Laetitia Dosch

Laetitia Dosch

Рождение : 1980-09-01, Paris, France


Lætitia Dosch (born 1 September 1980) is a French-Swiss actress, playwright and director. Her film credits include Age of Panic, Summertime, Keeper, Montparnasse Bienvenue, and Our Struggles. Source: Article "Lætitia Dosch" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Laetitia Dosch
Laetitia Dosch
Laetitia Dosch
Laetitia Dosch


Chicken for Linda!
Paulette realizes she has unfairly punished her daughter Linda. To make up for it, she promises to cook her a chicken with peppers, even though she cannot cook at all. But where to find a chicken on a strike day, when all the shops are closed?
In the middle of a heat wave, an ominous cloud appears and with it, a lethal acid rain. A separated family will have to come together to escape this plague ravaging the world.
Mother and Son
In the late 1980s, Rose moves from the Ivory Coast to the Paris suburbs with her two young sons, Ernest and Jean. Spanning 20 years from their arrival in France to the present day, the film is the moving chronicle of the construction and deconstruction of a family.
The Takeover
Cédric works in a company specialized in precision mechanics. Its management, run by an investment fund, is disastrous. As another fund is about to buy it again, Cédric decides to take the company over, giving it to the employees.
In the maternity ward, Céline awaits the arrival of her first child. It is Jeanne, her partner, who will bring her into the world. At night, in the entrance hall of the hospital, she meets men who are waiting, like herself.
Libre Garance !
It is the summer of 1982. Garance is eleven years old and lives in a remote hamlet in the Cevennes where her parents are trying to lead an alternative life. When two Italian activists rob a bank in the area, things go wrong. This event turns Garance and her family's life upside down.
Венсан обожает свою непыльную работу. Однако грядет массовое сокращение госслужащих. Начальница Изабель всеми силами пытается найти причину для его увольнения, а он категорически отказывается уходить по собственному желанию. В ее власти командировать его в самые сложные и удаленные места службы: от африканской глуши и амазонских джунглей до Северного полюса. Кто победит в этой схватке не на жизнь, а на повышенную пенсию?
A Little Lesson in Love
Julie and Mathieu, soon after meeting for the first time, embark in a quest across Paris to stop one of Mathieu’s pupil at school from doing anything stupid after finding a disturbing love note. Inside Mathieu’s old little car, the two characters mix like oil and water, with the math teacher’s carelessness for others not going so well with Julie’s larger than life personality. The more Mathieu discovers some fragility under Julie’s exuberance, the more the two become inseparable.
В то же время
Sylvie, l’ex de Pascal
Накануне голосования за ратификацию строительства развлекательного комплекса на месте девственного леса «расслабленный» правый мэр пытается поймать в ловушку своего коллегу, левого эколога. Но именно они попадут в ловушку группы феминистских активисток. «Девочки из Колле» окончательно заставят двух мужчин столкнуться со своими противоречиями.
A Change of Heart
Beatrice, recently widowed by a far right sympathetic policeman, lives with her son & mother. She doesn’t like migrant and foreigners. When she meets Mokhtar, an Iranian entered illegally in France, her world crumbles. This is the beginning of a passionate love story leading Beatrice to defy her racist entourage and the law so that he can cross the Channel.
Софи 28 лет. Она хотела бы стать художником, но не училась в художественной школе. Она хотела бы найти любовь, но ждет, когда та сама постучится в ее дверь. Софи меняет любовников и работу. Она живет по принципу: «Сноси удары судьбы, а если понадобится – бей первой». У нее в голове крутится песня Дэниела Джонстона о том, что настоящая любовь в конце концов придет.
Обыкновенная страсть
Он успешный, страстный, но не свободный. Вновь и вновь она ждёт редких тайных встреч с ним. Пока череда свиданий неожиданно не обрывается.
У Эвы и Анри, родителей малыша Мало, есть все для того, чтобы чувствовать себя счастливыми. Он руководит оркестром Венской оперы, она работает во Французском институте. Их жизнь кажется идеальной, пока Анри не поддается искушению и не изменяет жене с учительницей сына…
Папина мечта
Twelve-year old Theo plays for a local soccer club and has enough talent to eventually go pro. But his father has been on a self-destructive spiral ever since he started drinking and got divorced, and Theo feels powerless and anxious as he watches his dad slowly destroying his own life. But he refuses to give up on him. When a recruiter for a prestigious British club takes notice of him, Theo sees an opportunity to rekindle his father’s hope, but despite all his efforts he is not selected. So he decides to lie and say he was, hoping to make his father happy and proud. Theo’s dad is so overjoyed that he puts all his heart into helping his son prepare for “once-in-a-lifetime opportunity” gradually regaining his taste for life and motivation for the future. Until the lie reaches unforeseen proportions and completely spins out of control. Thankfully, Theo’s little lie has already operated big change and generated so much hope, that life is able to get back on track. Only better!
Our Struggles
While Olivier, a 39 year-old foreman gives his job everything he’s got, Laura, his wife and the mother of their two children, abandons the family home, leaving Olivier alone to face his responsibilities. Lost and completely thrown, Olivier is going to have to come to terms with his new status as a single father raising his children alone. Because Laura’s not coming back.
Two Plains & a Fancy
Ozanne Le Perrier
Colorado, 1893: a trio of New York city slickers — a hippy-dippy mystic, a French geologist, and a foppish artist — wander the desert in search of the relaxing waters of the hot springs, along the way encountering from-the-future time travelers, kinky sex ghosts, spirit cats, and cowboys.
