Monique Lafond

Monique Lafond

Рождение : 1954-02-09, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Monique de Gormaz Lafond, better known as Monique Lafond (Rio de Janeiro, February 9, 1954) is a Brazilian actress, model, acting teacher and theater producer.


Monique Lafond
Monique Lafond


Cinema in 7 Colors
Cinema in 7 Colors traces an historical panorama of how the queer people were portrayed in the Brazilian silver screens, from its origin in the chanchadas of the 1950s up to the present day. The film investigates the origins of the prejudices, stereotypes, as well as the importance of the identification with constructive representations of these characters.
Mãe de Lara
The life of Brazilian actress Odete Lara, muse of the movement called Cinema Novo in Brazil, who exchanged stardom for a quiet and religious life.
Suicídio Nunca!
AI-5 - O Dia que Não Existiu
Júlia Steinbruch
Documentary about a political episode during the Brazilian military dictatorship, which resulted in the issue of the Institutional Act #5 (AI-5), abolishing freedom of opinion in Brazil, and marking the transition to the toughest period of violation of human rights in the country. The episode was the Congress Assembly on December 12th, 1968, in which its members denied permission to punish congressman Márcio Moreira Alves, as was the Government's wish.
As Feras
Paulo has a strange relationship with his cousin Sônia, whom he loves since childhood. But she despises him and, being in love with another woman, causes a lot of humiliating situations to him.
Кикбоксер 3: Искусство войны
Американский чемпион по кикбоксингу Дэвид Слоун приглашен в экзотический Рио-де-Жанейро для участия в благотворительном соревновании. Там он подружился с уличной девчонкой Ларой, которую — с целью шантажа — похитил менеджер соперника Дэвида. Сможет ли он спасти Лару и стать победителем? Или ему придется сделать другой выбор?
A Serpente
I Don't Want to Talk About It Now
Daniel O'Neil is a promising writer who has to work hard when Dora, his rich girlfriend, breaks up with him. Expelled from the hotel where he lives in Copacabana, Daniel moves into the small apartment of Meg, his best friend. He puts them both in danger when he gets a ride with a drug dealer who ends up being chased by the police and asks Daniel to keep two packages of cocaine.
Sonhos de Menina Moça
O Diabo na Cama
Leila Diniz
The movie shows the life of brazilian actress Leila Diniz, who dies in a plane crash.
Powerful and insatiable millionaire hides in his own private island for the weekend, in search of answers for his feeling of personal dissatisfaction. But he is not alone on the beautiful beach: he's surrounded by the women he cares for, especially his daughter, for whom he nurtures an almost incestuous desire.
Mulher da boate
Movie director in his forties and in existential crisis falls in love with an unknown teen girl he sees walking down the streets, without knowing she's the daughter of the woman he's having a relationship with.
Amor Maldito
Two young women with different social backgrounds have a lesbian relationship. The real problems begin when one of them also gets involved with a man, a journalist.
Mulher de proveta
Воспоминания о тюрьме
Действие фильма основано на дневниковых записях бразильского писателя Грасилиано Рамоса, которые он вёл во время тюремного заключения, попав под репрессии после восстания коммунистов против диктатуры в стране. В картине показаны представители различных партий Бразилии 1930-х годов, а тюрьма представлена как метафора общества.
Lídia E Seu Primeiro Amante
Tudo na Cama
Fuscão Preto
Luz Del Fuego
Biography of a Brazilian dancer who lived on an island and practiced nudism when it was forbidden by law.
Retrato Falado de Uma Mulher Sem Pudor
Paula Marcondes
A model is found dead in the bathtub of her own mansion. A policeman tries to investigate, inquiring the rich and powerful men who knew her.
A Mulher Sensual
Famous soap opera actress finds out her sexuality after breaking up with her former boyfriend, an important TV executive.
Eros, the God of Love
A man explores the process of formation of sexuality and is looking for a woman that does not exist.
Prazeres Permitidos
