Elena Tovar

Elena Tovar


Elena Tovar


Пустынные приключения
Узнав о смерти любимой жены, которая сбежала от него несколько лет назад, наивный и слабохарактерный Джейсон решает отправиться в Солт-Лейк-Сити на её похороны и вернуть ей обручальное кольцо как символ вечной любви. Его близкий друг и сосед Майк вызывается поехать вместе с ним, чтобы сбежать от беременной девушки. Однако, друзья ещё не знают, что путешествие обернётся совсем не так, как они ожидали.
Having suffered with psychosis for twenty years, Eddie is on advanced trials for a new drug called Ceresia. Near FDA approval, his progress breaks down as a new romance begins to invoke memories of his mother's fatal accident.
Поиздевавшись над девушкой, насильники, убедившись что она мертва, выбрасывают ее в пустынной местности. Местный шаман находит безжизненное тело и воскрешает его при помощи вселившегося духа воина Апачи, который сразу же объявляет преступникам кровавую месть и воплощает всё весьма нелицеприятными способами.
Man from Shaolin
32nd generation Chinese Shaolin Fighting Monk Li Bao Xin must immigrate to New York City to look after young Janie, his six-year-old niece. Struggling to make a new life, Li Bao will face challenges that test his character more than his physical strength. Through it all, his mind remains filled with the heroic stories of the Shaolin Temple, a great tradition that defines him, but also makes his assimilation to western culture more difficult. While in China he was a venerated master, in America he is nobody. To make a life for him and Janie, Li Bao must contend with a modern society, where his great fighting skills and heroic lineage have little meaning. He will have to decide which is more important, his dreams or his family.
All God's Creatures
Hipster Girl
Creature of habit, Jon Smith, spends his days mindlessly working as a barista in New York City. When night falls, this seeming everyman savagely kills "filthy women" as his social outlet. A chance encounter with Delia, a young prostitute searching for an escape from her troubled past, forces Jon to confront the most terrifying thing he has ever faced in all his dark affairs - himself. All God's Creatures examines the true nature of what it means to be a monster and reveals that love is not only for a chosen few, but for all God's creatures.