Alexandra Gulea


Maia – Portrait with Hands
The Aromanians (Rrãmãnji) are an ethnic group found mainly in today’s Albania, Greece, Bulgaria and Romania. For filmmaker Alexandra Gulea, this question of heritage is connected to the name she shares with her grandmother, who was born into a traditional Aromanian life, and is fluent only in an Aromanian language. The older Alexandra's father suffered a violent death in an uprising for his people's rights, which forced the family out of Greece and into a politically treacherous Balkan landscape deep in the throes of nationalist upheavals, until finally, they found a home in Romania.
Maia – Portrait with Hands
The Aromanians (Rrãmãnji) are an ethnic group found mainly in today’s Albania, Greece, Bulgaria and Romania. For filmmaker Alexandra Gulea, this question of heritage is connected to the name she shares with her grandmother, who was born into a traditional Aromanian life, and is fluent only in an Aromanian language. The older Alexandra's father suffered a violent death in an uprising for his people's rights, which forced the family out of Greece and into a politically treacherous Balkan landscape deep in the throes of nationalist upheavals, until finally, they found a home in Romania.
Maia – Portrait with Hands
The Aromanians (Rrãmãnji) are an ethnic group found mainly in today’s Albania, Greece, Bulgaria and Romania. For filmmaker Alexandra Gulea, this question of heritage is connected to the name she shares with her grandmother, who was born into a traditional Aromanian life, and is fluent only in an Aromanian language. The older Alexandra's father suffered a violent death in an uprising for his people's rights, which forced the family out of Greece and into a politically treacherous Balkan landscape deep in the throes of nationalist upheavals, until finally, they found a home in Romania.
Flying Sheep
The author's grandparents were Aromanians, a Balkan minority of nomadic shepherds, without territory and written language, wandering between mountains and seas. Their story is told from the subjective point of view of the artist, who passionately reproduces in staged scenes this perpetual tragic wandering, also full of hope and courage to live.
Moromete Family: On the Edge of Time
A sequel to Moromeții (1987), the tale follows the life of the Moromete family after WWII, with Romania being overpowered by Communism.
Matei copil miner
Matei lives with his grandfather in Romania. His parents have gone to work in Italy. After arguing with his grandfather, he leaves. A poignant, beautifully shot film on the illusions and disillusionments of childhood.
Matei copil miner
Matei lives with his grandfather in Romania. His parents have gone to work in Italy. After arguing with his grandfather, he leaves. A poignant, beautifully shot film on the illusions and disillusionments of childhood.
Уик-энд с мамой
15 лет назад, Луиза решила начать все заново в Испании. Она оставила свою 3-летнюю дочь Кристину, находящуюся в опеке родственников. Когда она вернется в Румынию, женщина узнает некоторые шокирующие истины, которые были скрыты от нее: Кристина сбежала из дома и является наркоманом. Луиза пытается спасти свою дочь, и тем самым искупить ошибки своей юности. Чтобы сделать это, у нее есть один лишь уик-энд…
When the Lights Go Out
In a poor country obsessed with making easy money, 100 bucks are enough to lose your mind for a couple of minutes. The members of a rock band come up with a bet: if you stick a light bulb in your mouth you can’t pull it out anymore. However absurd the idea may seem, it soon proves to be contagious…
Asta e
Once a major wealthy town, Sulina is a victim of post-communist decline and disarray. Ten years after the fall of Ceausescu inhabitants still live in poverty. Despite their despair, there is room for dreams and humor. The Romanian town Sulina lies right in the no-man's-land of the Danube-delta, cut off from the rest of the world. Ten years after the fall of the communist regime the people here are worse off than ever. Sulina used to be a wealthy trade town. But with the decline of communism the economic connections petered out. The film portrays four of the region's inhabitants from three generations who just manage to get by.
Valea Jiului - Notes