederike Frerichs


Swimming Lesson
While Mrs. Jacobs gives swimming lessons to the young caregiver Nadja in her retirement home, the two develop a quiet attraction to each other. Even though the old woman secretly longs for it, she struggles with social values and her own feelings, which deny her this closeness.
Das Leben ist kein Kindergarten - Vaterfreuden
Two friends embark on a journey together which will test the limits of their friendship and uncover dark secrets. Reality and imagination start to blur. Can they trust everything they see?
Hedda Küppers
A condemned man comes out of prison and does his utmost to find the true murderer of his wife in order to get his children back. This is the starting point for the touching crime drama "Innocent" with crime scene commissar Felix Klare in the lead role. He plays with great intensity the family man who wants to bring the truth to light on his own. For relatives, witnesses and even the police, this could be a problem. Between the fronts, Britta Hammelstein becomes an indomitable commissioner, exposing a fatal network of false statements and investigation errors.
‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’ in a new robe. KAISER translates Hans Christian Andersen fairytale into a company in the 21st century. A dystopian yet colorful narrative about power, hierarchies and invisible caterpillars.
1000 Kings
Traveller 1
In a society of abstract figures, 1000 people live imprisoned in an immense space, distinguished by their social class, like a hive of bees. Their ultimate goal is to produce light, but only one will be able to! 1000 Kings is a conceptual and innovative animation, a poetic meditation on the origins of the universe with a geometric approach and psychedelic colors, inspired by both Western and Eastern mythologies.
Zwischen zwei Herzen
Frau Giersen
Wolfsland - Das heilige Grab
Der Schrei
The Awakening of Motti Wolkenbruch
Bube Wolkenbruch
The young Orthodox Jew, Motti Wolkenbruch, finds himself at a turning point. His beloved mother wants him to get married and presents one marriage candidate after the other. Unfortunately none of the woman pleases him, because they all look just like her. The situation gets even more complicated, when Motti secretly falls in love with the non-Jewish girl Laura, a so-called Shiksa.
Middle of Beyond
MIDDLE OF BEYOND blends fiction, news clips, and animation recounting ten days in the life of Malte Krumm, a month after the latest US elections. The film depicts the numbness of a world flooded by information and social media activity, where the borders between reality and illusion are crumbling and narcissism and self-promotion overshadow moral values.
Eine gute Mutter
Ältere Dame
Muito Romântico
The adventure of Melissa and Gustavo starts aboard a red cargo ship crossing the Atlantic Ocean. It takes them from Brazil to Berlin, a city of perpetual movement, where the old constantly has to give space to the new. The couple finds a home and transforms it into the center of their own universe. As time passes and seasons change, life and cinema become interchangeable and their apartment evolves into an ever-changing stage, where friends are invited to play their own roles and reality and fiction merge. Until one day a cosmic portal appears in their home, opening connections between the past, the present and the future.
Letzte Ausfahrt Gera: Acht Stunden mit Beate Zschäpe
Das Dorf der Mörder
Hitler's People
Agnes Ferwendts
As World War II ends, U.S. Army officer Saul Pandover talks with scores of Germans to understand the cultural mind-set that supported the Third Reich.
Германия. 1945 год. Самый конец войны. Группа детей отправляется в путешествие по разоренной Германии, чтобы добраться до бабушки, которая живет на севере страны Старшая, Лоре, осталась одна с четырьмя младшими братьями и сестрой после того, как их родители, члены СС, были арестованы союзниками. Это путешествие покажет детям настоящий реальный мир и последствия действий их родителей. После того, как они встречают Томаса, молодого еврея, ненависть и желание начинают терзать Лоре. Она замирает от страха при виде его, но вынуждена доверять тому, кого она привыкла считать врагом.
Martha und Karl
One day Little Red Cap’s mother tells her that her grandmother is sick, and sends her to her house to bring her a piece of cake, a bottle of wine and medicine. To arrive at her grandmother’s house the girl must cross the woods, and there she meets a bad old wolf.
Am Kreuzweg
Luise Böhm
Wie immer
An old lady visits her hairdresser at the same time every week. She is kind to the mindset, but the memory has begun to fail and she usually carries her garbage bag with her.
Oma Inge
Arnies Welt
Rita Frings