В этом фильме сталкиваются поэтическое и политическое, вечное и актуальное. Главная тема — ангажированность искусства, каковы его истоки и каково его действие. Фильм состоит из 4-х эпизодов, показывающих «человека искусства» в острых ситуациях современного мира, раздираемого социальными и политическими катаклизмами.
Sylvie Drapier is an attractive 40-year old surgeon, specializing in liver transplants, who heads a department in the foremost clinic of a small country town. Divorced, she lives alone with her eight-year-old son, David. One night, returning home from a major operation, Sylvie is violently assaulted and raped in the garage of her building. In the furious struggle with the rapist, she manages to scratch him with a brooch. Several weeks later, the rapist
attacks a pharmacist, but this time, the victim escapes by severely injuring him. The assaulter is hospitalized and must undergo a liver transplant, an operation which only Sylvie Drapier can perform...
Chiffre N°5
Following a climbing accident in the mountains, Pascal loses the use of his legs and is confined to a wheelchair. The film follows his gradual acceptance of this during his stay in a rehabilitation centre and, with the support of fellow residents, the return of his will to live.
Le Fou
French thriller written by Jean-Claude Carriere.