Hate - Tentative de duo avec un cheval
Stage Director
Hate - Tentative de duo avec un cheval
Hate - Tentative de duo avec un cheval
Art Direction
Hate - Tentative de duo avec un cheval
Любовь и прочий зоопарк
Гаспар долгое время не поддерживал связь со своей семьёй. И вот теперь ему снова предстоит вернуться в родной город, чтобы присутствовать на очередной свадьбе отца. Взяв на роль герл-френд эксцентричную подругу, Гаспар отправляется назад в детство - в отчий дом, где его с распростертыми объятиями ждут бабник-отец, зануда брат и красавица сестра.
Молодая женщина
После долгих лет отсутствия Паула возвращается в Париж. Не имея ни гроша в кармане, с разбитым сердцем и любимой кошкой она пытается начать жизнь сначала.
4 Days in France
La voleuse
A man leaves everything behind to travel aimlessly through France, letting himself be guided only by the people and landscapes he encounters: four days and four nights of wandering, during which his lover tries to locate him via Grindr, a smartphone dating app.
La Fine Équipe
Omen is an unconditional fan of Stan, a black female singer of devastating rap. He is no doubt one of the last fans, given how the group she sings in is tanking! The day he accidentally crosses paths with his idol, Omen offers to be her "multi-purpose handyman driver." Against her group's advice, Stan takes this little white guy on board. It's true he often seems half-asleep, bordering on a total screw-up, and she seems to be the only one to glimpse his (well hidden) talents.
A Brief History of Princess X
Herself (voice)
A look back at the history of Brancusi's futuristic golden bronze phallus "Princess X" that is in fact a bust of Napoleon's incredible great-niece, Marie Bonaparte.
Et il devint montagne
Lucien, in his forties, decides to leave everything behind so as to go and live in the woods. Deep in the heart of a vast mountain forest, solitude slowly reconciles with life and reinforces him. One day Laura, a friend, turns up on his doorstep and attempts to make him return to his former life.
Sophie's Misfortunes
Sophie is far from being the model little girl one would like her to be, unlike her friends Camille and Madeleine. She always insists on having her own way, often getting into trouble, to the despair of one and all. But her mother is unbending and otherwise inclined. She will not let her get away with anything, and poor Sophie will often have to live with the consequences of her bad behaviour and learn her lesson.
Maxime and Mélanie are a typical teenage couple. Like most lovestruck fifteen-year-olds, they can't get enough of each other and they think they'll be together forever. But when Mélanie becomes pregnant, their worlds are rocked.
In 1971, a young woman moves from the French countryside to Paris and begins a passionate love affair with a feminist leader.
Мой король
Тони знакомится на вечеринке с Джорджио, и легкое увлечение перерастает в настоящую страсть. Десять лет всепоглощающей любви, полной безоглядного счастья и ослепляющей ревности. Оказавшись наедине с собой, Тони возвращается в мыслях к отношениям с Джоржио. Кто был этот человек? Кем она стала рядом с ним? Тони предстоит долгая работа, которая излечит душу и смягчит сердце.
Ennui Ennui
While the french ambassadress to Afghanistan is in the middle of disarmament negotiations with a Kuchi Nomad tribe, her daughter, Cleo, is Kidnapped by Afghanistan's only female warlord.
Adèle Auch
The hearts of two women, one a teacher and the other a student, suffer from extrasystole, a premature contraction interrupting the proper heartbeat…
Один из нас
Большой человек с бородой, к которой не прикасалась рука барбера, строит скит прямо посреди большого города. Скит устроен как накрепко закрытый ангар с жилым вагончиком, куда по воле и желанию хозяина допущены избранные люди. Свободные от времени и принадлежащие только себе и друг другу, вне норм и законов, вне возрастного деления, без имущественного ценза и вездесущего электричества, они коротают дни, которые текут против законов календаря и заполнены дурацкими играми, вспышками остроумия и разговорами о любви и смерти.
Age of Panic
May 6, 2012. Cable news reporter Laetitia is covering the French presidential elections, while Vincent, her ex-husband, demands to see their two young daughters. It's a manic Sunday in Paris: two agitated girls, a frazzled babysitter, a needy new boyfriend, a grumpy lawyer and France cut in half!
Two Ships
The overexcited night of a young pinched painter and a crazy comedienne. In the impossibility to end up alone, Laetitia and Thomas cross every situation between drama and lightness, until a violent event marks their meeting of a strange complicity.
The Edge of the World
Catherine lives in the town of Nervy-Sir-Barangeon, where she works at a bar called 'The Edge of the World', with her best friend Marie. One February day, Cathy makes the acquaintance of her new neighbor, Joel. Together, they go to hear Sexy Sushi, a band that seems to turn listeners into lunatics. That evening, an improvised house party takes place at Cathy's. But, before long, the party turns into a nightmare.
Don't Touch Me Please
A silent, musical and sexy movie. A theme: the loving parade. Characters who make tours (of magic, sometimes). In each the reverse angle, the other, in each or almost their song, as a fiction (a decoration) surrounds their character.
La soeur de Vincent
Two police detectives investigate the murder of a high-end male prostitute, and his relationship with his girlfriend.
Le Procès du chien
Le Procès du chien
Le Procès du chien
Les rois de la piste
Home cook, Rachel, a sort of Ma Dalton, has raised her sons Sam and Jeremiah, and her grandson, Nathan, in the cult of conning. From bad plans to petty theft, this friendly family of broken arms is always after the big score. Luck or fate, during a burglary, they steal a painting by Tamara de Lempicka without knowing its value. Céleste, a shrewd and charming detective, sets out in pursuit.