Julien Husson


Несколько дней в сентябре
L'homme à la cigarette
1 сентября 2001 года. До трагедии осталось 10 дней. Элиот, агент ЦРУ, получает доступ к бесценной информации и исчезает. Его разыскивают спецслужбы всего мира. Единственная ниточка — Ирен, агент французской разведки, которую Элиот просил найти свою дочь, оставленную 10 лет назад во Франции. Наемный убийца, поэт и психопат — Вильям Паунд, преследует Ирен, надеясь через нее выйти на Элиота. Международный шпионаж, заговоры, убийства ведут героев из Парижа в Венецию. А дни идут…
La révolution sexuelle n'a pas eu lieu
As she approaches 30, Anne Buridan becomes anxious over what she has so far managed to make of her life. She decides the time has come to sort out her head and unravel the muddle that has resulted from her desires, her dreams and her work for Radio Ultime, a radio station she has founded with her closest friends. To that end, she attaches a sensor to her forehead and sets to work...
La révolution sexuelle n'a pas eu lieu
As she approaches 30, Anne Buridan becomes anxious over what she has so far managed to make of her life. She decides the time has come to sort out her head and unravel the muddle that has resulted from her desires, her dreams and her work for Radio Ultime, a radio station she has founded with her closest friends. To that end, she attaches a sensor to her forehead and sets to work...