Ciarra Carter

Ciarra Carter

Рождение : 1987-03-16, Nashville, Tennessee, USA


Ciarra Carter


Exceptional Beings
Two Immortal Gods, Athena and Hermes, who have lived on earth for over 4000 years, find out that there is much to the planet than they have always believed, when then come into contact with Mina, a woman who makes them question their own reality.
The Case of the Christmas Diamond
Blue-collar Andy finds herself accused of theft when a multimillion-dollar gem suddenly goes missing from her rich friend's estate. With the help of a famous mystery writer, Andy must find the real culprit amid the litany of wealthy guests.
Hall Pass Nightmare
Carrie and Justin Palmer are the perfect couple to everyone around them. Or so it seems. They recently celebrated ten years of marriage and are talking about starting a family. After a wine filled evening, Carrie's girlfriends press her to share who her "hall pass" would be. Carrie admits that she has had a crush on famed rocker, Dante Jones, since she was in college but would never betray Justin if given the opportunity. After a business trip to Vegas and a chance meeting with Dante himself after his concert, her obsession suddenly becomes his. Carrie does everything in her power to keep her secret away from her friends and more importantly, Justin, but Dante's stalking and relentless infatuation becomes all-consuming and far too dangerous to hide.
The Wrong Inside Man
Tara again displays her smarts when she discovers Eve's true identity and motive; Webb falls for Lance's ruse hook, line, and sinker.
The Wrong Marriage
Tara travels to England to dig into Eve's background. Carrie and Lance have a very public blow-up.
The Wrong Nemesis
Carrie Jones
With new husband Webb now deceased, Robin stands to inherit a fortune with a little help from Sheldon, the family’s lawyer. Carrie’s philanthropic endeavors have always taken a backseat to the family’s business ones, but now, with Lance at her side, she plans to expand her role. Kayla is enjoying the single life until she meets Carter whom she quickly falls for, and lest she be overshadowed, Tara begins an affair with her college professor. Pam begins a friendship with Stephen Napoli, the CEO of the construction company building the family’s new water facility and becomes even closer to him when the facility is vandalized. But she has bigger problems when the child whom she gave up for adoption years ago suddenly returns!
The Wrong Murder
Nobody, least of all Pam, knows how to handle her long-lost daughter Eve, so they ask Sheldon for his counsel. The more Eve is brought into the fold, the more it rankles Tara, who doesn't believe Eve is who she says she is.
The Wrong Blackmail
Carrie Jones
The thrilling conclusion of the Robin Jones trilogy.
The Wrong Letter
Carrie Jones
Robin Jones and her four stepdaughters have just survived several attempts on their lives by a family member who they assumed they could trust; moving on from the ordeal, they realize that their problems haven't disappeared.
The Wrong Family
Carrie Jones
After the death of patriarch Theodore Jones, his second wife assumed control of the family business; now, someone is coming after the family business, trying to beat it at it's own game, using blackmail and even murder.
The Wrong Fiancé
When photographer Abby is sent out of town on a job assignment by her editor, Charlotte, she thinks it is the perfect opportunity to escape her nightmarish ex-fiancé, Richard. However, Abby quickly discovers it is impossible to elude him.
Не тот агент по недвижимости
Detective Simms
Работающая мать-одиночка Джули и ее дочь-подросток Мэдди снимают красивый дом на нескольких акрах земли у дружелюбного агента по недвижимости Чарльза, которого они хорошо знают и который живет неподалеку. Однако после въезда матери и дочери странные звуки и происшествия заставляют их подозревать, что кто-то еще живет на их территории, и они никуда не денутся.
Вместе на Рождество
Shop Owner
Эйва живёт в Нью-Йорке, но на Рождество решает отдохнуть от суеты и проблем большого города и едет в "мировую столицу Рождества", городок Тинсел. Там она знакомится с очаровательной девочкой, которая сдаёт ей в аренду гостевой домик, и влюбляется в её отца.
Осторожней с домоработницей
Деб, успешный редактор, отправляет Дэна в командировку после того, как он недавно переехал в дом своей мечты. Когда он встречает Кристен, все его проблемы решены, потому что она кажется ему идеальной домоработницей. Однако это только начало, ведь Кристен обустраивает дом, выдает себя за его новую девушку и не собирается уходить из его жизни.
The Wrong Mommy
After receiving a promotion and more responsibility at work, Melanie decides to hire Phoebe as her personal assistant. Smart and cunning, Phoebe has an ulterior motive for taking the job and a twisted plan for revenge involving Melanie's mother.
Тайная одержимость
Desk Nurse
Очнувшись в больнице после аварии с травмой головы Дженнифер не может ничего вспомнить из прошлого. Муж, радуясь что она осталась жива, отвозит её домой, в уединенное горное поместье. Наедине с мужчиной, о котором она ничего не помнит, ей становится очень тревожно. Ведущий расследование детектив Фрэнк Пейдж подозревает, что произошедшее не является случайностью. После того как его дочь пропала без вести и не была найдена, он очень тщательно проверяет все улики, пытаясь ничего не упустить. Найдя фотографии пострадавшей женщины в Интернете, где она с мужем, Пейдж понимает, что ей грозит смертельная опасность. Ведь человек забравший Дженнифер из больницы — не её муж.
Sister of the Bride
After only 6 months of dating, Stephanie and Ben get engaged and are delighted to share the news. However, they hit a road bump when Stephanie’s parents show concern that the couple has moved too fast.
Dead End
This is the story of a small town outside of LA where crystal meth is manufactured. A young couple struggles to get out of a life of drugs, crime and violence. Their love, strength and resilience is put to the ultimate test as this Dead End town refuses to release the grip it has on their lives.
The Wrong Teacher
Judy Lane
Successful teacher and author Charlotte Hansen has a passionate, one-night stand with a younger man, Chris. She later finds out that he is 18 years old and a student at her high school. Now, Chris will stop at nothing to have her for himself.
Муж на Рождество
Brooke and Roger, two graphic designers in a soon-to-be-merged company, help one another by agreeing to a loveless marriage of convenience, suggested by their new boss. In the process, Brooke gets to upstage the sister who just announced her engagement to Brooke's ex-boyfriend during the holidays. But, with their “marriage” in question, will Brooke and Roger find a spark they didn’t know existed?
American Bad Boy
Samuel's dream of buying a recording studio, making a hit record, and becoming a famous hip-hop artist has hit a snag. The money he borrowed to make it all happen is long over due. With the money all gone and the record far from finished, he becomes desperate for a solution. So when "The Bruce" - unscrupulous business man and owner of a string of male strip clubs - gives him only six months to pay back sixty-thousand dollars or say good-bye to his dream, Samuel knows what he's got to do. To make it all work, he going to take it all off. With his looks and his talents, raising enough money to pay off the loan and complete the record ought to be a cinch, but there's still a hitch. For his plan to work he'll have to keep it a secret for a number of reasons.
Ooga Booga
Revenge is served on a spear when dirty cops brutally murder Devin, an innocent African-American med student. Devin's soul is magically transferred into the body of an action figure named Ooga Booga. Armed only with his tribal weapon and the help of his old girlfriend, Donna, Ooga Booga takes to the streets and trailer parks to find the men who stole his bright future away from him. The bodies begin to pile up as Ooga Booga slices and dices his way through crooked cops, meth heads and demented city officials in order to clear his name.