Costume Design
A day in the life of a Quebec magazine writer - his fortieth birthday - from his dream before waking to his last act before sleeping. He looks back over his life, his thoughts, and his loves.
Costume Design
Актер по имени Дэниэл задумал поставить пьесу на тему "Страсти Господни" на территории Монреальского собора. Сам он собирается сыграть роль Иисуса и пригласить своих друзей актеров на остальные роли. Постепенно сюжет начинает завладевать мыслями и чувствами всех. Появляется параллель между жизнью актеров и их ролями в пьесе.
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Pierre is a Montreal photojournalist who returns from Nicaragua to find that his ten-year menage a trois is over. Haunted by his mid-life crisis, he becomes obsessed with trying to find out why his two lovers, Sarah and David, have left him.
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Фильм о борьбе Колониального ополчения с Британскими войсками (1770-е года), ознаменовавшей начало Американской революции.
Costume Design
On a wedding day, women are confined to the kitchen to prepare the meal while the men wait to be served. While men talk politics and sports, women talk about their condition. A teenager observes the gap between the sexes. Co-directed by two actresses, Paule Baillargeon and Frederique Collin, The Red Kitchen is the birth of the Quebec women's cinema. The birth of the film was difficult, and funding has been largely achieved through donations from friends and a benefit concert. This war of the sexes takes place in a demanding formal research, based on the improvisation of the actors, whose preparation took place over long sessions in the workshop. The end result mixes black humour, horror and a very expressive fantasy that gave rise to heated debates.
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In a little village at the end of the 1890's, a young woman offends all the 'right-thinking' villagers by allowing men in her house in the absence of her husband. When he is found dead, all of the suspicion is directed towards the liberal woman. She is judged more for her morality then for the crime she is accused of. Her culpability is still a subject of debate today.
Costume Design
An Ottawa police captain searches for the person who poisoned his sister, who was attending the university in Montreal. So desperate is he for revenge that he begin to use his own brutal methods to find the killer. Soon he discovers that not everything is what he thought it was.
Costume Design
Бывший летчик Тони оказался не в том месте и не в то время. Его преследуют цыгане, считающие его виновным в смерти своих родных и жаждущие мести. Убегая от них, он становится свидетелем убийства, и попадает в плен к странной банде, готовящей крупное ограбление.