Howie Franklin
L.A. detective Sgt. Castle and his two partners investigate the theft of a valuable Fragonard painting by a thief who pilots a helicopter.
Police Chief James Mitchell (uncredited)
Мэрион Крэйн недовольна романом с разведённым мужчиной, который уделяет ей внимание только наездами. Поэтому девушка крадёт на работе крупную сумму и в спешке бежит из города. В мотеле, где она остановилась на ночь, ей приходится столкнуться с его молодым владельцем — очень странным молодым человеком.
Judge Kendall
Marian Forbes has been having an affair with her boss and when he drops her for another woman. In an act of jealousy and greed she convinces an acquaintance to murder her former lover and then impersonate him just long enough to get their hands on a large sum of money.
Dr. Lannon (uncredited)
A young orphan rejects his foster parents and instead turns to a German shepherd whose master was recently murdered. Stumbling on some evidence, the boy is rescued from the killer by his dog.
Rich college fraternity boy tries to get small-town beauty contest winner to fall for him by making a play for her 16-year-old sister.
Police Sergeant Ernie Tucker
A Los Angeles teacher becomes a mob target when he agrees to be a star witness in a gangland murder case.
Police Captain (uncredited)
A savings-and-loan bank is robbed; later, a police wiretap identifies teller Leon Poole as inside man. In capturing him, detective Sam Wagner accidentally kills Poole's young wife, and at his trial Poole swears vengeance against Wagner. Poole begins his plans to get revenge when he escapes his captors.
Gus Linden, former racketeer head of a Detroit local of the United Automobile Workers of America, A.F.L, attempts to destroy his successor, Blair Vicker, so he can put his old rackets back into the auto factories. Vickers fights him off, ultimately winning help from Linden's attractive daughter Barbara and from Joni Calvin, Vickers' moll.
Capt. Lord (uncredited)
Two brothers, both cadets at Annapolis, fall in love with the same girl.
Major Sutter
The first of the five films where Bill Elliott played a detective lieutenant in the L.A Sheriff's department, Dial Red "O" (the correct title with the number 0 (zero), as on a telephone dial, shown in ") opens with war-torn veteran Ralph Wyatt getting word that his wife is divorcing him, and he flees the psychiatric ward of the veteran's hospital, wanting to talk to her. His escape touches off an all-out manhunt, led by Lieutenant Andy Flynn of the sheriff's department.
Dr. Paul Dryden
Three men gamble their lives in space to change the history of the world
Два эпизода «Дикого Билла Хикока» отредактированы вместе и выпущены как полнометражный фильм.
Dr. Snell (uncredited)
Писатель Джон и его подруга Эллен наслаждаются тихим вечером в пустыне, наблюдая в телескоп мерцающие на небе звёзды, когда тишину сумерек разрезает шумное падение огромного светящегося объекта. Будучи любопытным по природе, Джон следующим же утром отправляется на вылазку к месту падения, где обнаруживает нечто, похожее на корабль пришельцев. Прибывшие позднее к огромной воронке шериф и репортёры склонны видеть в словах Джона о первом контакте с инопланетным разумом заголовки для «жёлтой» прессы, однако вскоре в близлежащем городке происходят странные события: люди пропадают в пустыне, возвращаясь домой в прежнем обличье, но с пустыми глазами и неясными помыслами...
Пленка, которую Кенди везла в метро, содержит государственнуютайну, и она находилась под наблюдением правительственныхагентов. Они видят, как некий Скип Маккой крадет пленку, но онускользает от них. Стремясь вернуть фильм, Джой, экс-возлюбленный Кенди, и человек, использующий ее как курьера, убеждает ее искать вора. Она разыскивает Скипа через уличные связи, в то время как полицейские находят его вскоре после кражи.
Jim Ryan - Bartender
Стивен МакНэлли в роли Лайтнинга, энергичного начальника полицейского участка в Силвер Сити. Главная цель Лайтнинга — задержать банду безжалостных преступников, терроризирующих и убивающих местных шахтеров, среди которых его лучший друг. В одной из перестрелок Лайтнинг теряет способность пользоваться указательным пальцем и, соответственно, свое блестящее умение владеть оружием. Он обращается за помощью в поимке преступников к знаменитому стрелку Силверу Киду — его отец погиб от рук бандитов. Однако осуществление их совместного плана усложняется, когда Лайтинг влю6ляется в красавицу, недавно приехавшую в город. Женщина ведет собственную опасную игру, и ее интерес к начальнику полиции — всего лишь хитрая уловка.
John Ballanger
A plumber's secretary poses as the daughter of a prominent society couple.
