To Siu-Ming

To Siu-Ming


To Siu-Ming


Comic Dreams of '97
Tiu Ng Chu / Cross eyed burglar
Opens with the lovely Pin dreaming about great sex with a bloke whom she soon meets in real life – he’s a security guard at her apartment block. There’s also a group of voyeur cops and their captain Fatty Pang who is always losing on the racehorses. Fatty spies on Pin in the shower one day and steals her red underwear. Pin keeps having lustful fantasies and sometimes has sex with her crosseyed sugar daddy Chiu, but burglars break in, and they are stuck in the bath. Just about all the characters take turns at fantasizing, and it’s a great multinational mix. The Can-Can, the Baby Elephant Walk, Cowboys, the Tango. There’s a sex-mad foreign (British) couple who shamelessly overact, who provide much of the sex action, whereas Pin provides the bulk of the nudity (and she is just gorgeous).
The Vampire Partner
The Crazy Companies
A rivalry between two brothers causes chaos through out the business world. Can the good brother defeat his greedy elder brother at his own game? Only Wong Jing and his usual cronies can sort out this mess with hysterical results and oddball humor
Bed Companions
A story about a love affairs of Mr. Sun, his wife, her lover, his boyfriend and so on...
The Vampire Raiders
The fate of the entire hotel industry is at stake. A group of evil black ninjas have threatened to insinuate themselves into the industry, take over, and transform the operation into something unspeakable. Thank heaven the white ninjas are on hand to save the day. Agnes Chan heads the cast, so we assume she's the "ninja queen." This one isn't a whole lot better than others of its ilk, but at least there's some novelty in the settings.
Return of the Demon
Return Of The Demon tells the story of a group of treasure hunters who accidentally unleash a malevolent, soul-stealing ghost who is attempting to reincarnate himself. A series of misadventures follow as the heroes try to contain their foe, including an extended sequence where one of the group becomes possessed by the spirit of a dog and transforms into a werewolf-style creature. Fierce, the leader of the treasure-hunting crew, is played by veteran character actor Shing Fui-On
The First Vampire in China
Ah Tao
When the vampire comes back to life, hell breaks loose.
The Ghost Snatchers
TV Ghost
The story is about a new high rise office building that's haunted by a ghost patrol of Japanese soldiers from W.W. II. The angry ghosts want revenge and they'll do anything to achieve that goal.
Modern Detective
Ah Chaan and Fat Chug were good partners in the Police Force. Both of them had helped in solving many criminal and civil cases despite their silly behaviour. In order to persuade Ah Fong to marry him, he provide a living space for Ah Fong's aunt and her daughter named Ah Jane. Ah Chaan was attracted by Jane’s charm and lovely personality and tried everything to please her. A dominant criminal had made a plot were chased by the police. Joe, who was the criminal's assistant catch Jane and Fong and threatened that she would not release Ah Jane and Fong if both Ah Chaan and Fat Chug did not get the ransom for them. The gangster put on them a remote time bomb and a microphone to have a better control on them...
Wits of the Brats
Rendao Tajirou
Tou Kuan, a spoiled affluent kid, travels with pal Mai Song to Beijing to challenge 3 Masters to improve Kuan's status. Along the way, they contend with inept assassins hired by Kuan's uncle, who wants the family business and fortune.
My Darling Genie
Ren's asst / Ming
Out of the Shaw Brothers vaults comes My Darling Genie, an amiable early-eighties comedy starring the enchanting Cherie Chung. Derek Yee is Cheng, a brusque construction worker who discovers a magical umbrella on a routine dig. When the umbrella is opened and sprinkled with water, a 200 year-old genie arrives to grant the owner's wishes. As if that weren't enough, this genie happens to look like Cherie Chung! Cheng has been given a virtual ticket to Heaven, but he's more annoyed than grateful, and uses the Genie to perform mostly menial tasks.
Prince Charming
Pi Hou's executive
Chen Li is the son of an enormously wealthy Hong Kong businessman and is vacationing in Hawaii, experiencing typical girl problems. His lothario friend Lolanto flies in from Hong Kong and is determined to find Chen Li a girl within a few days. After a series of hijinks, Chen Li and Lolanto are back in Hong Kong and investigating high-level embezzling in Chen's father's corporation. It also turns out that Kitty and May are employed there as well, with Kitty being the secretary of the supposed embezzler. Because Chen has been notoriously inconspicuous and no one knows what he looks like, he is able to assume to role of a limousine driver for Lolanto, who takes on the persona of Chen Li himself. While tracking down the corruption, Lolanto and Chen also are trying to win the hearts of the two women, but are they looking for true love or only money?
Mixed Up
Hotel switchboard operators try to help a prominent wealthy man whose life may be in danger.
The Cute Little Fellow
shaw production
Проект А
Гонконг начала 20 века. На китайском море свирепствуют пираты под предводительством зловещего пирата Ло. Все свои надежды правительство возлагает на специально разработанный план борьбы с пиратами под кодовым названием «Проект А». Но Ло всегда на шаг опережает власти, подрывает их корабли, и «проект» оказывается под угрозой срыва. Его выполнение берут на себя борец береговой охраны по кличке «Дракон» и его товарищи…
Toothless Vampires
The story is about a family of vampires that due to genetic imbalance doesn't have fangs.
