Paul McDermott

Paul McDermott

Рождение : 1962-05-13,


Paul McDermott


The Home Team
Glen Rose
A romantic plumber and his unblinking wife are the only survivors of a suicide space cult. Two decades after the others went Next Level, they're still wearing capes, still trying to recruit members, and still not having sex. When a cancer scare forces them to face involuntary mortality, they rediscover the transcendent things down here on The Human Level.
Lady O'Loughlin
A documentary about a recovering alcoholic and addict – especially one whose story we're already broadly familiar with – doesn't sound like a great night's entertainment. But this compact and moving film made by Fiona O'Loughlin's mate, Sam Petersen, is not just thoughtful, it's also often very funny. Petersen follows O'Loughlin from the time she leaves rehab in 2016 (she spent seven days in a coma following an epic binge) to her return to the Melbourne Comedy Festival in 2018 – including a relapse that put her back in hospital again. As you might expect, many gags are cracked. Truths are told. But this is also an exploration of the way the live-comedy scene is a natural home to excess, and the dangers of the misguided but entrenched association between creativity, and drugs and alcohol. Source: The Age newspaper (
Melbourne International Comedy Festival - The Great Debate
Melbourne International Comedy Festival Annual Great Debate will tackle whether Food is better than Sex.Teams include Paul McDermott, Arj Barker, Fiona O’Loughlin, Cal Wilson, Russell Kane and Greg Behrendt, with Corrine Grant as Moderator.
Doug Anthony All Stars
The unlimited uncollectible sterling deluxe edition. The world-famous Doug Anthony Allstars wreak havoc on the live ABC TV comedy classic – The Big Gig. Australia’s notorious comedy trio rampage through a tornado of songs, stunts and stupidity.
The Girl Who Swallowed Bees
A charming animated fable with live action. This is a story about a teenage girl (Pia Miranda) who suffers from depression and dreams and sketches ways on how to end her life. She comes across a beehive one day and comes up with a bizarre plan when she decides that if she swallows enough bees they will sting her death.
The Girl Who Swallowed Bees
A charming animated fable with live action. This is a story about a teenage girl (Pia Miranda) who suffers from depression and dreams and sketches ways on how to end her life. She comes across a beehive one day and comes up with a bizarre plan when she decides that if she swallows enough bees they will sting her death.
Ночь, которую мы назвали днем
Band Manager
Род Блю – австралийский промоутер, от которого отвернулась удача. Он изо всех сил пытается провернуть что-нибудь такое, что изменит его жизнь и бизнес в лучшую сторону. Он очень ценит завязывающиеся отношения с его ассистенткой Одри, а также подвернувшееся дело, которое разом должно решить все его проблемы – австралийское турне Фрэнка Синатры. Вначале у него идет все как по маслу, но затем, общаясь с прессой, Фрэнк обзывает местную журналистку двух долларовой шлюхой, и все начинает рушиться, как карточный домик. 114 профсоюзов объявляют забастовку. Синатра и его свита просыпаются заложниками: нет воды, нет телефона, нет еды, нет топлива для самолета, пока он не принесет извинений. Но существуют две вещи, которые Синатра никогда не делает: не зевает в присутствии дам и никогда не извиняется... Этот фильм отображает самые негативные стороны жизни легендарного певца и артиста. В центре сюжета – гастроли Синатры в австралийском Сиднее в 1974 году.