Catalina Vergara


Animalia Paradoxa
The list of fantastic, mythical animals compiled by Carl Linnaeus in his seminal 18th century work Systema Naturae could well be the seed of Niles Atallah’s Animalia Paradoxa – an eccentric tale set in a post-apocalyptic world that follows a strange creature struggling to survive. Dressed in rags and a gas mask, moving like an alien dancer, Animalia roams through an abandoned building – crawling and stretching across concrete, plastic, waste. She laboriously carries and fills up an array of empty bottles to enjoy a modest bath. The camera eye lingers on her with compassion and explores the architectures of trash at an agonising pace. We know in our hearts that Animalia is a human-amphibian longing for the sea…
Cuaderno de Nombres
Вертикальная тень
«Вертикальная тень» – это визуальное путешествие по частной жизни мигрантов – жителей мегаздания в Сантьяго. Пандемия заставляет их проводить дни взаперти на 17 квадратных метрах с полутора тысячей соседей.
Смерть придёт, и у неё будут твои глаза
История двух влюблённых друг в друга женщин. Одной из них диагностируют неизлечимую болезнь, и пара переезжает в небольшой дом в лесу. Пока они вновь обретают любовь, смерть ждёт за стенами хижины.
Strange Creatures
One summer day the animals of the forest are invited to a party. They eat a ton of cake and dance all night long. When the party is over they find that all of the trees they use for shelter and food are gone. Strange creatures have stolen their homes, so they decide to go search for them.
Bon Voyage, My Life with Holden
A French singer from a small Indie rock band, narrates this intimate and personal journey through her artistic life, her changes and deep emotions lived with her band.
The Man of the Future
Executive Producer
Michelsen, an older trucker who is lonely and sick, while traveling through Patagonia meets someone on the highway who reminds him of his daughter, whom he has not seen in years.
About Things That Happened to Me
Based on the book by author Marcelo Matthey, this short film narrates his own life in a style reminiscent of school compositions. His constant strolls through streets, houses and beaches are recorded in notes of what he saw, felt or thought during these wanderings or moments, but almost only recalling the processes, the timeline in which things occur and come to mind, the trail of associations coming one after the other, like the steps of a person walking along a street. Immediate impressions, fleeting moments normally lost in time and which are captured in the images and sounds of this film.
Дом волка
История Марии, молодой женщины, которая укрывается в доме на юге Чили после побега из немецкой колонии.
Post Production Producer
Молодой французский адвокат Орели-Антуан де Тунан много лет мечтает о том, чтобы сбежать на другой конец света и стать королем Амазонии. В 1860 году он отправляется навстречу судьбе, находит индейцев-мапуче, которые признают его верховным правителем Патагонии и Араукании. Теперь осталось убедить весь остальной мир в том, что твой титул — это не шутка и не обман.
Executive Producer
Молодой французский адвокат Орели-Антуан де Тунан много лет мечтает о том, чтобы сбежать на другой конец света и стать королем Амазонии. В 1860 году он отправляется навстречу судьбе, находит индейцев-мапуче, которые признают его верховным правителем Патагонии и Араукании. Теперь осталось убедить весь остальной мир в том, что твой титул — это не шутка и не обман.
The Winds Know That I'm Coming Back Home
Looking for extras and locations, a filmmaker settles on Chiloé, the second largest island off the coast of Chile. He does auditions, but mainly listens patiently to the stories of young and old people. As an outsider, he cautiously searches for the soul of the community and its underlying tensions.
Assistant Director
A film improvisation exercise, shooting during 12 hours and 3 cameras. A story create on set.
The Last Station
There is Luis, pushing his walker forward as he drags along the lawn chair he likes to sit on. And Dorian, a crutch under each arm, making frantic efforts to get the payphone working. And then Sara, legally blind and searching for the sink by feel. One of the residents has his own radio station and plays nostalgic songs and other recordings he makes for his housemates outside, like the sound of the sea. He also keeps his listeners informed of the latest news - which mostly consists of obituaries. These various portraits of people who have been forgotten by the outside world but still have a very rich inner life are beautifully filmed - every shot is like a painting, with the natural light playing an important supporting role.