Sexy girl seduces all the members of her family. She indirectly causes the failure of his father's marriage, for her stepmother falls in love with her. Then, she has affairs with her father's stepson, and with the farm housekeeper. She and some friends are also raped by some bad guys. But they all celebrate the ruin of traditional family values.
Amante Latino
I Killed Lucio Flavio
Margarida Maria
In the early seventies in Rio de Janeiro, detective Mariel Moryscötte de Mattos belonged to a special police force called "The Golden Men". This powerful group of the elite of the police was created with the intention of eliminate crime from Rio de Janeiro, and they had privileges above law to expedite their action against the outlaws. However, absolute power in wrong hands corrupts, and this group formed the "Death Squad", executing criminals without the conventional trial from the justice.
O Trapalhão nas Minas do Rei Salomão
Woman hires three clumsy adventurers to rescue her missing archaeologist father, who was trying to find the legendary King Solomon's mines.
Emmanuelle Tropical
A sophisticated couple opens their marriage to new erotic adventures.
Paixão e Sombras
Movie director visits a set on a studio about to be closed. For his next film, he wants his faithful favorite actress, but she is now tempted by a profitable TV deal.
Ladrão de Bagdá
Ipanema, Adeus
Young and rich executive living in Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro, leaves his wife and kids behind and goes to Porto Seguro, Bahia, to try and live as a fisherman with his mistress.
Enigma for the Devil
After the death of her father in Argentina, Elza returns to Brazil to see her remaining family. When visiting her mother's grave, she steals a flower off an unknown grave and put it in her mother's. After that, she begins to receive strange phone calls, from an unknown voice that claims: "Give back my flower!". She becomes terrified and obsessed with the stranger's voice, and starts believing that it's the spirit of the deceased.
Caseli, a young writer and teacher, creates in his imagination characters who would frequent a motel, the subject of the book he is writing. He and Dilma, his student, decide to spend a night in a motel in Rio, where eight couples meet: - Fábio, visual artist and Stefânia, fashion editor of a magazine; - Ferraz, flirtatious dentist and his secretary Cleonice, shy and virgin; - Vera, wife of Ferraz and Kiko, big boy from Ipanema; - Leopoldo and his wife, an elderly couple celebrating their golden anniversary; - Detective Camilo and his assistant Dorô, who try to catch Vera in the act of adultery; - Renato, on vacation from São Paulo and Cláudia, a woman he recently met in Rio; - Gustavo and Lazinha, a couple who use extravagant artifices to achieve sexual fulfillment. In the middle of the night, the corpse of an unknown man appears, and the arrival of the police determines the most diverse outcomes for those who were looking for just one night of love.
Robin Hood, O Trapalhão da Floresta
The Robin Hood from the movie The Trapalhões and his pack ruin the plans of a farmer named João Climério. He wanted to take the lands of his deceased brother and leave his niece Catherine with nothing. During a showdown, Robin Hood is injured and needs to be replaced at the helm of the group. And then the funny confusions begin! As a substitute is chosen Zé Grilo, a modest and at the same time confused pawn, who in the end manages to unmask Climero and save the beautiful Catherine for which he has a passion. In this mission it is aided by the companion Willie and also by a magic wand and a protective pen, provided by an Indian sorcerer.
As Moças Daquela Hora
Аладин и волшебная лампа
Aladdin and Dracolim sell a miraculous elixir with help from Marina by Aladdin who is passionate. Bandits come disguised in Aladdin's house and try to take the ring since Aladdin has the power to run a magic lamp.
Salve-Se Quem Puder - O Rally da Juventude
A millionaire Aníbal sponsor a car racing, the "Youth's Rally". A couple, Helena and Fernando, want to be part of the competition but after a fight between both, they decide to compete in a team only with men and another one with women.
Ascensão e Queda de um Paquera
Até Que o Casamento Nos Separe