Captain Barney Demming
In Indiana of the early 1800s, conflict once again arises between the United States and Great Britain over territory and boundaries. Each side endeavors to gain the support of the Shawnee Indian tribes in the area. Governor William Henry Harrison enlists the aid of Steve Rubbell, whose friendship with the Shawnee chief Tecumseh goes back to childhood. Tecumseh's leadership of the Shawnee is contested by his brother, known as The Prophet, who sides with the British. Tecumseh, who grew up as a childhood playmate of Steve and of Laura McGregor, loves Steve as a brother and hopes to marry Laura. But Laura is in love with Steve. Laura's father, Shayne McGregor, secretly leads local support of the British against the Americans, even though it risks the life and love of his daughter. Everything comes to a head at the battle of Tippecanoe.
A psychologist takes on the daunting task of getting into the mind of prisoners. He must gain the trust and cooperation from a group of men who have no reason to help him and who might enjoy killing him.
Fred Lewis
Jungle Jim is forced to lead anthropologist Dr. Edwards into a land inhabited by giant people.
Four strangers board a plane and become fast friends, but a catastrophic crash leaves only one survivor. He then sets off on a journey to discover who these people were, but ultimately discovers the devastating truth about himself.
Dr. Tobor
Space hero Captain Video battles the evil Vultura on the planet Atoma.
Karl Ulrich- aka The Baron
Columbia Pictures elevated stunt man Jock O'Mahoney to stardom in this 15 chapter western serial about the building of the transcontinental railroad. O'Mahoney played a railroad agent who uncovers the master criminal behind a series of sabotage attempts on the construction site.
Jungle Jim must protect rare pony-like animals whose glands produce a powerful narcotic. On the way, he fights a giant spider.
King Sullivan
A fingerprint expert (Richard Travis) figures out who killed the mayor.
Gorman's Friend (uncredited)
Frenchie Fontaine sells her successful business in New Orleans to come West. Her reason? Find the men who killed her father, Frank Dawson. But she only knows one of the two who did and she's determined to find out the other.
Guard Adams
Crusading newspaperman Cliff Roberts masquerades as a prison guard to document inhuman conditions.
A parolee, working for a trucking line, struggles to clear his name after being accused of involvement with hijackers.
Wade Brandon
A government agent travels from the United States to Mexico to nab drug dealers.
Policeman (uncredited)
Architect Hal Norton and wife Meg invite his widowed mother Louisa to move in with them, only to discover the sweet elderly lady is romantically involved with what seems to be every old coot in town.
Elevator Operator (uncredited)
Мать одиночка Конни, растит шестилетнего сына и работает коммерческим шпионом - ходит по магазинам, покупает, меняет, ради изучения спроса. Однажды под рождество Конни покупает детскую железную дорогу с целью сдать её на следующее утро. Симпатичный продавец, выслушав её слезливую историю, оформляет ей возврат товара и теряет работу. Таким образом Конни и Стив знакомятся и проводят почти весь день вместе. Конни почти забыла, что ответила согласием своему жениху Карлу, выйти за него замуж на новый год, но до него остаётся еще целых пять дней. Стив же, прекрасно ладящий с детьми, находит в лице Тимми, сына Конни, своего самого большого друга.
Marshal Kelly (as George Eldridge)
This film and the 1950 short "The Fargo Phantom" were edited together and released as a feature called "Tales of the West #2" in 1950.
Detective Stacy
All the passengers on an airplane headed for San Francisco are drugged, and when they wake up, it is discovered that a quarter-million dollars is missing. Charlie Chan--and, of course, his #1 son--must discover the identity of the person who doped the passengers and stole the money.
Alfred Murdock
Quick on the Trigger was Charles Starrett's second "Durango Kid" picture for 1949. It all begins when ousted sheriff Steve Warren (Starrett) is put on trial for the murder of heroine Nora Reed's (Helen Parrish) brother. Steve is innocent, of course, but he doesn't stand a chance against prosecuting attorney Garvey Yager (Lyle Talbot) -- especially since Yager is the real killer.
Mr. Radley
A banker is trying to cheat people out of their silver-rich land. Hoppy learns that the banker is in league with an outlaw gang.
Detective Pat
Charlie attempts to solve a triple murder in which a dead man's finger prints show up at all three murder sites, and all three victims were connected with the conviction and execution of an evidently innocent man.
IRS Collector
A man wins $50,000 in a card game with gamblers, but is soon found dead and the money missing. Slip and Sach find the money near where the body was discovered, and soon find themselves the target of both the police and the gamblers.
