Anna Bjelkerud

Anna Bjelkerud

Рождение : 1959-06-18, Malmö, Sweden


Anna Bjelkerud


Comedy Queen
After her mother’s death and father’s ensuing depression, 13-year-old Sasha decides to look on the bright side of life and become a stand-up comedian.
Dance My Doll
Astrid (voice)
Worried asylum seekers, angry activists, and obedient case workers in an equally wonderful as sharp stop-motion film about people who are all caught in the bureaucratic claws of the migration agency.
Волшебная сказка на Рождество
Adult Vera
Молодой Карл — большой поклонник Робин Гуда. Под Рождество ему в голову приходит отличная идея: забрать подарки у богатых и раздать их бедным жителям трущоб.
JerryMaya's Detective Agency - The Secret of the Train Robber
Lasse and Maja have had their detective agency shut down by the police chief when a customer ask for help to prove her father is innocent of the train robbery he was convicted of. Lasse and Maja now see their great chance to show off.
Моя жизнь в качестве комика
Jenny's mom
Юха Линдстрём - знаменитый комедиант, которого обожает вся страна. Несмотря на это в его голове постоянно всплывают призраки прошлого, напоминающие о его родном городке, который он покинул сорок лет назад.
Beyond Dreams
Mirja must find her place after serving jail time. When she gets a job as a hotel cleaner she starts living a double life. She's torn between her sick mother and her old group of friends, who have always been her real family.
История тридцатилетнего аутиста Рикарда с врождёнными деформациями тела.
Summer's End
In a lush Swedish summer idyll, a family is selling its summer cottage. Something has happened, something terrible that shatters the family, something that the youngest daughter Johanna in particular must learn to live with if she is ever to move on.
White People
The story follows a group of people who are kidnapped from the street and held hostage in an underground prison to await deportation. Will they escape? What will be the cost of freedom?
Raspberry Boat Refugee
Mikko Virtanen feels like a Swedish soul trapped in a Finnish body. Full of disgust for everything Finnish, he sees Sweden as heaven. Upon meeting a suicidal Swedish psychologist Mikael Anderson, he seizes an opportunity for an identity switch. Raspberry Boat Refugee is a comedy about cultural differences in the Nordic countries, their nationalism and, not least, prejudices about our neighbours. It also proves how futile it is to try to escape oneself.
It is a familiar fact that moving in together can be complicated. Expect additional trouble if both parties happen to be highly pedantic people with extreme control issues.
Эрика - красивая молодая девушка, у которой все прекрасно. Но однажды этому наступает конец. И тогда она прибегает к групповой психотерапии. Их разношерстная группа решает самостоятельно искать выход из ситуации. Они живут по отелям, ведь там можно жить анонимно, а наутро проснуться другим человеком.
Девочка по вызову
The Chancellery Secretary
Политический триллер, основанный на событиях, произошедших в политический жизни Швеции в 1977 году — тогда достоянием общественности стала информация о том, что министр юстиции Леннарт Гейр является клиентом одного из публичных домов Стокгольма.
Bad Faith
A disturbed woman and a violent lunatic walk the same path in this thriller from Swedish director Kristian Petri. Monia is a businesswoman who has been hired to work for a large corporation based in Gothenburg. One evening, while having drinks with her colleagues, Monia steps outside for some air and she happens upon a man who has been brutally stabbed by a serial killer on the loose. Monia, who feels a curious emotional distance from the world around her, isn't sure what to make of this incident at first, but she can't get the violent image out of her mind, and over the next several days she keeps stumbling upon victims of the killer's handiwork. No one finds any of this remarkable besides her friend Frank, but in time she begins crossing paths with a curious man who seems to appear at the same crimes scenes she observes.
Hold Me Tight
Ida's mother
15-year-old Ida lives with her mother in Rossö in the Strömstad archipelago. Over the course of three stormy days, her life is turned upside down. She has a strained relationship with her mother, a non-existent relationship with her father and is let down by her best friend. —Maria Eriksson
One Step Behind
Ylva Brink
Shortly after police discovers the murder of three friends, police inspector Wallander finds his friend and colleague Svedberg dead. First, it is believed that Svedberg killed himself but Wallander soon discovers links between Svedberg, the three friends and a fourth person, a young woman in a mental hospital.
Home Sweet Home
The wife and son of an unemployed, foul-tempered man suffer under ever-worsening domestic violence. One day while his father is taking a nap, the young son decides to take matters into his own hands. In a panic, the wife and son both believe the man is dead and dump him on a roadside. The man survives, however, and returns home weeks later confined to a wheelchair probably for the rest of his life. How will each member in the family cope with this new situation?
Nadja's mother
Summer by the sea. Young Nadja is about to learn how to swim. In the swim-school she is by far the best at swimming on dry land.
Greger Olsson köper en bil
Karin Olsson
Greger Olsson and his wife are expecting their first child and she wants to buy a stroller, but Greger has other plans.
Blue Eyes
Annika Nilsson
Politics, extremism and violence in Sweden. An extreme right-wing party is heading towards its best election result when the chief of staff at the Justice Department disappears without a trace.