Michael MacRae

Michael MacRae

Рождение : 1949-03-16, Salem, Massachusetts, USA


Michael MacRae


Очень противная свадьба
Устав от религиозного фанатизма и гомофобных настроений в своём родном городе в штате Техас, сёстры Лэтрей, Лаванда и тётя Сисси начинают борьбу с попытками «Общества против равенства» запретить однополые браки в округе. Только эти милые, яркие и смекалистые дамы могут спасти этот город.
Wages of Sin
A deep cover agent is framed after a botched sting operation and the assassination of two undercover officers.
Foster Deroy
A rebellious teen uses his talent for pranks to outwit the security consultant who has taken the students at his prestigious private school hostage.
Shadow of a Doubt
Walter Figer
Charlie Sloan is an alcoholic defence lawyer drawn back into the courtroom by Robin Harwell, a woman he once loved who wants him to defend her stepdaughter Angel, who is accused of murder. Sloan is out of his depth as his opponents mount a bitter campaign to portray him as a drunk and the trial becomes a media circus. Can Sloan justify Robin's faith in him?
Gone in a Heartbeat
Special Agent
When teenage students kidnap Jan Hale they do not mean her any real harm - they just want enough ransom money from her husband Mark to afford a life of luxury. However, when they leave Jan handcuffed to the steering wheel of their car in the freezing cold, they are not aware that she suffers from a potentially fatal heart condition. Mark is racing against time as he and the police play a game of cat and mouse with the kidnappers, aware that he may never see his wife alive again.
Simon & Simon: In Trouble Again
Seattle Lieutenant
En route to delivering an expensive yacht, Rick stops off in Seattle to visit A.J., who works there as an attorney. However, their reunion is disrupted and their investigative skills called into service when the yacht is hijacked--with mom on board.
For the Love of Nancy
Uncle Tommy
The parents of an anorexic woman fight to save her life.
Не разговаривай с незнакомыми
Detective Sandstrum
After Jane's first marriage collapses, she and her new husband Patrick Brody attempt to build a new life and move to a new state. However, her ex-husband follows them with a view to revenge.
The Patriots
Ariel, a young French Jew, decides to leave his family to go to Israel and secretly become an agent of Mossad, the Israeli secret service. After years of training, his first mission is in Paris to steal secrets from Remy Prieur, a French atomic scientist.
Better Off Dead.
Frank Kellner
A lawyer fights a losing battle against the courts to overturn the death sentence for a convicted female robber/murderer despite demands from the woman that her death sentence be carried out.
The Danger of Love: The Carolyn Warmus Story
Carolyn's Attorney
Michael Carlin, a teacher, has been having an affair with a much younger fellow teacher Carolyn Warmus. When his wife is murdered, the police suspect him due to inconsistencies in his alibi, and no evidence points to anyone else.
Crazy in Love
John Rice
Three generations of women live on a small island off the coast of Washington state with their men with whom they have no end of problems.
Diagnosis Murder: Diagnosis of Murder
Mr. Foss
Convinced that his long-time patient Nick Osborn didn't murder his boss, Mark Sloan starts investigating the case himself, supported by a junior doctor and a young female pathologist.
Мафия, подпольное казино, убийство, шикарный «порш», молодой парень, пытающийся заработать немного денег — все составляющие отличного боевика. Когда молодой человек без гроша в кармане, но на чужой дорогой машине, подъезжает к дверям подпольного казино, глупо предполагать, что это закончится для него одной лишь партией в покер — с нее все как раз только начнется…
Огонь на поражение
Хозяин ювелирного магазина среди ночи в панике забирает бриллианты с неизвестной целью. Приехавшая на место «ограбления» полиция выясняет, что ювелир должен немедленно отдать драгоценности грабителю, захватившему его жену в заложники. Женщину спасти не удалось, да и преступнику удается уйти от агента ФБР Уоррена Стентина. Ниточка приводит его в леса в Северной Америке…
Сумасшедший дом
Sam Edwards
Джулия Салливан работает учителем в школе для глухих детей и в жизни у неё всё складывается удачно - привлекательная внешность, уважаемая работа и постоянный бойфренд. Но мало кто знает про неприятный секрет - о сестре-близнеце Мэри. Пока они росли вместе, жестокая Мэри дразнила и издевалась над Джулией, и в результате та порвала с ней отношения. Сёстры не общались много лет, пока дядька не сообщил Джулии, что Мэри оказалась в клинике с болезнью, полностью обезобразившей её.
A Great Ride
Cocky, overconfident motocross champion Jim Dancer and his more mature and levelheaded bike racing buddy Steve Mitchell decide to trek from Mexico to Canada via an unmarked off-road route. During their eventful pilgrimage the carefree fun-loving (and seeking) protagonists encounter a mixed bag of folks who include a perky middle-aged lady who wrecks cars for a living, two sexy swinging babes, a friendly farmer, and a hotshot aspiring motocross rider teen who challenges Dancer to a race. This latter episode ends in tragedy, with the kid taking a fatal spill off his bike. So the kid's gung-ho militant gun fanatic father decides to hunt Dancer and Mitchell down in his sinister souped-up truck.
Dear Detective
Det. Brock
A female homicide detective is assigned to solve the murders of a series of local officials.
Murder in Music City
Chigger Wade
A brash songwriter who buys a detective agency as a tax shelter finds himself and his photographer's model bride involved in a puzzling murder, when a dead body turns up in their honeymoon suite, and on a trail that leads them to Nashville.
Chief Resident
Молодая женщина-доктор начинает подозревать, что в ее больнице творится что-то неладное. Относительно здоровые пациенты испытывают «осложнения» во время простых операций и впадают в кому. Затем несчастных коматозников отвозят в исследовательский институт, где они находятся под наблюдением. Доктору Сьюзан Уилер предстоит исследовать палаты, морги и другие мрачные места жутковатого медицинского центра Джефферсона и убедить своего скептически настроенного коллегу — доктора Марка, что ее подозрения — не паранойя.
The Fall of the House of Usher
The Friend
At the urgent request of his friend Roderick Usher, a man journeys to the strange House of Usher but becomes enmeshed in the darkness that threatens to destroy not only the last remaining family members but also the very house itself.