Fast Fingers
Xiao Du
Two young pickpockets follow around after their uncle, the King of Pickpockets, just released from jail. Can the King keep on the straight and narrow this time ?
Hong Kong Playboys
Fu Sheng plays Sheng, a playboy who has all the latest cars and technology along with all the tricks for courting the ladies. Sheng’s mom (Lee Heung Kam) along with her personal nurse, Mei (Cherie Chung), arrive in Hong Kong with the intentions of getting Sheng to marry a woman of her liking. While searching for Ms. Right, Sheng is challenged by a couple of lady killers, Lolento (Natalis Chan) and Valentine (Hsieh Hsien) in his quest to get girls. Eventually, little does Sheng know that the girl he happens to love is near him everyday at home.
The Perfect Match
The Young Heroes of the Street
Black Sun
A group of youngsters with untamed hearts often create conflicts with others and get into trouble. While meeting a pretty and gentle girl one day, will there be any change in their lives? Leaders of the Hairdressing Gang and Pork Gang, aka Black Hair Lover and Pigtail respectively, represent the new generation of the 1980s. Their thinking, actions and spirit seek to free themselves from the shackles of old traditional ideas. They are willful and uninhibited. During a gangsters’ meeting, two gangs come into conflict. In the end, all are arrested by detective Oolong. As juvenile delinquents, they are sent to be under the supervision of a female probation officer.
The Fake Ghost Catchers
Luo Wuhai
This delightful action comedy came out a full two years before Ghostbusters premiered. Coincidence? You be the judge. Whatever the inspiration, nothing can compare to this amazing showcase of wushu and wizardry as one of the best all-star fighting casts take on spectres, spirits, and phantoms as well as each other.
Rolls, Rolls, I Love You
Cross-eyed waiter
A teenager and a tycoon gets into an early morning road altercation that eventually lead to a bet: if the teenager can steal his beloved Rolls Royce car from him, the youngster will get to keep it. However, if the teenager fails to do that in the alloted time given, he will need to pay the tycoon HK$40,000.
36 Secrets of Courtship
Taoist priest
Three lotharios vie to become principal of the Macho Man Training School, an extremely non-monastic institution dedicated to extremely non Shaolin-types of physical exertion, in this strange and erotic farce of the classic 36th Chamber Of Shaolin.
Food For The Sharks
Aces Go Places
Tattoo Artist
King Kong, a clever thief who steals a cache of diamonds from some gangsters, frames another thief called White Glove for the crime. That's when the bald detective Albert Au, who has been chasing King Kong for quite some time, pairs with the volatile female Superintendent Ho to bring him to justice. King Kong ends up joining the good guys to defeat White Glove and another bad guy dubbed Mad Max, and recover the diamonds from the hiding place where they were left by King Kong's dead accomplice.
Мёртвый и смертоносный
Scholar Yeung
Wah Li, known as Fat Boy to his friends, lives with his great-uncle the priest (Uncle). Together with his oddball friends Lai Li and Momo, Wah Li helps Uncle to run the local funeral services. When the body Ma Lun Chio is brought back to the village by a new wife and her "brother", Wai Li is suspicious. He sets out to find out how his friend died, but things are not what they seem.
Amusing Star
Hong Kong comedy starring David Wu and Meg Lam directed by Chi-Lien Yu.
Ложные улики
Customer in bar
Частный детектив Йохо узнаёт, что из тюрьмы вышел мафиози Аль Капоне, которого он в своё время отправил за решётку. Разумеется, теперь Капоне мечтает поквитаться с обидчиком, но, в то же время, у него много и других дел – например, выкинуть из бизнеса морально устаревшие «четыре семьи», ранее руководившие криминальными делишками в городе, а также кинуть на большие деньги дышащего на ладан миллионера. Йохо не собирается сидеть сложа руки и ждать, когда его пришьют, и делает первый ход сам...
Охотники за сокровищами
Chief Zhu San
Действие происходит в средневековом Китае во времена Шаолиня и бродячих мастеров кунг-фу. Два авантюриста-проходимца пытаются найти некие таинственные сокровища, которые пропали в свое время, через мастера кунг-фу, одного из самых легендарных монахов Шаолиня. Однако всем им пытается помешать коварный Мо со своей помощницей, который постоянно подставляет монаха и всячески сбивает со следа предприимчивых героев.
The Sweet and Sour Cops
The Sweet and Sour Cops is a Hong Kong Crime-Comedy starring Kent Cheng.
Hitman in the Hand of Buddha
Ah Chu
A country bumpkin arrives to help his brother's rice business. Things get out of hand while a rival company becomes corrupt. The bumpkin, an ace martial artist, fights off the rivals. Angered, the rivals hire a martial arts expert to fight the hero, only to get beaten up himself. The expert send his teacher to hurt the hero and succeeds. The hero is sent to a temple where he learns a new style of kung fu. Now with the skills, our hero is ready to get even.
