Leung Tin

Leung Tin

Рождение : 1932-12-01, Hong Kong

Смерть : 2020-03-22


Leung Tin


Простая жизнь
Head Master
The relationship between a middle-aged man and the elderly woman, who has been the family's helper for sixty years.
Simply Actors
When undercover cops start losing their lives to drug lords who blame their demise on "poor acting", the Police Force counters by sending Hong Kong's Finest to acting school.
Inner Senses
Hospital Director
This is the story of Yan, a young woman haunted by fleeting images of what she believes to be dead people. Told that it is all in her mind by her psychologist Jim, Yan still cannot find any other explanations for her visions. Soon, her suspicions are confirmed when Jim begins seeing the same things she does and the two begin to unravel a mystery that leads to a forgotten past
Июльская рапсодия
Principal Leung
Приближающийся к сорокалетнему юбилею Лам работает учителем. У него есть жена и двое сыновей — один вот-вот закончит университет, а второй пока учится в школе. Кризис среднего возраста подкрадывается к Ламу незаметно: ученики как один идиоты, жена утомляет, работа достала. Проблеск надежды он видит в своей ученице У — самоуверенной девице, у которой есть талант, но нет желания его развивать. Девушка очевидно заинтересована им, поэтому Лам нерешительно, но все же делает ответный шаг.
The Great Pretenders
The Great Pretenders is a Hong Kong Comedy starring Tony Leung Chiu-Wai
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Dr. Lu
This is an extremely rare example of science fiction, Hong Kong style, but, fittingly, it's unlike any sci-fi flick you've ever seen. Alien abductions, suicide pacts, superstardom, and the reality of science fiction itself is spotlighted in this bright, crazy, truly out of this world epic -- one of the more unusual movies in the Hong Kong cinema of the early 1980s. And if you know 80's Hong Kong cinema at all, you know that's really saying something!
Curse of Evil
13 family members are murdered and then dumped in a well. 30 years later their descendants are cursed...
Notorious Eight
3rd Brother
A group of secret agent gambling heroes put the squeeze on some gangsters who are cheating the public now after having been involved with Japanese war criminals.
Soul Ash
No overview available though this involves ghosts.
Молния кунг-фу
Chief eunuch
Украдено золото у вдовы императора. По следу посылают полицейского которому дают один месяц на то, что бы разыскать золото и покарать грабителей. Ему предстоит в смертельной схватке с опаснейшим главарем вернуть золото.
The Last Judgement
Ling Song-Kong
Most of the Liang family are murdered by Ling Guixing and the surviving son Liang Tianlai (Ng Wai-Kwok) wows to bring him to justice. Fighting against corruption in several courts, his only main witness is beggar Afeng but as Ling has people around him willing to bribe and murder, soon Liang is left alone. All up until he meets what seems like the last upstanding official...
The Best Hustler Wins
Lau Sang-Hoi
The Best Hustler Wins is a Hong Kong Comedy starring Leung Tin and Ku Kuan-Chung.
No Money No Talk
No Money No Talk is a Hong Kong is a Hong Kong Drama starring Bill Tung
Star Wonderfun
Hong Kong comedy film.
Carry on Con Men
Chen Menchi
The two lead roles (Liang Tien & Chang Ying) are in competition (never really explained why), teaching people lesson (including each other), but when the going gets tough, they join forces.
Two Con Men
Chan Mung-Kat
This 1975 comedy is about two tricksters, one who is bad and will work for the highest bidder and the other who works always for good, a Robin Hood in China film.
Laugh in the Sleeve
Chuk Chi-Sang
TONG Pak-Fu, CHUK Chi-Sang, MAN Ching-Ming and CHOW Man-Bun were the four famous learned-men in classical Mid-China. They were on good terms. Once, they picniced and visited the monkish home in Fu-Yau Mounts. While there they encounter the Lady of WAH Prime Minister in a sedan followed by a train of servants and maids. One of the maids named CHAU Heung was very attractive. Pak-Fu was attracted by CHAU Heung and tried every opportunity to get near her, and caused a lot of laughter. HE even followed CHAU Heung to Han-Chow. The Prime Minister needs a library mate urgently. Pak-Fu takes this opportunity to apply for it and was accepted. He tried to date CHAU Heung when she brings snacks to the library one day. She rebuked him for giving up his future prospects. The three friends of Pak-Fu discover that Pak-Fu had disappeared. They soon find out his whereabout. With the help of the 2nd daughter-in-law of the Prime Minister, a cousin of Pak-Fu...... the two lovers eventually get married.
The Chinese Tiger
Mr. Chu
The "Organization" will go to any lengths to sell their drugs. But this time, they made a mistake... a big mistake. They never counted on The Chinese Tiger, Master of Kung-Fu.
The Shaolin Boxer
Master Chuan Tai
Chuan Tai, master of the Shaolin School, hopes that if he can win the annual martial-arts tournament, he can help the villagers, who are under the tyranny of an evil security squad controlled by Ho Yung
Gossip Street
The place to be is flat number 8 on the second floor of the Gossip Street apartment building, where all the neighbors gather to gossip. The sitcom turns serious when a local mobster wants to change the place into a gambling den.
Hong Kong 73
Mr Tsui
As the Heng Seng Index reaches unprecedented heights, people from all walks of life go stock speculation crazy. A security guard and his landlord learn firsthand that money is ‘Easy Come, Easy Go’ as their fast fortune disappears overnight in a Macau casino. Meanwhile, greedy neighbours and infidel couples cheat each other and even blue-collar workmen dive into the frenzy. Inevitably, the market tumbles as do the people’s bittersweet lives. A hilarious but ironic tale featuring some of Shaw’s biggest stars.
Геркулес востока
Boss Chan
Вей убивает в поединке брата своей возлюбленной и пускается в бега, поклявшись больше никогда не использовать свое искусство рукопашного боя. Устроившись грузчиком в маленьком порту, Вей становится свидетелем издевательского отношения к рабочим со стороны членов преступного синдиката. Доведенный до отчаяния убийством одного из своих друзей он вынужден нарушить данную клятву и вступить в схватку с бандитами.
The House of 72 Tenants
Mr. Han Yi Shi
Set during a period of depression, the film chronicles the daily lives of a single urban building split up into several separate units, and the actual people that dwell within.
The Deadly Chase
Tan Lung
Kung Fu Cops
Gangster boss
A man sets out to take revenge against the drug gang that murdered his brother.