Gary Kohn


Church People
Production Manager
America's youth pastor, Guy Sides, is stuck in the mega church marketing machine, and wants to find his passion again. Surrounded by sincere - but zany - church leadership, is everything he needs to renew his faith right in front of him?
Black Tar Road
On a Black Tar Road between nowhere and somewhere, two misunderstood women find love in between the cracks of hardships.
Виндзор Драйв
Ривер Миллер – психически неуравновешенный актер, который оставляет прошлое и едет в Голливуд, чтобы заново начать свою жизнь, только он понимает, что от своих внутренних демонов не избавиться.
Facing certain death, a group of peaceful aliens try to thwart their violent oppressors, in an attempt to preserve their species and humanity.
Bobby Lean
Karen is shopping at a convenience store during which a robbery occurs. Her niece is kidnapped and left seriously injured in hospital. When one of the perpetrators is released, Karen decides to go on a murderous trail of revenge.
White Wall
In the near future, everything has changed. Basic human rights have become the rarest of luxuries. No one knows when this started but everyone knows how. The VXII, the deadliest virus ever created, spread like wildfire and decimated the majority of the world's population. The non-infected survivors now cling to life in four quarantined cities behind a wall. Shawn Kors and his brother, Jude, survived the VXII only to grow up in a squalid internment camp for orphaned children. Under the care of the militia, they were pitted against other children in backwoods death matches. Shawn, Jude, and the few who escaped became notorious for their incredible fighting skills. They have since parted ways. Shawn now makes a comfortable living as a janitor at the local medic station. He spends his days dreaming of curing the VXII. When Shawn discovers the discarded body of a fellow internment camp friend, he is forced out of hiding and pulled into a rabbit hole of conspiracy and violence.
Awaken the Dead
Two down and out strangers are brought together by mysterious letters into a safe house as the world around them is infected by an experimental virus that transforms the living into the living dead. She is a former prostitute hiding from the world. He is a former assassin turned priest who has renounced violence. Together they must unravel the mystery of the letters if they hope to survive.
Запретная дорога
Norris Wheldon
Теплым сентябрьским вечером профессор колледжа Итан Лернер, его жена Грейс и их дочь Эмма посещают сольный концерт. Их 10-летний сын Джош играет на виолончели — красиво, как обычно. Его младшая сестра смотрит на него, и родители гордятся своим сыном. На обратном пути домой они все останавливаются на бензоколонке у Заповедной дороги…
Почти знаменит
Roadie Gregg
История о том, как простой американский мальчишка Уильям Миллер волею случая стал корреспондентом авторитетного музыкального журнала «Роллинг Стоун» и отправился по заданию редакции в турне с группой «Стиллуотер». В компании суровых рокеров, юных фанаток и бурлящих в крови гормонов парень делает свой первый шаг в полную удивительных приключений взрослую жизнь расклешенных семидесятых. И уж, поверьте, эти самые приключения не заставят себя ждать!
Me and Will
Two women with a passion for motorcycles meet while going through rehab. When they discover they've both longed to ride Captain America's red, white, and blue chopper from Easy Rider, they escape the rehab clinic and hit the highway in search of their dream bike.