Officer Edwards
A photographer is choked to death just outside of where a college dance is being held. The body is discovered by Lee Watson, but promptly disappears, as it is being whisked from one point to another on the campus by a night watchman, who is an ex-convict.
Bit Part (uncredited)
The secretary of an affably suave radio mystery host mysteriously commits suicide after his wealthy young niece disappears.
U.S. Marshal
Hoppy finds a wounded girl and later finds Judge Morton who claims the girl is his daughter and he is looking for her. But Hoppy soon learns the girl is looking for stolen gold she wants to return and the Judge in not her father but only wants the gold. Hoppy and the girl find the gold but the Judge and his men find Hoppy and the boys and trap them in a cabin.
A veteran, Joe Hilton, returns from the war to find that his brother Jeffrey Hilton, a gangster, has been killed. His quest for revenge leads him to take over his brother's illegal operations but his sweetheart, Lynn Turner, persuades him to change his ways and return to the straight and narrow.
Chief Lannigan
В китайском квартале Сан-Франциско Чарли помогает двум разным людям искать их пропавших родственников и раскрывает убийство по страховой схеме.
Police Radio Announcer (uncredited)
A boy's tall tale about a gun puts his parents and school principal in jail.
Mr. Nelson
An advertising man's new campaign for a fashion designer attracts the attention of mysterious characters.
Bowen, Peace Foundation Member
A movie serial in 13 chapters, and Lionel Atwill's final film: Following the end of WWII, war-monger Sir Eric Hazarias sets the wheel in motion for WWIII. His search for Meteorium 245, the only practical defence against the atomic bomb, leads him to mythical Pendrang. Obstructing his sinister plan to rule the world are Rod Stanton, United Peace Foundation investigator, Tal Shan , Pendrang native, and Marjorie Elmore, daughter of scientist Dr. Elmore, unwilling assistant to Sir Eric.
An orphan girl lives with apparently kind uncle who turns out to be a murderer.
Jim Norton
The Durango Kid fights to catch the rustlers who killed an Army officer.
Dan Blake
A teenage girl from a traditional family goes on a date with a pilot and ends up having sex with him. After the pilot dies in a plane crash, the girl discovers she is pregnant with his child.
Federal Agent CleveTrevor
Finding Dale's wallet, Denny returns it just as two men shoot each other with one dying and one escaping. Dale blames Denny for the murder and Lasses has to pose as the Sheriff to free him. Trailing the wounded man they learn he and Dale are Government Agents. Jimmy, Denny, and Lasses now join up with Dale and soon find themselves involved in a gold bullion smuggling racket.
Sparks Diamond
In this western, set in Texas, the brave heroes Rod, Fuzzy, and their good-guy gang attempt to keep a band of ruthless outlaws who are trying to take over the reins of a stage coach line.
Hoot Gibson and Bob Stanley ride into Arizona seeking the killer of Bob's father, who managed the stagecoach line in Eggleston for Kelso McGuire.
Henry / Hank, Saloon Owner
During the latter stages of the Civil War, a gang of supposed Confederates, headed by Alex Morel (Lionel Atwill), raid all gold shipments destined for Washington from Oro Grande, California. Can they be brought to justice?
Policeman (uncredited)
The discovery of a perfectly preserved caveman prompts a mad scientist to attempt a daring brain transplant.
Rance Hudson
The tale of Clint Farrell, an aspiring lawyer who must use both his wits and his brawn to save his town from being taken over by a villainous railroad financier.
Larry Payne
The Trail Blazers are bringing in a prisoner to stand trial for bank robbery, when several attempts are made to kill him; convinced of the man's innocence, they arrange a trap for the real thieves.
Carl Beldon
Carl Beldon has disappeared and the Trail Blazers have been sent to investigate. Arriving in town, they find that 'Honest John' controls everything. He even prints his own money. He also has a gang and they set out to finish off the heroes.
Berkeley Bell
A young woman from Kansas (Ann Miller) arrives in Hollywood with hopes of a movie career.
James Prescott
In this western, two cowboys go to buy fresh horses for the cavalry and end up taking on two badguys and a female vigilante.
District Attorney
Losing his memories of the last few days, neurologist Dr. Steele is told that his wife has been brutally murdered. Steele, aware of his conniving wife's infidelity, believes he may have been the killer and enlists the aid of his pretty nurse Stella to hypnotize him into recovering his lost memories.
In this WW II musical, a young man suddenly finds himself in charge of his family when his father is called to war. To help the flagging spirits of local factory workers, the plucky lad, his siblings and his schoolmates put on a lively little show. With a little work, he even convinces Count Basie to come with his band.
