Shin Yoneyama


Перевоплощение легендарной серии о женщине-мстительнице, заключенной № 701 aka Скорпион. Мэйко Кадзи заменена заслуженной мстительницей всея Азии Мики Мидзуно. На сей раз Нами Мацусима подставлена группой наемных убийц, целью которых был отец ее жениха Хэй Тая, профессор Лам. Наемники предоставляют Нами выбор: либо она убивает сестру Хэй Тая, либо Хэй Тай отправляется вслед за своим отцом. Став, таким образом, соучастницей убийства, Нами попадает в тюрьму. Ее жизнь разрушена, Хэй Тай желает ей смерти, тюремная жизнь — ад. Однако Нами удается бежать из тюрьмы; волею судеб она попадает к таинственному Собирателю трупов. Видимо, давно скучавший Собиратель, находит себе развлечение и обучает Нами боевым искусствам. Теперь Скорпион обрела силу и готова мстить. Но не слишком ли долго подогревалось блюдо под названием месть?
Yunagi City, Sakura Country
Thirteen years afterward, I wonder if those who bombed Hiroshima are looking at me and saying: 'We did it! We were able to kill another person!' They should be," murmurs Minami (played by Kumiko Aso), one of the two leading female characters in Yunagi no Machi, Sakura no Kuni, as she lies dying in 1958, her life brought to a premature end by sickness resulting from her exposure to atomic bomb radiation. This is a story about those who at least initially survived the first U.S. atomic bombing of 1945 and their descendants in contemporary times. The film, based on a comic by Fumiyo Kono, jumps between the two time frames and quietly depicts the sorrow and mortification experienced through the everyday lives of laid-back and soft-spoken Hiroshima people. Only a few scenes of the bombing and the ensuing devastation are featured.
Dog Bite Dog
A young Cambodian man who has been trained to fight for money in his country is hired to kill someone in Hong Kong. He performs the hit and then flees from Hong Kong police, who are wrestling with internal problems of a model cop and his son, who is also on the force and who was told by his dad not to become a police officer.
Lethal Ninja
A scientist discovers a chemical that can be used to make a great cure or a great virus, and a criminal sends ninjas to steal it and kill him. When they can't open the container, they go hunting for 'Copy', who (unbeknownst to him) holds the key to the box. The scientists' own ninjas want to stop them by killing Copy first, and only a small peace-loving village of ex-ninja want to stop the bad guys without sacrificing Copy's life.
Love Education
Yumi, a woman smelling with decadent beauty, went to the bar which she had her first date with her husband Kota. She met a famous photographer Kenny in the bar. Kenny was addicted to the abnormal beauty of Yumi. He then took Yumi to his studio, and not only took photos with Yumi, but also took her body. Kenny thought Yumi was only one of the numerous women that he had one-night-stands with. However, Yumi believed that Kenny was her only man except her husband. In order to stay with Kenny all the time, Yumi tricked Kenny to her mansion and confined him, and even cut his toe when Kenny was trying to escape. With the physical and psychological threats, Kenny started to feel sympathy for Yumi, and enjoyed Yumi’s “special services” until he finally forgot that he was in confinement
Kekko Kamen Surprise
Studying music at a remote island academy, poor Mayumi (Aki Hoshino) and her classmates fall victim once more to erotic tortures at the hands of their corrupting instructors. Just in time, Kekko Kamen (Misaki Mori) takes center stage with a red mask on her head, nunchakus in her hands, and a song in her heart!
Explosive City
A young Japanese woman has been trained to become a professional killer since childhood. Two cops pursue the girl, who has assassinated a Hong Kong official.
Hiruko the Goblin
A school was built on one of the Gates of Hell, behind which hordes of demons await the moment they will be free to roam the Earth. Hiruko is a goblin sent to Earth on a reconnaissance mission. He beheads students in order to assemble their heads on the demons' spider-like bodies. Hieda, an archaeology professor, and Masao, a haunted student, investigate the gory deaths and eventually battle Hiruko.
Europe Express
Assistant Director
The film is set in Europe and depicts the love between a Japanese photographer and a princess from one of the European countries.