Crazy Nuts
Two private investigators who were sworn enemies are teaming up against their will to solve a jewelry robbery.
The Clones of Bruce Lee
Bruce Lee has just died, but the BSI is swinging into action to salvage the situation. Aided by the brilliant Professor Lucas, cells from the martial arts master's body are removed and grown into three adult Bruce Lee clones. After undergoing training to bring their skills up to the level of their 'father', the three are sent out to battle crime, with one sent to take on a gold smuggler, and the other two teaming up to shut down an evil mad scientist.
Встречи с привидениями
Ah Dooh / Ah To / Cocky
Задумав избавиться от мужа, жена отправляет его на ночь в заброшенный храм, где его уже поджидает нанятый супругой колдун. Мужчине придётся пережить эту ночь, столкнувшись с бешеной круговертью из шаманов, призраков, вампиров и прочей нечисти.
Hex vs. Witchcraft
Erhu Playing Neighbor
A compulsive gambler weds a ghost who helps and hinders him in both horrid and hilarious ways.
Read Lips
Frankie Chan plays a movie dubber who can read lips.
The Happenings
Taxi driver
A group of teenagers stop at a service station after a leaving a disco. In a fight resulting from their inability to pay, the staff on duty are killed by the group, which leads to a desperate night of cat and mouse with the police.
We're Going to Eat You
Blind Man
A secret agent investigates a village that is populated by crazed, inbred cannibals.
Killer Wears White
A veteran and tough sheriff's wife has a gambling problem. He works both sides of the law. He gets teamed up with a young cop who he is told to take under his wing. They end up working together well and the young cop's martial arts skills are very useful.
Lackey and the Lady Tiger
A convict (Wang Jang Li) seeks revenge on a man's grandfather who sent him to jail for ten years. But it's up to the old man's grandson to stop him.
Phantom Killer
Chung Yao, a martial arts expert, has long been on the run from his stepbrother, who he caught trying to rape his wife on their wedding night. His brother has never given up the chase however, and Chung Yao live in constant fear that the vengeful stepbrother will murder him and his wife.
Молодой мастер
За провинность зазнавшегося юного мастера исключают из школы кунг-фу. Он попадает в сети злодеев, которые вовсю используют его умение махать руками и ногами в преступных целях. По следам молодого бесшабашного мастера идет и полиция и его лучший друг. Успеет ли приятель вырвать его из кольца криминального окружения и направить талант лучшего ученика в мирное русло?!
Два Беззубых Тигра
Two men each possess half of a treasure map, but over the years, their greed has prevented either from actually finding the treasure. But it seems that they may now be too late, as a third man plots to steal the treasure right out from under them.
The Foxy Ladies
Three females from a private detective agency are hired to find out what happened to a man who went missing while scuba diving.
Crazy Partner
Smart Boy and Big Eyes are happy foes, and idly cheat one another to make a living. One day, they meet and injured man who has a secret for them.
The Wickedness in Poverty
Loanshark with red shirt
Two people in debt to loan sharks cooperate with each other to clear their debt and cheat other people out of their money.
His Name is Nobody
Man in restaurant [cameo]
Lau Kar-Wing plays "Nobody", an orphan who grows up stealing food to survive, learning some meagre skills as a con artist. When he meets a true master con artist, he begs to become a pupil and learn some tricky kung fu. The pair are later separated, and Nobody finds another master to learn more deadly skills.
Вечная вражда
Hailed as possibly the greatest classical weapons movie ever made and starring world-renowned martial arts master, director and action-choreographer, Sammo Hung. This film showcases some of the most spectacular and intricate weapons duels ever committed to film. Sammo Hung and Lau Kar Wing play dual roles as both masters and students of the sword and spear styles of kung fu. Comic mayhem ensues when the students get kidnapped and the masters must rescue them.
Money Trip
Money Trip is a Hong Kong Comedy starring Kent Cheng.
The Four Invincibles
Blind guy
cutthroat battle for supremacy ignites within the Lung clan when its master breathes his last and one of his students uses a fiendish technique to gain control by crippling his only real rival, Hung Ching Lei (Feng Ku). Dejected, Ching Lei drowns his sorrows in alcohol till he meets a trio of disabled men, and they team up to take on their mutual nemesis.
Gee and Gor
Two fellows who make friends under the funniest circumstances cause a riot through a series of jobs that they take on and lose at an alarming rate.
Грязный тигр, сумасшедшая лягушка
3 Tricks Kid
Приключения Сумасшедшей лягушки и грязного тигра. Главные герои пытаются вернуть уникальную серебрянную неуязвимую броню, которую похитил Белобровый монах.
Winner Takes All!
Winner Takes All! is a Hong Kong Action-Comedy starring Sammo Hung and Richard Ng.
Romance in Paris
shaw production
The Mini-Skirt Gang
A gang of several girls who operate as pickpockets in a busy and popular tourist area of Hong Kong preys on men who are attracted by their beauty.