Doug Ransom
Rancher Blaze Barker returns to Dead Falls after being framed by land-grabbers and spending two years in jail. Paroled, he can't wear a gun, but is aided by Marshal Fargo Steele. The gang is out to gain control of all of the valley land before a dam is constructed. When Blaze raises the money to pay off the taxes on his ranch, he finds it has been marked to incriminate him.
Slinger Jones
A town is cleared of crime when a group of cowboys under the direction of Hayden battles an outlaw gang. They also manage to restore the reputation of a friend wrongly accused of murder.
Gus Sloan
In this western, two cowboys ride to the rescue of ranchers who are fighting to keep a land-grabber from taking their land and selling it to the railroad
Hotel Guest
A beautiful heiress is an excellent poker player. Her comfortable life changes when her father and his fortune die during market crash of the 1800's.
Det. Thompson
A seemingly charitable soup kitchen operator (who moonlights as a criminology professor) uses his Bowery mission as a front for his criminal gang. Police attempt to close in on the gang as they commit a series of robberies, murders and bizarre experiments on corpses.
Tony Weldon
A detective investigating kidnapping case discovers the victim, who may be a zombie.
A scientist keeps his wife young by killing, stealing the bodies of, and taking the gland fluid from virgin brides.
Constable (uncredited)
В деревне Франкенштейна идёт волнение. Люди думают что их постигло проклятие и во всех своих бедах обвиняют монстра Франкенштейна. Идут слухи о том что Игорь возможно жив и пытается оживить монстра. Сельские жители оказывают давление на мэра и он разрешает им уничтожить замок Франкенштейна. Игорь пытается подавить сопротивление, но сельские жители ломают ворота в замок и начинают крушить его. Игорь убегающий через катакомбы находит монстра. Невидимые сельским жителям Игорь и монстр бегут из замка через сельскую местность. Там они сталкиваются с мощной грозой. В монстра попадает молния, но она не убивает его а наоборот омоложает. Игорь решает найти Людвига, второго сына Франкенштейна, что бы тот помог монстру.
Police Dispatcher
Falsely convicted of murder, young Robert Draper (Robert Preston) escapes custody during a practice blackout drill. Under cover of darkness, Draper hopes to find the real killer, who turns out to be a member of a Nazi sabotage ring. Completed shortly before America entered WW2.
Capt. Riley (uncredited)
The story follows General George Armstrong Custer's adventures from his West Point days to his death. He defies orders during the Civil War, trains the 7th Cavalry, appeases Chief Crazy Horse and later engages in bloody battle with the Sioux nation.
A group of delinquents on their way to summer camp get stuck in a haunted house.
Storm is out to wreck Ace's stage line. When Tex arrives to help Ace, Storm brings in hired killer Mule Bates. But Tex and Bates know each other and the two devise a plan to fool Storm.
Draftsman Lynch
A gang of urban street kids and a club of suburban would-be federal agents, at first rivals, join forces to rescue the father of one of the kids, the inventor of a super-explosive and its remote detonator, from the clutches of a band of foreign subversives call the "Flaming Torch Gang". A 12-episode movie serial with the chapters: •1. Enemies Within •2. The Blast of Doom •3. Human Dynamite •4. Blazing Danger •5. Trapped By Traitors •6. Traitors' Treachery •7. Flaming Death •8. Hurled Through Space •9. The Plunge of Peril •10.The Toll of Treason •11.Descending Doom •12.The Power of Patriotism
Один из величайших приключенческих фильмов всех времен. Успех, ставшего классикой фильма Видора, во многом обязан Спенсеру Трэйси, который сыграл знаменитого бойца с индейцами Роберта Роджерса, лидера Рейнджеров Роджерса. Образ Трэйси приземлен и точен в качестве приграничного лидера, который не знает страха среди ужаса и кровопролития Дикого Запада. Действие развертывается в 1759 году, а фильм начинается с того, что талантливый художник Янг прибывает домой в Портсмут, Нью-Хэмпшир. Он боязливо объясняет семье, что его выгнали из Гарварда из-за смелых политических комментариев, вставленных в его рисунки.
Federal Man
A San Francisco reporter and a lab assistant foil spies on an East-bound deportation train.
Allan Kendall
An expedition arrives on an uncharted jungle island to rescue the local natives, led by a jungle boy, from a volcano that is about to erupt.
'Red' Herron
A federal agent poses as a criminal to infiltrate a gang of parolees seeking vengeance on the lawmen who jailed them.
Prosecuting Attorney Ames
Police detective Lanny resents the ongoing interference of the local FBI branch. Hoping to show up the feds, Lanny tackles a baffling espionage case. Things heat up when reporter sweetheart Ollie is framed for murder.